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How to explain something to a religious mother?

My mom is a very Catholic person (on a high level and going to more extreme level sooner or later) and just a couple months back she forced me to attend a Catholic class for my first Communion and Confirmation. I generally felt like it wasn't a "true" communion and confirmation because she just forced me into it rather than just asking me and giving me thought and time about it before all of that. I really oppose their views but my mom counter attacks by simply saying that im too lazy and wanting to play games all day. That's true but I done a lot of work for them and so many favors for them and I SHOULD get some kind of credit like maybe not going to church with my parents when asked and im 20 and i can pretty much take care of myself at home and i dont do anything radical at our home. So is there a way to talk to my mom about my beliefs and views without ever starting such a fight and a huge argument and by then leading me to getting kicked out of the house just because of a small issue that i wanted to bring up?

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just stop explaining to your Mother. Just accepts her as she is but you too continue with your own ideology. Your this act activates her Ego so she shall not give her ears to your sayings. So live this matter as it is.

    But when of her own when she comes to ask meaning of your views, give your views with positive mind but without bothering whether she will accept or not. Keep cool and be unaffected with her views.

    Each individual has own right to believe what he or she believes.

    But by any chance, if she is really right then you should be ready to accept her views .After all what is The Truth is adoptable.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Ha. It isn't a small issue to your mother, so already you are in the position of not understanding her position and therefore you cannot reasonably argue against it with her. And that you don't understand that it is a huge issue with her adds to the problem in her eyes. So you are in the poor position of not being able to speak in a reasonable fashion with her about your feelings in the matter without it blowing up in your face. Guess it's time to move out so you can talk to her about it on your terms at that time.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Talk to your dad about it and make him understand that you have your own beliefs, and you just want to coexist with your parents peacefully without anybody forcing their beliefs onto anyone. I'm sure he will understand and try to help you sort it out with your mom.

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