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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicOther - Entertainment · 1 decade ago

What memorable moment in your life do you wish you’d managed to catch on video?

As an Australian surfer competing on the world circuit, there are so many exciting and special moments that I want to capture.

Ever had a moment when you wish you had a video camera so you could prove it actually happened?

101 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    taking my first steps after being paralysed up to 70% of my body

    In 2001 I was diagnosed with MND (Motor Neurone Disease) & given 1 - 3 years of life, most of them paralysed, unable to talk, chew, swallow...etc., etc.

    by the Grace of God I received miraculous healing. today I'm alive, healthy & mobile

    & don't have on video the moment I walked unaided - no more walking frame, no more walking sticks, no more wheelchairs

  • 1 decade ago

    I have several moments singing on stage with some great bands

    which i have no photo memory of.

    There is also the time i was mobbed whilst going out with a famous

    member of an Australian band in the late 70's.

    My baby dog ... that just died 6 months ago, i wish i had a video of

    when we first brought her home at 6 weeks old..she was so cute.

    The day i landed in Australia with my siblings and mum of a giant

    Ocean Liner..... woa Fremantle was strange .

    The Cyclone on board our Ocean Liner we endured for 24 hours on

    our way to Australia !

  • 1 decade ago

    If I could capture any moment, I wouln't want to jsut pick one. Theres some people in particular I love dearly and I wish I could film all the GOOD moments I have ever shared with them. Often in my mind I can create montages of my favourite moments with ones i love, like inside jokes, great moments, hugs, going for drives etc and I wish I could show the world those moments, cause they are the ones that make me feel alive. Things like surprises (May 1st ruled in my books because someone who rocks gave me the loveliest surprise by one gesture) I'd love to have filmed to keep. THen i'd take the montages and make them mini films or music videos. If for every hug, tear, laugh and story was taken with a few people, and i edited them to make many movies, i think i'd have a mini series on my hand lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    When crossing a busy road opposite a train station in Amsterdam, I was suddenly hit it by a cab that drove approximately 50 km. per hour. I never saw it coming and the car hit my knees side on. The impact threw me at least 10 meters in the air before I hit the cobblestones. Within seconds I was surrounded by people, police and ambulance.

    I remember telling all by-standers including ambulance officer (who insisted to admit me to a hospital), not to make a fuss that I was OK.

    I was right, I was alive, no broken bones and not even any bruises.

    It obviously wasn't my time to exit.

    In fact it was a miracle.

    What a buzz it would have been to been able to catch that moment on video.

    Oh well, life goes on!

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  • Lily
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    When I went down the steepest street in the Eastern Suburbs, Sydney on a skateboard. I was only 12 but I became a legend for a week or so until somebody else did it :p

    Those were the days. I'm now 27 and you would never catch me on a skateboard ever again! I wish I had it on tape though... my husband thinks I'm exaggerating!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would love to have captured on video the moment when I met Nelson Mandela.

    It was in a very small meeting with only around 30 people in the room and he shook my hand and spoke to me. None of my friends were there and I only had my mother to share the experience with.

    Security was really high so we weren't allowed to take a camera in and there was no one to film or video it, so I always wished I could have looked back on the day.

  • 1 decade ago

    Apart from having a camera around to prove that my boyfriend was wrong in certain situations :) I'd love t have the moments on film, when i realised certain insights. For instance, things aren't always as bad as they seem, yu won't die if a relationship ends, you can't change someone unless they want to, the world isn't always fair and, i can be wrong, well, occasionally lol

  • 1 decade ago

    My answer is more for prosperity than anything else.

    I would have to say that I would have liked my birth on video as it would be a real kick to see yourself being born.

    I also wish that I had a few years worth of video of my grandpa before he passed away. He was and probably always will be the most important man in my life. I loved him dearly and I miss him almost every day. He was funny and loving and we shared a really special bond.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, my wedding? The video man and the photographer were in the same car together traveling to our wedding when they were involved in a serious car accident. No professional photos were taken.

    It was a terrible day weather wise, and the fact the pair ended up so badly injured. One can no-longer walk the other did not make it, was made worst by the fact he had just become a dad only a week before.

    We had some beautiful photos taken by friends & family. It was a sad day all round

  • the summer of 2006

    that summer meant a lot to me and it change my life for what i hope is for the better.that was the summer i had dealt with an eating disorder and i've had weight issues all my life so the time when i was at my thinnest felt so whimsical everything was new everything was amazing and at that time my self esteem was the highest it's ever been so at that point was when my life had truly come full circle i was so happy that even when my troubles caught up with me it felt good to cry but i guess it's a little unfortunate that i felt the best when i'm experiencing pain

  • 1 decade ago

    I would have to say our own moment of birth would have to be a good one, with the advent of video cameras i suppose there are loads of these around now, but not so many for those born pre 1980

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