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Does history have any thing to do with our future?

How many people look back further than just the time they remember, to see through the course of time how things have changed. The decisions of today are the first steps of tomorrow and have changed the day after for ever.

If you plant a oak tree in the spot you are to be burred on upon your death. Upon the approach of your death you visit this tree and see the beauty of it. But you time is now come, do you remove the tree or change where you are to lie for eternity so others may enjoy the beauty of this magnificent tree?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hummm I look back to my past but only think of the far past during holidays I guess. The Tree part I know what I'd do for sure. Id have it to be my family tree. Upon my death I'd be cremated and be reduced to life's simplest form, carbon and ash. I would place some ash in an stainless cylinder and be buried up under the tree between the roots. and the rest spreed around the base of the tree. I'd have a monument paced stating this tree was the family tree of the ********* family. With in this tree you would see: (then list names and dated) I'd ask for other family members to too be placed there. Think I'm going to look for a tree and a quiet place on earth to rest for eternity.

  • 1 decade ago

    The universe as I sometimes think works exactly like fractals. We grow up to a certain extent, stop and we shrink then die and then life is renewed and keeps going. You are asking a question that has no one view.

    If there are billions of people on earth, do you believe that ants will be counting how many feet are there to stump them.

    As for people, we do not stop and think. We keep moving continuously until something grave and then we say: If it only happened that way or this way (or even both ways and I can choose the best of two, we don't have this choice LOL)

    It is up to us to think as we move. We don't stop on the highway to think if you need to go 90 or 120 before taking course.

    For your last sentence, there is a saying in the muslims' tradition that goes similar to the following: "when you see judgement day near and you have a tree, plant it. Your good deeds are what count."


    I do not want to write an essay!?!?!

  • 1 decade ago

    I do... Do you know why Rome fell? Simple the Romes got fat and lazy, So fat and lazy they ask the Vikings to watch there borders. The first night the Vikings where to watch the boards for the Romes, they invaded Rome and it fell. Just like Bush is asking for Ahab's to watch ours. So get ready for it because "History repeats itself.Because of those who do not look any farther then the here and now.

    As for the tree thing: I would remember life as it was for me and hope those I leave behind have the some if not better... And by better I don't mean more things (TV, Video games etc.) I mean that there will still be something in the world that is good

  • Gail M
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Will if it had not been for World War 1 my family wouldn't have come here to Canada to settle. Hitler wouldn't have come into power causing millions to die and forming a political party and ideology that doesn't want to die either. New countries would have been form because of World War 1 and the after math of World War 2. America wouldn't have become the great power it did because of World War 1 and World War 2. Do you see my point people should look back at history to see why they got here and in some cases see how it help to shape them into being the people they are today. Of course a lot of people don't look back in history to understand the movers and shakers who effected the decisions people made to come to North America if they did look back at into the past they understand why they are the way they are.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Of course.

    History is where we've come from and the path that has been taken thus far. We can look at it to understand where we have come from, where we are, and why we are the way that we are.

    By knowing our history and looking into the future, we can determine in a general sense where we are. Then, looking into the future, we can act in ways that shape the course of future history in the direction and ways we would like to see it go.

  • 1 decade ago

    If we do not learn from the mistakes of our passed we are destined to repeat it. So to that extent our passed does impact our future. As our predecessors began consuming fossil fuels and we continue to do so we have continuously been having an affect on our future.

    As far as the tree goes when you die your body turns to worm food so why destroy a tree just to bury your rotting corpse?

  • 1 decade ago

    History gives a perspective.One can simply learn a few things.

    Exhuming past may not help in some cases, particularly that brings pain.Past is dead but future hold promise and offers opportunity to display human qualities.

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    It is said that unless we know history we are doomed to repeat it. But it seems that even though we may know history, we still repeat it. History at least gives us some lessons and shows us where things have gone wrong. At least it give us an opportunity to reflect and maybe if one takes the advice circumvents additional disasters.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    nicely i imagine if historic previous does repeat it self then we could consistently comprehend a thanks to over come it i wager, i advise if we've the different hitler then that's undesirable so direction yet we can pull by like we did back then so keeping that per chance we do not have children is somewhat stupid because they are going to struggle through no remember wat the project is. yet in some methods we may be able to believe our destiny like scientist would stumble on a thanks to remedy maximum cancers :)

  • 1 decade ago

    yes it is part of our past our past is linked to our future think of afamily tree past ancestors concieved children and they did and so on so here you are today and most likley you will spawn your own genersation of kids and so on they are the future generations

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