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So, on this sad yet challenging occasion...?

...can we all give thanks for socialism gone correctly (one instance of many, indeed)?

Today the Space Shuttle Atlantis launched in the final mission to one of the greatest scientific instruments ever conceived, the Hubble Space Telescope (soon to possibly be eclipsed by the LHC, though). This is the fourth repair mission, and capitalists please take note: the first repair mission was due to the mirror producer - a private company (*gasp*) named Perkin-Elmer - who ground the mirror incorrectly...please, is that one of the examples of private greed doing things better than the government?

Launched in 1990 by Shuttle Discovery, the HST has made many unbelievable discoveries, and has photographed some of the finest natural art that exists. Amongst its many achievements (benefiting both private and public enterprise, and humankind itself) , it has:

1) Discovered black holes at the center of 99% of all galaxies (yes, including ours).

2) Given humankind the farthest glimpse backward into time we will EVER have, with the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. Please view this and be prepared to be humbled:

Now the Shuttle crew has launched to perform the most technically difficult mission ever: to keep our HST going for some time now, and giving us - we small humans on a tiny rock among potentially quadrillions - an even better understanding of existence and our infinitely tiny place in it.

And to think...this was all done by a governmental agency...using our money we paid into it as taxes. Indeed, one of the many examples of Socialism's benefits.

So, for those who wish to expand their horizons further - those who look up at the night sky in amazement - feel proud that our government (i.e. the citizens) had the foresight and technology to do what was recently thought impossible. To those who only want what they think is theirs, those who only care how many fellow humans they can shaft with their callous disregard: have fun in your caves.


yaad: most repubs and neocons I witness on here term their taxes as a redistribution of wealth.

Update 2:

jp: JFK said: "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish" man...working through the government, and with our best interests in mind, motivated a nation to do the impossible...Why do you think it can't happen again?

Update 3:

steve: r e a d s l o w l y t h e n

4 Answers

  • J P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your argument seems to be that because Government has accomplished something worthwhile in the Hubble Telescope, we would be better served to allow Government to do all things. Frankly, that's weak. I am a free market capitalist, and I have no interest in shafting anyone. I do, however, appreciate all of the technology, and the highest standard of living that the world has ever seen, thanks to choice and competition. Sorry, but I don't think the government would run a better grocery store.

    Edit: Because I've been to the DMV, I'm familiar with the Post Office, and I've struggled through the process of getting a building permit to put up a fence. NASA was cool, but you can't convince me that the bureaucrats will produce a better cell phone than the technological miracles that get better each year as the result of private companies competing for market share.

  • 1 decade ago

    So you've taken one example of socialism and said that it is good. And to be honest, I do not see this as socialism, since there is not redistribution going on here, rather it is the government working on a project.

    Even if I'm wrong, I think we both know who are the ones actually living in caves.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get a bottle of Scotch set down quietly, drink half and try this again. What you say?

  • 1 decade ago

    I fail to see how this is a question.

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