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Do Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe in the same God?

Do Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe in the same God?

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That gets a big NO !!! Muslim's can't swallow this !!!

    Jesus claimed to be God - John 8:24; 8:56-59 (see Exodus 3:14); John 10:30-33

    Jesus is called God - John 1:1,14; 20:28; Col. 2:9; Titus 2:13; Heb. 1:8

    Jesus is the image of the invisible God - Heb. 1:3

    Jesus abides forever - Heb. 7:24

    Jesus created all things - John 1:1-3; Col. 1:15-17

    Jesus is before all things - John 1:1-3; Col. 1:17;

    Jesus is eternal - John 1:1,14; 8:58; Micah 5:1-2

    Jesus is honored the same as the Father - John 5:23

    Jesus is prayed to - Acts 7:55-60; 1 Cor. 1:2 with Psalm 116:41; (John 14:14)

    Jesus is worshipped - Matt. 2:2,11; 14:33; John 9:35-38; Heb. 1:6

    Jesus is omnipresent - Matt. 18:20; 28:20

    Jesus is with us always - Matt. 28:20

    Jesus is our only mediator between God and ourselves - 1 Tim. 2:5

    Jesus is the guarantee of a better covenant - Heb. 7:22; 8:6

    Jesus said, "I AM the Bread of Life" - John 6:35,41,48,51

    Jesus said, "I AM the Door" - John 10:7,9

    Jesus said, "I AM the Good Shepherd" - John 10:11,14

    Jesus said, "I AM the Way the Truth and The Life" - John 14:6

    Jesus said, "I AM the Light of the world" - John 8:12; 9:5; 12:46; Luke 2:32

    Jesus said, "I AM the True Vine" - John 15:1,5

    Jesus said, "I AM the Resurrection and the Life" - John 11:25

    Jesus said, "I AM the First and the Last" - Rev. 1:17; 2:8; 22:13

    Jesus always lives to make intercession for us - Heb. 7:25

    Jesus cleanses from sin - 1 John 1:9

    Jesus cleanses us from our sins by His blood - Rev. 1:5; Rom. 5:9

    Jesus forgives sins - Matt. 9:1-7; Luke 5:20; 7:48

    Jesus saves forever - Matt. 18:11; John 10:28; Heb. 7:25

  • 5 years ago

    Rev Kip - The moon God, WTF? And you're a spiritual leader? Explains a lot about the mindset of a lot of Christians out there... *Shakes Head* Do you not know that Muslims (and many Jews) trace the origins of Islam back to the first child of Abraham, who God also said would the be the father of a great people? So do you hold it against Jesus that his parents weren't christian? Since Mohammed founded the religion, of course he was born into a different one. And those crazy reference you made about the pagan daughters he allegedly worshiped, you need to study a bit more. Mohommed actually denouced all scripture regarding them as "The Satanic Verses" and said such beliefs had no place in a monotheistic relgion. Anyways, on to answering the question. Keep in mind, I speak of the broader Christian mindset, and not the actual religion itself which preaches tolerance of others... Christianity has never liked other religions. To include Judaism. Anyone recall the Inquisition? Or the fact that Pope John Paul II admitted that the church bore some responsibility for the holocaust because of it's intolerence of Jews? Ever heard the age old tale that we use the blood of a christian innocent to make our passover matzah? Christians want to piggy back off of our religion so they have a love hate relationship with us, but overall can't denounce us because they did borrow our God and not the other way around. The straight out hate for Muslims comes from the fact that while Jews just need to get with the program, Islam was formed after the death and hoopla of Jesus. We don't want to grandfather clause him in, but they outright rejected him. Oh, that and Christians seem to be an intollerant lot as it is (much to Jesus's chagrin, I'm sure).

  • 1 decade ago

    1. yes and no. Christians and Jews have the same God since Christians came out of Judaism, and we both understand that. Christians believe that they ahve the same God as the Jews since we are just the "new Jews". Jews dont believe we have the same God since we are following a false teacher and God: Jesus. The same thing for Muslims. Muslims feel they are the "new Christians" in a sense, but we believe that they just made up their own God and copied some of our stories. So Muslims beleive Yes, Christians believe yes to Jews, and Jew believ no.

    2. THey DONT HAVE DIFFERENT NAMES. the different names are just different languages. In a catholic church in Syria, they would say Allah instead of God.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is a definite no. Though all believe in One God, each has very different views about His nature. Christians believe in One God that exists in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Muslims believe in One God that exists in one person. The biggest teaching in Islam is that God is One.

    Jews and Muslims fail to acknowledge the divinity of Jesus Christ. Muslims claim that Jesus was only God's prophet, and Jews think that He was just a great teacher. Christianity says that Jesus was in fact God and that He demonstrated it through His death and resurrection. Jews claim that they are still waiting for the Messiah. In Islam, God is often portrayed as a cruel taskmaster. You must do what He says or else. Also there are no guarantees with the God of Islam. You might do everything He told you to do, and He might still send you to Hell.

    Islam has many names for God, but two of the names are not "Love" or "Father". These two names are central to Christianity. The idea that God is three in One is why "God is Love" makes perfect sense. In the beginning, God did not have a self-love. Instead He was giving glory and honor to the community that He has in Himself. Also central to Christianity is that God does not change His mind or base things on his mood. From age to age He is still the same.

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  • 6 years ago

    Messianic Jews and Christians believe in the same God Yahweh.

    Other Jews do not believe that Jesus is God.

    Muslims and Christians do not worship the same God. The quran lies that we worship the same God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jews and Christians believe in the God of Abraham, Isacc, and Jacob. Muslims believe in some other.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jews and Christians do believe in the same god, Absolutely! muslims uh not so much the muslim god is Alah, they say he tells them to comit suicide and in the process, if they kill a non-muslim they will go to a paradise. ya the god that jews and christians believe in is TOTALLY different from the god that muslims believe in!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    allah is just arabic for god. it is the old testament abrahamic god i believe. anyone feel free to correct me on that, i may be worng. jews believe in the one abrahamic god, but are still waiting for a savior. christians believe in a few gods. the same abrahamic god as the other two. they also believe that jesus IS god, and also the holy ghost. who is a spirit thing. i believe in none of htem, but people can do what they want.

  • 1 decade ago

    People shuldn't fight over religion...that goes against their religion, lol...i just felt like saying that..but wait, don't Jews think they're so smart and everything, and don't believe in Jesus...I'm not sure about Musims...

    So Christians believe in Jesus, and the other two don't..but all three of them believe in...God...


  • 1 decade ago

    They all worship the God of Abraham but they have completely different ideas about him. Whether or not it's the same god becomes a matter of interpretation.

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