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  • How can I ask my mother for forgiveness?

    Since the past several years, me and my mom fight, clash, argue and such that we tend to not talk for a couple days. Just a couple months ago (Christmas day) she saw a text on my phone of how much iI hated my parents and such and she was really furious about it and wanted to kick me out of the house. Then last week, she saw more of my text on my phone and found one that i hated my mom then she just had enough and she just wanted me out of the home and not wanted to let me stay and have another chance. Then meand my dad had a private conversation at a park and telling me that I shouldnt be saying such things about them and how much hes doing so much for us. I felt guilty about it and I honestly get carried away and talking stuff behind their back and just wanted to get it out of my chest rather than bottling up. Is there a way that i can get her to forgive me without starting another argument/fight? As of now I decided that I just dont want to talk bad about them and keeping it to myself and helping them out as much as i can. Thanks and im just having some hard time about it.

    1 AnswerFamily6 years ago
  • Had the worst nightmare in my life?

    I dreamed about my former crush was with a guy (a friend of mine). They were flirting, playing around a little and i was right there seeing it all happened. After a few minutes, i broke into tears and ran back inside my home and screamed and yelling "Why!?" on my pillow. Before this dream happen, she told me that she doesn't really wanted to be in a relationship with anyone and i was ok with it and want to remain as friends until we just stopped talking after that. As of them it just blew my head wide open and can't even sleep. Help?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Had the worst nightmare in my life?

    I dreamed about my former crush was with a guy (a friend of mine). They were flirting, playing around a little and i was right there seeing it all happened. After a few minutes, i broke into tears and ran back inside my home and screamed and yelling "Why!?" on my pillow. Before this dream happen, she told me that she doesn't really wanted to be in a relationship with anyone and i was ok with it and want to remain as friends until we just stopped talking after that. As of them it just blew my head wide open and can't even sleep. Help?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation7 years ago
  • Is it worth it to live with a cousin?

    In about 5 months from now, I will be moving in with a cousin of mine since she offered me a room at a good price. The reason I want to know is that there are a lot of apartments that are good but it's rather expensive even if it was just a studio and family problems for the past several years. So is it worth it at all to live with a good cousin?

    2 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Help me with Sims 3 Pets setup?

    I just got it today. I already installed both the base game and Pets. I tried to launch the game and this is what i get "Setup cannot continue because programs associated with The Sims 3 are currently running. Please stop these applications before attempting to run The Sims 3 Pets setup."

    What can i do from here?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • How to explain something to a religious mother?

    My mom is a very Catholic person (on a high level and going to more extreme level sooner or later) and just a couple months back she forced me to attend a Catholic class for my first Communion and Confirmation. I generally felt like it wasn't a "true" communion and confirmation because she just forced me into it rather than just asking me and giving me thought and time about it before all of that. I really oppose their views but my mom counter attacks by simply saying that im too lazy and wanting to play games all day. That's true but I done a lot of work for them and so many favors for them and I SHOULD get some kind of credit like maybe not going to church with my parents when asked and im 20 and i can pretty much take care of myself at home and i dont do anything radical at our home. So is there a way to talk to my mom about my beliefs and views without ever starting such a fight and a huge argument and by then leading me to getting kicked out of the house just because of a small issue that i wanted to bring up?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How can i explain this to my mom without starting a fight...?

    Well as far as i know.. my mom is very religious about being catholic and such. For me... i don't really believe in such but in some ways yes. I honestly think in my opinion we can all live a good life without ever stepping into a church or so and have good morals and knowing things from right to wrong (even then outside of things such as... playing violent games leading to a bad which it doesn't as i do too but i dont act like that in such ways. I would want and wish to explain it to my mom that i don't believe their views but at the same time i really fear that she will retaliate bad enough and just putting me down saying that im saying it just because i wanted to stay home and play games all day. That may be logically true but im just only expressing my opinion and it feels like i CAN'T express ANY opinion at all... or even then i don't have rights. Yeah i know some of you people will say "well you live on their by it"...what im trying to say, its just that i don't want to start a huge fight between me and my mom just because im expressing my opinion and thoughts about it and not threatening it in any way shape or form and i respect her views and just leave it at that. So is there a way to go around it or just...go with the flow?

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Can atheists and/or agnostic people live a good life?

    Well apparently my mom was once a "go to church rarely" to now a "hardcore" catholic woman. Hey i understand her views about God and such but for my im agnostic and yeah i was baptized but i don't want to be confirmed or have my first communion (for maybe who knows why... making our family famous because of our business or anything). My mom things that i play violent video games that it even offends God.. to which its kinda illogical because it's just a video game.. im not ever planning or even then thinking of doing such thing in real life just because of a game says its "fine". i played those type of games but i never once did anything wrong outside of that. I helped my friends with any kind of troubles they need, i helped my family, and so on and never once thought of doing violent things and so on. I would think that i want to live my life being agnostic without ever attending to church but i will pray once in a while for other things..other than that i can probably live a normal life after college, having a good paying job, a roof, maybe a pet, and living my own without ever attending church once or even then.. if my mom just slams me with the bible or words from the bible as if... ill end up like those people that shot innocent people at malls, etc. or living a lonely life will cause me to have a bad life just because i never attended church or read the Bible. I mean i have a right to an opinion about our religion and freedom of speech in our family not one opinion or statement about our family religion is a "life or death" moment. Just a side note, me and my mom recently talked about me not attending to catholic class just because i felt like i dont want to attend but at the same time i wanted to then she goes off on me saying im doing that because im lazy and wanted to play games the entire time? That maybe logical but the last half it was that i felt like our religion doesn't make sense to me of how i want to control my life by the church law and the bible.. i mean playing call of duty is bad when i actually play it all the time and never thought once of shooting real people and just having fun when i got nothing to do? or even being on the computer long enough that its bad as well when im doing studying and doing homework?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Can you register for a class but have not yet went to their workshops?

