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Is it bad to take a pain killer such as a lorotab or vicodin?

People say theyre really powerful and make you feel kinda different.

Is it bad if I were to just take one, even if I am not feeling any pain?

If this helps, I sometimes take benadryl or tylenol pm to get to sleep and help me sleep in.


If I try it out just once will I be okay?

10 Answers

  • ..
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    haha, i think it's fine.

    one wont do sh*t, though.

    if you're looking for something to help you sleep, i would suggest getting a prescription sleep medication.

    but i mean, i take vicodin all the time, i don't really think it's that bad.

    it doesn't really make you feel any different unless you take more than one.

    it's not like you'll hallucinate or anything.

    just as long as you don't get hooked.

    i agree with casey. :D

  • 1 decade ago

    no, these are not good to take if you just need help sleeping these pills are basically opiates and are used as pain killers not sleep aides and they can also cause respiratory failure as well. They are also very addicting in a short period of use.I would suggest talking to your doc if you have having trouble sleeping. But try some natural ways first try sleeping with the tv and everything off, or reading before you go to bed. Also do not drink any caffeine 5 hrs before you normally go to bed (this is why a lot of people experience sleeping trouble) this means any caffeinated soda,tea or coffee.Chamomile tea is also said to help calm the nerves as well as the smell of lavender. They also say that exercise helps to reduce insomnia as well. When going to bed try to relax more, the more busy your mind is thinking about things the harder it is to fall asleep. Just Google natural ways to help you sleep and read thru some links. Once you have tried a good portion of them (especially the exercise and no caffeine) and if you see no changes then talk to your doctor as he can prescribe you something and possibly come to a conclusion as why you cant sleep. Also if you take a vic or lortab not for pain just because it can have the opposite effect and get you jumpy and you might not be able to sleep.

    Source(s): nursing student
  • 1 decade ago

    Ok, those medicines are pain medicines & should be taken only when your pain is moderate, such at level 5-7 out of 10. They do make you extremely drowsy & you should not drive or operate any heavy machinery, etc. when taking it. Taking too much Lortab (or anything else with acetaminophen in it) can cause a bleed in your intestines, stomach, etc. Also, Narcotics in general (Lortabs & Vicodin are examples) slow down the body's process of peristalsis. Peristalsis is the movement that regulates food digestion & excretion. In simple terms, you can get pretty constipated taking these drugs regularly.

    As with all narcotics, there is a risk for addiction.

    Your best best is to stick with the Benadryl, not the Tylenol PM either. Tylenol PM= acetaminophen.

    You'll be ok after just once. But I wouldn't advise taking it regularly.

    Source(s): I'm a nurse. ;)
  • 1 decade ago

    If you are not in pain then taking pain killers shouldnt be an option. If you continue to take these types of pills, your body becomes immune to the dosage requiring you to take more. This is how you get addicted. Then what happens when you actually do need them for pain and they are not working because you are immune to them?????

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  • 1 decade ago

    one wont do anything. at least it doesn't to me, just takes away my pain..2 on the other hand i felt like crap all night. some can take them and feel fine. my ex's friend took 5 and he said he felt wonderful. 1st time i did that and i will never do it again.

  • 1 decade ago

    well it is powerful in some cases but take it too much, like Elvis did in his time, it can result in death. but just take only a little bit of it and you should be fine.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are extremely physically addictive.

    Personal experience.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It isn't bad but the government says it is illegal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    HAHAHA. you're the funniest person i've ever met.

    yes, you'll be fine. unless you abuse the pill.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    those arent even strong...

    Source(s): oxycontin
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