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nateums asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

what is the correct next step; in your opinion, for the president concerning the uae torture video?

what's your opinion of the recent leaked torture video? i'm referring to the one that is suppose to be one of the borthers of the uae president. right now, a nuclear deal is sitting on obama's desk for signature, what is the correct next step; in your opinion, for the president?

please no name calling of the president, i'm asking what YOU think he should do in response to it.


i believe it is on youtube already. or, are you saying that the president should sponsor it on youtube in some way for people to watch in order to sway public opinion in a specific direction before taking action?

Update 2:

and by 'taking action' i'm not implying anything, i'm simply saying take his action or make his decision.

Update 3:

myopinion, just to let you know, not ripping, but this is a different video. not of US members waterboarding terrorists, but someone connected to the UAE president torturing a person to death. i heard about it on the news this morning on my drive to work, so i don't have a link, but you can google it i'm sure.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is a link with a narrative.

    It's an interesting dilemma...

    On 1 hand, we have the US, especially obama admin, taking a hard line on "torture", to the point where the previous admin may end up being charged.

    On the other hand we have a very important agreement on the table, at risk...

    If we ignore the vid, and go ahead with the agreement, then that indicates the current "torture" issues here are little more than a witch hunt... but if we shelve the agreement, it puts us in a rather touchy, and unique position, where we would be almost obliged to take the unprecedented step of charging a previous admin for something that may or may not be proven...

    It would open the virtual "pandora's box" for current and future admins... and make the possibility of future charges a political football...

    I say, let the UAE deal with the vid charges, THEN push the agreement... after the UAE cleans house... if they don't, then maybe we should not push the agreement.

    At times, politics is very distasteful...


    "At a desert location under cover of darkness the torture victim, Mohammed Shah Poor, is held down and has sand stuffed down his throat.

    Bullets are then fired near his feet in the sand and he is beaten with a plank of wood from which nails protruded. Salt is then rubbed into his open wounds. An electric cattle prod is also used on part of his body while his genitals are soaked in lighter fluid, which is then set alight.

    The coup de grace comes when Mr Nahyan appears to drive a Mercedes SUV over the victim, accompanied by what seems to be the sound of breaking bones. Mr Nahyan is heard on the video seeming to co-ordinate the torture assisted by uniformed members of what seem to be the UAE police force and army."

    The torture is much different than the waterboarding... lighting the genitals on fire? Sand? Board of nails, running over with a car... or a few seconds of water... I will, and have, taken the water every time.

    Here is the editted ABC news version...

    WARNING, it is rather graphic... watch at own risk, and youtube requires Birth date confirmation to watch...

    Here are TWO, showing our very own "peace activists" actually waterboarding, to prove a point... question, if it is so bad, and truly torture, why are THEY not being charged...?

  • 1 decade ago

    If he was willing to show the part that made the Republicans look bad.. perhaps he should show a tape of the lying Democrats voting for it.... oh yes.. and why not show the stuff Cheney wants.

    Obama is all for open government isn't he.. or was that too a lie?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Maybe he'll ignore it and it won't come up? He doesn't take terrorism seriously. He should resign.

  • 1 decade ago

    Post it on you tube.

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