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bbking48507 asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Am I taking advantage of my dog's OCD behavior?

My female pit bull exhibits some OCD type behavior when it comes to lights that move around. Like when I am using a flashlight, she will chase the light wherever I shine it. She goes nuts when I have one of those laser pointers too. Sometimes if I don't get a chance to exercise her, after it gets dark out I will take her outside and shine the flashlight around the yard and she chases it to no end. I mean, she loves it and even when I just let her out to go pee, she will stand there waiting for me to shine the light. She will run is the same path all the way around the yard and back to where she starts. Sometimes I feel like I am taking advantage of her eagerness to chase the light. It's good exercise for her to run because she is a very active dog and if I don't run her or walk her, she will have a lot of pent up energy. Am I nuts for thinking I'm taking advantage of her?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No you're not taking advantage. With our old APBT we would wait till dusk and take him outside and run him around with the laser. They love it and it's great exercise. But you do not want them to get "addicted" to it, limit the amount you use it with them. Otherwise, like yours is already doing, will chase any beam of light no matter what it is.

    I'd also suggest you getting your girl a spring pole. It is one of the best forms of exercise for an APBT, they LOVE it. My husband and I made our own for our boy. Get a garage spring, two hooks and a rope and hang it up in a tree. Just make sure to keep an eye on her when she uses it, if you get one. But I defiantly recommend one for any APBT owner.

    Heres a link to see how they work (this is actually my old boy on his)

    And just Google ways to make one, there are all sorts of ways to make them.

  • Jen
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I know several people who use laser pointers as a "reward" for flyball. When the dog comes back with the ball, the owners use the laser light, the dog gets to chase it so it's fun and ... they can keep the dog close to their feet and out of the other dogs way by aiming the light right by their feet. Tada!!

    So, no, you're not taking advantage of her. My Aussie like to chase the water coming out of the hose. On hot days in the summer, we'll do that instead of taking a walk. The water keeps us cool and I can sit and relax while he herds water ...

  • 1 decade ago

    A lot of dogs like to chase lights and it is a good way to exercise her if you can't take her for a walk for some reason. However, it shouldn't be her only means of exercise. Make sure you're taking her for walks too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would stop if I were you. My shepherd is the same way, and encouring OCD behavior that is that extreme is not a good thing. It can cause serious mental issues with your dog. Example? My laser pointer use to be on my key ring. Now, whenever my dog hears keys, he will sit and stare at the ground looking for it for at least fifteen minutes, no lie. We use to shine light on the ceilings, and now he just randomly sits in the middle of a room, staring at the ceiling for hours on end. Not the best thing for him, I'm sure.

    So, laser pointers are a no no from now on.

    EDIT: I meant stop if it is seriously compulsive, like my dog. EVERYTIME he hears keys jingle, he looks for fifteen minutes for a light, and there is no stopping him. That is the one time he won't even obey a command from me, he is so obsessed.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No, your not taking advantage of her. She just thinks its a game and its good exercise for her to chase the light.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Be honest your family is not a taxi service. Tell them that the expense of petrol is costing to much for your family to be running around after them. I would sack of user friends like this because they are just taking the p*ss. I get really angry with people who do not say thank you after having a free lift somewhere manners cost nothing ungrateful little sh*ts

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Heck no! My dogs like the laser light more than the cat! I use it in the winter or when it's raining!

  • 1 decade ago

    My dog loves the laser pointer, why should you feel bad, they love chasing it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obsessive Cullen Disorder?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Oh no! I totally have done that myself. It's funny to watch them try to catch it and great exercise for the body and mind.

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