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how did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant?

17 Answers

  • mi
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I cried

  • So ok, I knew something was up with my body so I took a pregnancy test. It was too early to test because it came up negative. I had been really thinking at that point. I was thinking well I could be pregnant but am I? All that stuff, so when I first tested I was really nervous and scared but getting use to the idea. Then my test came back negative... and I almost cried. I was sad, and still scared. Well a week went by and my back pain was increasing. I went looking for a new mattress and everything. I decided to test again, and it came out positive!!! I was so shocked! My baby was not planned at all... the thought of her was great but she was not planned so if I was not there was a little let down, but when the positive showed up lol I took 5 more tests! I was happy, scared, shocked, worried... and most of all could not believe that I was carrying a little life inside me! :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have had two miscarriages in my past. The Doctor then told me my chances were slim to none that I would ever have a baby. Let alone carry one to term. That was devastating. I told my Husband this before we got really involved. His comment "We can always adopt" :-) 4 years into our relationship I missed my period but really didn't not think anything of it. A co-worker pushed me to buy a test. She said it will come back +. She offered me $50 if she was wrong. I almost fell off my chair laughing. I went home early because I was so sick. Took the test and to my shock it was +. I remember looking at myself in the mirror with my jaw almost hitting the ground. I cried and called my then bf know Husband. He was also in shock. I lost the bet but I had a beautiful baby almost 9 months later.

    2nd baby took 4 more years. I took a test December 31st. My Son was goofing around in the bathroom. Baffled at what I was doing. My Husband was outside shoveling snow. When I looked down at the test and saw two lines I started jumping around and had tears rolling down my face. My Son took the notion and bolted down the stairs. Opened the door and yelled to my Husband "Momma peed on a stick and is know crying" I was embarrassed. The whole neighborhood heard him.

    My last Son took us by complete suprise. We thought we were done. Our Daughter was 9 months. My Husband being chicken would not do the big "V" We really did not prevent a thing but just figured it took so long for our Daughter. My MIL passed away June 5th the day I concieved him. I look at it that was her last blessing. It was a bittersweet shocking suprise. The little ones are 18 months apart.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was sitting on the toilet waiting... I held the test up and saw a second pink line.... my hands started to shake I was unsure.

    My fiance had proposed two weeks before and he had just come out of hospital from feet reconstruction so he would be in a wheel chair for a while.. so I didn't know how we would deal with it...

    I then showed him and he asked if I could do another one (by this stage I wasn't sure he was happy even though we stoped using protection saying if it happened then great if not then fine)

    I did the second one and he looked and cracked up laughing... we both couldn't stop we were really excited... although now I have to wait to try on that wedding dress hehee

    Now 19 weeks on we both just want our healthy child..

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  • 1 decade ago

    With my son I was only 17 and on the pill, so it was a BIG SHOCK..but it didnt take me long to get used to the fact I was going to be a mummy and then I got very excited. With my second pregnancy it was planned and I was completely over the moon and so excited, but unfortunately I miscarried. Now I am TTC again and next time I think I will feel different about it, sure i will be really happy and excited but im also going to be terrified about having another kiscarriage..

  • 1 decade ago

    I was so excited with my 1st pregnancy and

    really wanted a baby.

    Everything was going wrong from the beginning

    because I was bleeding.

    I miscarried @ 8 weeks.

    with my 2nd pregnancy I was so scared at 1st

    because of my 1st pregnancy being complicated and me miscarrying but I also was really excited and emotional because it was planned.

    At first I didn't believe it and looked at it

    a second time.

    Showed it to my Husband and he

    couldn't believe it either,

    he looked at it like it was going to change

    so I took a pregnancy test twice and

    they both came out positive.

    I'm still so excited and

    loving the feeling of being pregnant.

    Just can't wait to meet my baby Girl.

    Source(s): 30 weeks pregnant :)
  • 1 decade ago

    I was in complete shock. I mean I wasn't trying to get pregnant, but we weren't doing anything to prevent it either. It was 1 week exactly after my 21st birthday so I immediately freaked out cuz I thought I had hurt my baby (I had only had 4 margaritas total). My fiancé and I talked about everything, and once we figured out when to tell everyone, and what we were going to do we became so excited!

    Source(s): 29 w 1 d
  • 1 decade ago

    The first 20mins i couldn't stop smiling!! And after that.. ANGRY! I was MAD AS HELL! lol.. i'm getting over that and now i'm just kind of numb still to the whole thing.. But i've only known for a week and a half... I know the excitement will come the more used to the idea i become..

    Source(s): Peronal Expierence
  • 1 decade ago

    I didnt even think i was pregnant this being my 3rd we have been trying but i felt my period was coming so i said to my partner can you check it and he did he said there is a very faint line so i did 8 test over 2 days being this was 2 days b4 my period was due i brought in bulk ! finally got a dark positive and was over the moon ! Even more happy finding out we were having twins !!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    scared. mostly because i lost my first baby when i was 5 months prego. i was scared to get happy about something that i might end up losing. but i am now 39 weeks with a healthy baby girl. i'm 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced and i cannot WAIT to get this over with :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I was shocked even though I already knew in my heart I was, I guess just hearing the words always shock you a little. The shock wore off and I was thrilled. Seeing her the first time was even better.

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