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SAAS Bursary and loan help?

I'm trying to apply for saas for uni next year but they say i have to put in my parents income, i know roughly what they earn but i don't think I should have to put it in because I live on my own and I don't talk to them anymore due to a few family problems.

After reading pages and pages of blurb on the saas website, i have to get a letter from a social worker, police officer or a solicitor. I don't know any of them, and I don't know how I could prove to them I don't have contact with any of them.

Any help would be really really great.

Thanks xxxx :)


Dude, you just copied and pasted stuff from the saas site. I've read it all. And that's all about if i live with my parents, which seeing i have no contact with them isn't possible.

2 Answers

  • kez
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have to prove you are self supporting and independent from your parents, i had to do this when i was 18, i had to show wage slips, my lease, blls etc ,and that entitled me to extra support. why not call them to clarify things Also your Uni will have a hardship fund which you can apply to for extra support, you should almost certainly be entitled to support, try making some phone calls and see what you can find out.

    Source(s): my life
  • 1 decade ago

    Hi,The best way to calling them and you explain about situation and also The Bursaries will open up opportunities for students from low income families by helping to cover maintenance and study related costs during their time at Imperial.

    More information:

    If you are assessed as a home student by Imperial, and you receive a Maintenance Grant, you will be eligible for a Study Support Bursary. To be eligible for the maximum bursary of £3,300, you must be in receipt of the maximum Maintenance Grant (£2,906), obtain three A grades at A level and have made Imperial your firm choice. The table below shows the bursaries available at particular levels of income:

    Level of Residual Income Level of bursary for 2009 entry

    £25,000 or less £3,000*

    £25,001 - £30,000 £2,000

    £30,001 - £35,000 £1,000

    £35,001 - £40,000 £500

    £40,001 - £45,000 £400

    £45,001 - £50,020 £300

    *A further £300 will be added to your bursary if you gain three A grades at A level. Equivalent results in alternative qualifications may also be considered.

    Bursaries are available for each year of your course up to a maximum of four years, and excluding any repeated years of study. Your bursary will be reviewed each academic year to account for any changes in your family's income.

    How do I apply for a bursary?

    You do not need to complete a separate application form for a Study Support Bursary. However, you must apply for means-tested support from the Student Loans Company (or equivalent funding authority) and agree to share this information with us. We can then view your household income details on the Student Loans Company portal and assess your entitlement; note the portal will only provide the information we need to assess your entitlement to a bursary from Imperial.

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