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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 1 decade ago

Does anyone else hate Twilight but love Vampires?

I love Vampires i think they are fascinating. but if i ever say that i get lumped in with the Twilight groupies. does anyone else wish Twilight had never been written. it's totally ruined vampires for me! Vampires are supposed to be dark and mysterious beings that feed on human blood, not fall in love with humans. i read those books just so that i'd have the right to complain about them because i hate people say, 'oh (insert title of movie/book) sucks' 'have you read/watched it?' 'No.' 'Then shut up.'

i just want to know if anyone else feels this way?

*grumbles about stupid f***ing sparkly vampires*


for those of you that like Twilight and Vampires, do you only like Vampires *because* of Twilight? or did you like them before?

44 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Absolutely! Anne Rice was around first anyway! Goddamn glittery vampires.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well for one thing, THANK YOU for reading something before judging it, seriously deciding you hate a book/movie or anything before seeing/reading it is just stupid to me.

    and yeah , I love vampires <3. two of my friends have this thing for blood, it's weird wait no 3 haha, I forgot one :P anywho, I read the whole twilight series and I liked it at first, but the movie sucked BIG TIME, and the book got more credit then it really deserved. Till now I still don't get all the fuss about it, and with new moon coming it's not going to end soon * painful scream* ..* sigh* and yes, sometimes I wish it had never been written..cause I resent it now..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ok Ill answer both of youf questions.

    First I do not hate Twilight! I actually like it and I am reading Eclipse at the moment and I really like it.

    and no i liked vampires WAY before i read or even knew about Twilight.

    I think vampires are awesome! i would love to be one!

    altho what u said "Vampires are supposed to be dark and mysterious beings that feed on human blood, not fall in love with humans" i kinda agree but oh well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I love Twilight. No, I don't love Twilight, actually. It's poorly written, and I shake my head in shame when someone tries to argue otherwise. People don't love Twilight, they love the characters, which I have to admit, I'm in love with, too. Yes, I did like vampires before Twilight. When I was in... 2nd grade probably, I thought I was one. Yes. I was a very, very bizarre child. And I still am. XD Sorry if anyone found this offensive.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I Love The Idea Of Vampires, I Find Them Intriguing.

    Twilight Has Completely Killed The Darkness Of This Trait And Turned It Into A Teenage Crush.

    It's Annoying, But It Will Blow Over.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Me I love vampires but hate that movie. These kids need to watch Interview With The Vampire now that's a good vampire movie.

  • 1 decade ago

    i have to agree with you, vampires are supposed to dark and mysterious. besides there are all these twilight fanatics at my high school. they don't know the true meaning of vampire. twilight is just a love story that demeans vampires true image.

  • I am a lifelong lover of vampires (I'm 40 years old) & I think this "Twilight" craze is absolutely ridiculous. I wish Blade would kick Edward Cullen's sparkly butt! Bram Stoker is probably rolling in his grave...

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't hate twilight but i think it's very childish

    and i'm pretty sure every teenage kid watched that crap...

    but who am i to judge

    oh btw i love Vampires, everything unnatural just fascinate me

    also werewolves...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes I definitely think vampires are cool - remember the movie with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise? That was a great one. Twillight is a stupid tween movie - not interesting in the least.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The "best" of the book genre was the first 3 (maybe 4 for the fans) Anne Rice "Interview W' Vampire" series...

    And in my humble opinion...

    "Queen of the Damned" was one righteously "best" vampire movie that I have ever seen...THAT movie is so good on so many levels it's not even funny..."

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