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Married Men: Why does my husband do this?

My husband is a great guy and I have very little to complain about. The one thing that really bothers me is that when I call him during the day while he is at work he often times does not answer my call. When and if he calls me back, he is always in a hurry and our conversations rarely last more that 20 seconds. Yet, he takes calls 7 days a week, during dinner, etc. from clients and takes however long is needed to talk to them. He's not cheating, he's attentive and loving in every other way, but this is so frustrating. Any insight as to why he may be doing this?


Yes, I realize he is working. He is the owner of the company so he is the boss. And, we have 3 small children, so it just seems like he would take my calls. I don't call him often...once or twice a day.

Update 2:

Thanks George. I have recommened Proper Care. Feeding of Husbands to many.

When I call it's either about the kids or our business. Not looking for emotional filler or platitudes.

Update 3:

All good points. Thanks for the reality check!

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In this economy, be glad he has a job, let alone a company that's still making a profit. Just remind him that you are there for him. Take on some of his stress so that his health stays good.

    Here's some books that may help.

    The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands

    Dr. Laura Schlessinger

    The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage

    Dr. Laura Schlessinger

    Woman Power: Transform Your Man, Your Marriage, Your Life

    Dr. Laura Schlessinger

  • kim h
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    He is the boss and he needs to work when he is there. You cannot set rules for your employees and then sit on the phone all day. Not much? Once or twice a day is more than too much. If your husband's employees got that many calls in a day from there wives they would be in trouble. You need to leave him alone and call him for emergencies only. I have called my husband at work two times in 17 years.

  • 1 decade ago

    He's just not interested in what you have to say. Alot of times the conversation is not as exciting or enthusing as you may feel it is. I feel the same as you husband may. I get tired of my lover calling me up about something that happened at work or home that is just so boring to listen to. And they never call about a problem or trying to set up an agenda. They just call to talk, vent, or share information. Men are problem solvers and adventure seekers. If it's neither nor, I'll see you when I get home.

  • 1 decade ago

    Gosh! U must have a very happy glowing face on you, because of your hardworking [good provider] husband. Not all wives are fully blessed that way. Some are married to low lifers losers deadbeats that absolutely cannot support them own selves. At least U take extra good care of your husband, because i know some women-wives out there in the real world that absolutely don't know how to take good care of their hardworking husbands.

    edit: Buffalo nickel that U are trying to call him just to say "Honey, I love Uuuuu, that's all I wanted to say". My Ultimate favorite is when "Its time for the quickie", then I pretty much drop everything, just for that.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A lot of men gain their personal identity through their career. His career is obviously important to him. Save your calls for life-and-death situations and stop calling him at work! I'm the same way with my fiance. It's not that I don't love him or want to talk to him, but we both work and his job has a much more relaxed pace than mine. Also, be happy you have a husband who holds down a job and isn't a deadbeat...a lot of women aren't so fortunate.

  • mac66
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Are you willing to pay his going rate to have him talk to you on company time? If you're at home with the kids, THAT IS YOUR JOB. Marriage is a partnership and all I see is him working away from the house to bring home the money, and you wanting him to do your job at home dealing with the kids. Pick up your end and leave the working man alone.

  • 1 decade ago

    He is working!!!

    Most people I know, don't take personal calls at work. I wouldn't take it personally.

    ***So what if he is the boss? If my boss was taking personal calls all day long, I would definitely lose respect for him, my husband is a store manager for a large retail chain, he refrains from taking personal calls as an example to those who work below him.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not think that he means to do it it is just that when he is at work he is just focused on what ever line of work that he is in and he might feel like what ever you called him for can be discussed at home after work. Not to say that what ever you had to say is not important it is but at the time so is work.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Read your question out loud to yourself. The man is at work, he takes call from clients and spends time talking to them. They are clients, clients mean money. Money pays bills. Stop calling him at work unless it is absolutely necessary, wait until he gets home to discuss things that can wait. Stop calling him at work and bothering him, allow him to do his job.

  • 1 decade ago

    you can call during the lunch break

    he is busy working and doesn't have much time to talk on the phone

    clients are the ones that give him busines

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