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Can atheists and/or agnostic people live a good life?

Well apparently my mom was once a "go to church rarely" to now a "hardcore" catholic woman. Hey i understand her views about God and such but for my im agnostic and yeah i was baptized but i don't want to be confirmed or have my first communion (for maybe who knows why... making our family famous because of our business or anything). My mom things that i play violent video games that it even offends God.. to which its kinda illogical because it's just a video game.. im not ever planning or even then thinking of doing such thing in real life just because of a game says its "fine". i played those type of games but i never once did anything wrong outside of that. I helped my friends with any kind of troubles they need, i helped my family, and so on and never once thought of doing violent things and so on. I would think that i want to live my life being agnostic without ever attending to church but i will pray once in a while for other things..other than that i can probably live a normal life after college, having a good paying job, a roof, maybe a pet, and living my own without ever attending church once or even then.. if my mom just slams me with the bible or words from the bible as if... ill end up like those people that shot innocent people at malls, etc. or living a lonely life will cause me to have a bad life just because i never attended church or read the Bible. I mean i have a right to an opinion about our religion and freedom of speech in our family not one opinion or statement about our family religion is a "life or death" moment. Just a side note, me and my mom recently talked about me not attending to catholic class just because i felt like i dont want to attend but at the same time i wanted to then she goes off on me saying im doing that because im lazy and wanted to play games the entire time? That maybe logical but the last half it was that i felt like our religion doesn't make sense to me of how i want to control my life by the church law and the bible.. i mean playing call of duty is bad when i actually play it all the time and never thought once of shooting real people and just having fun when i got nothing to do? or even being on the computer long enough that its bad as well when im doing studying and doing homework?

8 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    get a colonic

    but don't fart while you're getting one

  • Resper
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Don,t put agnostics with athiest they are way different from each other. Agnosticism shows a respect to God by believing that it cant be known by humans, it shows a humility in agnostics that humans cannot know whether there is a God or not, which is saying we are not smart enough to know, so some agnostics actually have a contempt for the arrogance of humans in thinking they can know God.

    I respect agnostics, even though Im a theist, as I was one myself too.

    A persistent atheist is totally different an atheist has decided there is no God, and has transgressed various things in doing so, and takes a certain arrogance and vanity to even say that.

    but really today whether you have a job or not and obey the governments laws seems to decide if you can have a good life rather than a religous belief in my country. I see plenty of atheists with a good job and high wages, so there life quality is pretty good, this reality has made alot of atheist in sweden, who have seen the reality of there high standard of living brought about by a good job with good wages, and a government that also pays welfare. Religion has no part in that. but good religion does increase morality and character.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    As an atheist, i will in common terms communicate for myself. in assessment to a pair Christians, i do no longer presume to communicate for all who might think of a definite way some specific subject rely. in my view, i come across that a private schedule isn't probable a call for for existence frequently. I spend on a daily basis going approximately my own corporation, going to artwork, coming abode, going to the action pictures, ingesting at a eating place. Amazingly, very almost 6 billion different human beings do comparable issues on a daily basis. some do no longer artwork, some have not got get right of entry to to movies, some have a complicated time finding food, yet all have issues that they do totally for their very own sake. Your thought that a guy or woman - Christian, Muslim, Wicca or Atheist - could have some variety of "schedule" as a fashion to validate their existence is consistent with a defective premise. so a great way as pondering a "meaning" at the back of one's existence, your meaning isn't like a Muslim's, and from a Protestants, or perhaps from human beings on your very church/temple/synagogue. little question, there are people who evaluate themselves Christians and yet have a self/exhilaration schedule. There are additionally Atheists who're greater philanthropic than maximum Christians.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Honestly, there's not much you can do about it. You can't just run away from home because where will you go? Get confirmed. Get your first communion. You can't escape it and it's not like it's going to make a huge impact on your life. You won't wake up a different person.

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  • 8 years ago

    Yes, non-religious people may live a good life, and this is coming from a Baptist Christian. I agree that the Catholic faith is a little intense, and slamming people about their religion isn't usually very fruitful.

  • 8 years ago

    I suppose singing together gives people an emotional lift, but believing in a fantasy is lying to yourself

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Yes, they live good lives all of the time.

  • 8 years ago

    anybody can live a good life if they choose to.

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