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Love vs Lust What is the difference between the two?

So what is the difference between the two? Can you move from one to the other in a relationship and still have the relationship work? Is one more enjoyable over the other?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lust is the first thing that develops when you are attacked to someone. It is completely superficial. Love is was endures after the high feeling of lust are gone. Love is what makes you stay with someone even thought the butterflies and feelings of lust are gone. Love is when you want to do all you can for someone not expecting anything in return. Lust is when you think about what that person can do for you they can meet your needs and not how you can meet theirs.

  • 4 years ago

    Love Vs Lust

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Lust Vs Love

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): #1 Groundbreaking Betting Software -
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I will say that you should probably leave and get a divorce knowing what you know, unless you think that you could stay with your husband and have a loveless marriage. You are taking the chance of not finding another man to make you feel the way this other man does, if he doesn't leave his wife. It is a choice that you have to make, because no one should have to live and be unhappy. Since you have talked with your husband and the truth is told you may have a new respect for this man because he still wants to make you happy. I just said this to someone the other day, that some people use a dating service and they meet and think that this is the one, but what if the really best person doesn't sign up for a month after you do and you never meet. Who is to say who is the best for someone except the person that is looking. Complicated, but then life can be. Could you live a great life with the first man, sure because you didn't know about the second one. I guess it comes down to making the best with a bad situation. I think a marriage counselor is the best bet, maybe not to save the marriage, but to help you both figure out a good solution for the both of you. I do think that you love your husband, but are as you say not in love with him, the way a man and woman should be.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lust is just a physical attraction that wanes away at the slightest change of appearance/situation etc. Love is unconditional flow of affection towards a person without expecting anything in return. Even when the other person is rude or unkind to you, treats you definetly in a very bad way compared to how he treats others,his love is directed towards somebody else its very difficult to stop the affection from flowing. The saddest part is when it is love from ur side and the other person doesn't even realise it or all his attention is directed some where else.

  • Isha
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    they both go hand in hand...

    Lust is the first thing tat develops followed by love ...

    Lust is the attraction n heat - love is a feeling and need for tat person..

    You can lust over any woman / man - but fall in love with only one..

    Lust can diminish - but true love stays forever

  • 1 decade ago

    with the right ingredients, love lasts.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lust wears off when a new person comes around.

  • 1 decade ago

    you'll know when you feel it...

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