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I'm a thinker, an inventor, a crafty person. I'm open minded. I'm a father of 7 kids. I'm a Navy Vet
Budweiser Clydesdale green driver uniform?
What is the history on the uniform worn.
1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years agoSegmented circle lights Has anyone ever seen this?
I have been in General Aviation for nearly 15 years. I do maintenance of my facility and assist at two others. I have been told by an inspector that our segmented circles need lights. Really? We use Glowing wonder wind cones. Prior to me being at these airports it was said the had the wind cones with the flood lights above the cone shining down. Even with this type of lighting it would not illuminate the segmented circle 50 feet from the wind cone pole, and the pattern segments at nearly 80 feet to their furthest edge. Adding flood lighting to the wind cone pole under the cone would pose the threat of added ground clutter, washing the visibility of the orange cone out, be blinding to aircraft landing or taking off on the RW adjacent to the segmented circle at Midfield 250 feet of center line. Adding lighting on the ground would require multiple lights on breakable fixtures and pose the same problems as mounting on the pole.
So, are any of you aware of an airport with segmented circle lights?
Also do you see that lighting of a segmented circle may cause more problems than solutions?
2 AnswersAircraft9 years agoWith out the moon what would happen?
Lets say our moon orbits astray for earth. Now the moon is gone and in the night sky all we see are the stars, planets, and okay our moon but far far away.
What will our ocean levels do?
Would temperatures decrease at night?
Would animals be able to adapt to the loss of the moon in time to keep from becoming extinct?
What else may change?
6 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade agoWhy can't people ask question with enough detail on here.?
I have been on Answers for some time now and have seen toooooooo many questions asked improperly.
How many time do you come across a question with just the subject header filled and nothing in the body.
How about the ones that keep asking the same question over and over again, day after day, week after week, month after month.
Cant they do a quick search to see if any questions have been asked already on the topic they are seeking and answer to. Okay say they did and they found some already but none pinpointing what they are seeking, then be more precise than the others.
A broad question only deserves a broad answer. A detailed Question does deserve a detailed answer.
I'm tired of guessing on what the question it asking, and trying to give the best advice possible on what they could be asking.
How about the ones I'll give the best answer 10 points or even 11 points. Give me a break! Its not about the points its about the information and knowledge.
Thanks in advance, What????? How about keeping up to the answers to your question and responding to posters. Once you are given the information you need or before the end of your questions time pick the BEST ANSWER and give an answer why.
Keep track of your question, If a person responds and they require more information from you it would benefit to edit your question.
All this said don't give out personal information, or products serial numbers. Be smart.
For this rant I'd like to know if you answer questions are you tired of these pointless askers and love to hear your rant.
Form your answers:
Yes or No
(your rant)
11 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoYahoo Answers do people really give them?
This question and with many others on this sight are real questions that are looking for real answers. I come to find many questions that I answer with well thought out answers and links for further information to be littered with answers like " what, I have know I dea what your talking about" or "why don't you search for it using yahoo or google" and some just "thanks for the 2 points". What the heck?
I have seen some people complain about long questions? Well It is what it is a question. And if you can answer it then do so if not move on to another.
I've seen others asking the questions stating that answers were to long. Be glad that some one was willing to try and answer your question indepth and with some background.
So now my question "Is Yahoo Answers people helping others or just a game for people to see how many points they can get?" Also any other remarks are welcome. Reports of abuse of this posting will be reported.
7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoWhat changes have you suffered from global warming?
Come on people on a personal level.What changes have effected you by what is said to be global warming.
Did you let the dog out back to potty and he caught fire?
Did you make a jug of sun tea and when you put some over ice in your cup the ice melted quicker than the day before?
Or do you live at the beach and the ocean is 1 inch closer to your back door than last year?
I want to hear P E R S O N A L ACCOUNTS of what GLOBAL WARMING is doing to you.
10 AnswersEnvironment1 decade agoThe Penny do we need it?
The penny now cost 1.2¢ to make. So is it now worth more? Should we cash in our bills for rolls of pennies? Or should we get rid of the penny from our currency? Could we get rid of it from our day to day life? With out the penny being currency would people bend over to pick them up? Would there be no more penny banks? Would there be no good luck from finding them on heads. President Lincoln how would he fell about this dismissal of the penny?
In economical times of inflation our national currency of a penny has exceeded its own worth. Looking to the future I say we change the penny to 2.5¢. :)
7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoDoes history have any thing to do with our future?
How many people look back further than just the time they remember, to see through the course of time how things have changed. The decisions of today are the first steps of tomorrow and have changed the day after for ever.
If you plant a oak tree in the spot you are to be burred on upon your death. Upon the approach of your death you visit this tree and see the beauty of it. But you time is now come, do you remove the tree or change where you are to lie for eternity so others may enjoy the beauty of this magnificent tree?
12 AnswersHistory1 decade agoIn 50 words or less what do you love about being American?
Here we are at the 4th of July 2006 celebrating our Independence set forth from our for fathers. We are given life, liberty, and the Proust of happiness. What makes you love America ond/or being an American.
26 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade agoTop Blog sites?
My space seems to have jumped to the frount lately. I know of a dozen more Im on, how about you all? What's going to be the next MySpace?
1 AnswerInternet2 decades agoWhats in a Washington Apple?
The mixed drink a Washington Apple, whats in it and amonts of each please.?..
1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink2 decades agoGravity on earth?
Is earth's gravity the same everywhere? Or at the poles do objects more or less than the equator?
8 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology2 decades agoTatoo's, skin art, ink?
Links to some hot work, I'm looking for some Ideas and just love the ink art, Im not looking for the normal google, yahoo image stuff I have viewed alot of that I'm looking for something more personal something I havent seen before.
4 AnswersOther - Visual Arts2 decades agoWho has the best talk show?
Name the best Show, and the topic you like them talking about most..
6 AnswersOther - Social Science2 decades ago