    I want to take some dental assistant classes in my college, but their workshop is not until next week or so. Is it possible to register for the class but have not yet went to their workshop yet and have not yet been accepted into it?

  • Is my ex girlfriend a bit...ignorant?

    Reason why..we broke up about a year ago and it only lasted about 4 months into our relationship. After a couple of months, i wanted to talk to her just only to see what is going on with her after the break up and she said to me "What do you want" i mean i just say a simple hi to her and that's it..She thinks that i still like her and want to be back with her...i already moved on after that and i have no intention of getting back with her at all. So is she a bit stubborn just because of the break up?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is it possible to date someone that has the same birthday?

    I share a birthday with my girlfriend (October 21 and as Libras for those Sun signs out there lol). I felt like she was perfect for me because i really feel like she is my other half of me (considering we both share similar experience over the past for example bad relationships, some trouble in and out of the household, etc.) and we share the same common thing that we like to do and so on. I was wondering, it possible to date someone that has the same exact day and month (i dont really know about the year)? If it is, how is that so?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • is it possible to live alone and be happy at the same time?

    Recently, my mother and I have got into serious talk about me living alone. I decided that i want to live alone after a couple of years or so when i finish college. My mom said that its "dangerous" to live alonea and told me a story (in her words it was real as she said) that an old lady nearly died because of a slip and fall from a wet floor and broke her leg and no one was there nearly the whole day until her neighbor stopped on by to check on her and knew what was going on. I can't be sure if that was real or a simple scare tactic just to force me to have like some friends to trust on but to me i WOULD want to have like a good friend i knew of but i dont want to create such drama in and around an apartment and then so on. I also want to live alone because i want to have some kind of relief, peace, and quiet that i needed after about a few years working with my parents and being called on upon them so much and starting arguments and small fights. Then afterwards, never to speak a single word to them for who knows how long...or maybe call them every year or so. So is it possible to live alone and be happy (not counting the job)?

    2 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Has throwing a baby shower gone too far?

    Recently i found a invitation that my parents got was going to be a baby shower this coming november. i scanned a bit from it and found out that its going from 12 PM till 8PM. i was wondering..why this long? should it be a normal baby shower running for about 2-3 hours not just 8 whole hours? i remember back about last year, my aunt threw a baby shower from about 4 until 10 or 11 in the evening and everyone was drinking beer, loud music, etc. In other words, has baby showers gone too far and only inviting people just to drink, dance, and staying up until the dead of night all for a baby thats not yet to be born withing a few weeks later instead of the normal of giving a gift and asking of what it is then leave after a couple of hours?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • will the Wii U be stronger against hackers or will it continue on?

    ever since the Wii came out years ago, it was filled with hackers due to the "homebrew channel" and been using it for basically for cheating purposes rather than "modding". in my opinion, modding is another form hacking regardless how everyone says its not because it requires for one to hack the system in order to do the hacking. back to the question... is the Wii U will now combat against hacking or is it still yet unknown to the public because i really hate hacking with a passion.

    3 AnswersNintendo Wii9 years ago
  • will she forgive me or not?

    well i been with her for almost a year (a month and 7 days left till our 1 year). ive been messaging her for quite some time and havent heard from her since last week. so i told her on facebook that i love her so much and all (it was a long message) and then a few minutes later a reply came and it wasnt from was her mom. so she said that she got into trouble (yet i didnt know about it) and stuff. so i kinda have a bad feeling that she will break up with me because of it and not knowing that she got into trouble. later on ill say that i was sorry that i didnt knew that she got into trouble and sending the message to which her mom was using while she was grounded. so will she forgive about it or im done for? im just worried about whats going to happen :(

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I can't get the protube update?

    As of now I recently found out about the new update for the protube app (jailbroken) since the app crashes when I try to play a saved video (the new update says that this have been fixed). So I wanted to get the update but it doesn't seem that I can't obtain it or something is wrong. By the way, it's an iPod touch 2nd gen. If I can get it for If not then is there a way to get the new update or do I downgrade it?

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • What the heck is going on?

    I get an email about WoW and I NEVER play it but for some reason saying that it's in investigation for selling the account...umm I never played nor will I it some person using it for some random reason or what is it really going on?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Jobs that pay well without a college degree of anytype?

    I'm thinking about finding such a job that pay around $35K or less (no not mcdonalds because that's only obvious thing in the world)but without a degree of ANY kind (to further research some say that a BA or masters may be equal to a high school diploma). I know money is hard to come by due to the economy and I stopped going to college since my dad told me that I can't go anymore because of me taking the same classes over and over again ( English and math to be precise). I'm planning to move into like a studio that's a little less than 800 a month with some paid utilities and budget will be tight in order to same some cash for the future. So is there some out there?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Does my iPod touch have spotty Internet signal?

    I have a iPod touch 1st gen and I recently connected to the Internet and it worked fine as normal until I was looking for something then all of a sudden..I got disconnected after a few seconds or so. I tried to re-enter the wep key after forgetting the network and to no still won't get signal even if it was like 10 feet away from the router. If it was closer it would be like still barely any sigal. Is there a way to fix this?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking9 years ago
  • Does my iPod touch have spotty Internet signal?

    I have a iPod touch 1st gen and I recently connected to the Internet and it worked fine as normal until I was looking for something then all of a sudden..I got disconnected after a few seconds or so. I tried to re-enter the wep key after forgetting the network and to no still won't get signal even if it was like 10 feet away from the router. If it was closer it would be like still barely any sigal. Is there a way to fix this?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking9 years ago