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Lv 7
DAR asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

69% of GOP Voters Say Republicans in Congress Out of Touch With The Party Base?

"Just 21% of GOP voters believe Republicans in Congress have done a good job representing their own party’s values, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Sixty-nine percent (69%) say congressional Republicans have lost touch with GOP voters throughout the nation. These findings are virtually unchanged from a survey just after Election Day.

Among all voters, 73% say Republicans in Congress have lost touch with the GOP base.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Republicans say it is more important for the GOP to stand for what it believes in than for the party to work with President Obama. Twenty-two percent (22%) want their party to work with the President more.

Not surprisingly 72% of Democrats say it is more important for the Republican Party to work with Obama, but 54% of unaffiliated voters hold the opposite view.

“To be relevant in politics, you need either formal power or a lot of people willing to follow your lead. The governing Republicans in the nation’s capital have lost both on their continuing path to irrelevance,” Scott Rasmussen says in an analysis this week.


Speaking as a Republican, I think that is about right. What do you think?

What does this say about McCain/Jeb Bush's attempt to sit at the front of empty rooms hoping we conservatives will all show up to be 'led', i.e. shown the light that what they want is what we should want?

Am I the only Republican who thinks they are irrelevant to the direction in which the party needs to go?

Update 2:

And to do the math, if 54% of unaffiliates think Republicans should act like Republicans, not RINOs, and if 73% of the GOP base think that, what does it say about our chances in 2010 and 2012 assuming we actually DO that?

Update 3:

Quirk the problem with Dem's opinion on this is they seem to think we need to define things to THEIR satisfaction, when we only have to define our party to OUR satisfaction.

Update 4:

Boss H, you miss the issue. They have pandered to the Dems, not to the base, at all.

Update 5:

Brad, I think you could be right.

Update 6:

Lorenzo - bingo.

22 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    No. You are not the only Republican who think these Rhino liberal GOP are in no position to be leading this party. I'm totally against this movement to so call " Re Brand " The party. What they're really saying in that they want to Re brand the party, is that they want to move this party to the left, which is what got us in trouble in the first place.The only thing this party need's to do, is stop playing politics like liberal Democrats by parading minorities like Michael Steele around, and get back to true Ronald Reagan style conservatism. God bless.

  • R J
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I watch part of this Glenn Beck deal n Fox and that judge that is always on there made three great points about not following the Constitution, that we need to get rid of the two party government system that are just a like and also go to the state legislatures and have 2/3ths of them go to the feds and tell them to get rid of the tax system in place. beck then said to cut off the money and the politicians would freak out and say "they are taking our toys away".

    It is interesting that the Tea party deal popped up after eight years of wholesale spending, but the democrats have a great built in base as government assistance is worth it's weight in gold. People say it is worth $60,000 a year when you put in the food stamps, assistance housing, and health care. Why would anyone want a minimum wage job. You would have to make about that much to break even and even working two jobs you would never come close to$60,000.

    Republicans have really not been like they are suppose to be just like the Democrats tha voted for the war, the one time they should have stuck to the guns. Have a great 2009!

  • bwlobo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There are some today who suggest that conservatism as a political force is over. But those who write off conservatism as a political force have underestimated the driving compulsion behind traditional faith and American freedom.

    Just looking at who is in power does not reveal the depth of division in the country today and for the reasons that the nation is so deeply divided, may I suggest that conservatism will not only survive but will thrive.

    The result is that secular Americans have had a disproportionate impact on our country over recent years and mainstream Americans are now fighting back with their voting rights.

    America is in a crisis because the wrong people have been making the wrong decisions for too many years. conservatives have an obligation to help lead America to it founding principles of traditional values and limited government. Conservatives must actively shape public policy in the country and inject our values into every part of our shared space.

    So I would suggest that the naysayer put away their shovels because the conservatism is not dead nor in a coma. Conservatives are not and never will withdraw. In fact, we are just getting started.

    Source(s): bwlobo (Star Parker)
  • 1 decade ago

    It's 100% in my house.


    Going to throw this out on the porch and see if the cat licks it up. I'll change my first statement to "In my home 100% of us believe that Congress and the White House Inhabitant are out of touch with what the American People want. I see this Country going in a direction I've never seen before. Both myself and my lifelong Demoncrat wife are now registered as Independents. It is my belief that the GOP has become irrelevant and that the Democrats are about to do the same. It's time for a relevant 3rd Party to fill the void."

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We are basically in a two party system. It's hard to agree with one party when there is a limit of choices. I do agree THe Republican party has lost it's way. I was appalled that the Party attacked the congressmen that voted against the bail out. A majority of the Republican congressmen voted against it and the party heads decided to support it shows something is wrong.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I agree totally. Anyone who attended a Tea Party (I did) can tell you that the mood was 100% AGAINST the Republican Party. I didn't talk to a single person, NOT ONE, who believed the Republican Party was the ticket to getting the country back on track.

    As crazy as it sounds, I believe the Republican base is a lot closer to Ron Paul than any of the so called "leaders."

    The Republican Party's best chance in 2010 is for Nancy Pelosi and Dingy Harry to mess thing up royally between now and then.

  • Brad
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I wish we'd have more Ron Pauls in Congress and fewer big government Republicans.

    If you look at the generic ballot polls for Congress, you'll notice that the Republicans have a 3 point lead because the people have turned against the Democrats in the last 100 days or so. However, Americans are worried that the Republicans will just vote for bigger government once they retake Congress.

    If we ran Ron Paul for president in 2012, I think we could split the youth vote and we could keep the Republican Congress from acting like RINOs, especially with a Republican president who wants to abolish almost everything the federal government does.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    They didn't need to be 'altered", it was clear that our 4 men called for help and the administration refused to send any. Someone in the administration even relieved a 4 star general of his command because he was going to send troops to help the ambassador.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Staying true to your beliefs is more important than winning an election. Moving more to the moderate side is like selling your soul to the devil. I will apply conservative principals in my life and let the chips fall where they may. Religious principals govern my life and have worked well for me. Those that don't want moral judgments of their lifestyles will sadly find out they were wrong.

  • LucySD
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Republicans 'were' doing as the democrats are doing now only the democrats are doing it BIGGERRRRR!

    They now realize it, they realize that people wanted a change, BUT...they also see people didn't want the changes that are being made for them or their country. They see the need to take back the people at the grass roots level. They see the need to quit their spending like they had been. I'd be willing to bet they see the need to get rid of the pork as well.

    Infact since the "hot potato" was caught by them in this election they see a definite need to change their ways and get back to what the founding fathers intended for this country and to take us where we are meant to be...riding the rail on the right track not the "politically correct track"

    Democrats are fulfilling their dreams and agendas and they are forgetting why we have a "We the People" in our Constitution. It's all about them. They shove abortion, gay rights and marriage at us and expect "US" to accept it. Even if it goes against what we believe to be morally acceptable. Worse yet what God finds Unacceptable.

    Leviticus 20:13 and Leviticus 18:22

    "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them."

    Romans 1:26

    For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

    Romans 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

    The 6th Commandment…Thou shalt not kill.

    (A person can believe what they want but we all know that a fetus is not yet a full grown person it is (Growing) and anything growing is living.) It like planting seed in the garden if it grows it's living.

    Someday they will account for these things

    *Matthew 12:36 *But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

    I don't think the Republican party is irrelevant I think they just lost touch and sight of their true job..."the people" and now they want it back. I send emails to politicians on a almost daily basis when they are making laws for me it better have something I find acceptable.

    One of my favorites is to tell them to repeat this prayer "Dear Lord put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth"

    I just don't think when the people voted for Obama, they knew what they were actually getting. Did they know he would insult Americans on foreign soil? No other president has done that. Did they know that

    he was going for the jugular on capitalism? Did they know he wants to

    to change the U.S. Constitution? Did they know any of the things he was going to do ? Did they know he would pass a bill called :

    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)

    The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will speed the nation's economic recovery, create and save jobs, and provide services to people affected by the recession. Then send $900 million to Gaza?

    What kind of craziness is that? A bill for American to be paid by the American taxpayers and sent to a place full of American hating.

    terrorists. Did they know he would allow his cabinet members to insult Americans calling them cowards on TV to be seen and heard by the rest of the country and the World and not have to apologize?

    Republicans will strike while the iron is hot and have duly noted these errors. So all the percentages in the world will Not change my mind about what I believe.

    You see when I turned 21, I thought I was a democrat when I turned, , 62 I discovered I was kidding myself, I've always been a Republican. I just wasn't mature enough to recognize it. Now I'm almost 71 and thank God I found out.


    I think my answer is as long as your post. LoL!

    Source(s): Myself
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