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Let me get this straight, atheist....?

Some (not all) of you claim because God can't be "scientifically" proven using the man made concepts of logic and reason, then He must not exist. Yet science, logic, or reason, has never been able to demonstrate how life came to be, so by that "logic", life must not really exist. Yet... here we are. Please edify me...


Josh only: Sure.

Update 2:

Jordan: abiogenesis is a theory, not evidence, it wouldn't pass the scientific method any more than God would.

Update 3:

Babe: mature response, so I guess you have nothing better to add?

Update 4:

Shane: I don't need your validation, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for people like you. The real question is why are you here?

Update 5:

Rev. Soleil: So typical of you to avoid the question... evidence if for those who seek. Seek and you will find. What is it you are afraid you might find? More importantly, why does it frighten you?

Update 6:

hally: oops! How does any of that make it past the scientific method. I read those, and many other theories, still none of it explains something out of nothing. Don't be so naive. Talk about needing faith...

Update 7:

Dave: Wow, responded to like a true genius.

Update 8:

No chance... I agree that "yet" is the key word, because I don't think science is capable with coming up with an answer that would satisfy the scientific method. I didn't claim it proved God, it just means God can't be dismissed as a possibility.

Update 9:

It's_Not: "denile"? Really?

Update 10:

terrortwilight: you are looking in the wrong place.

Update 11:

Canadian: "straw man", "pascals wager", try something I haven't heard. Those terms and concepts are your crutch, you can't defend yourself without them, just admit, you don't have an answer.

Update 12:

Simon T: When we come up with the proof, I'll accept that "I fail", until then...

Update 13:

jakejake: without the basis of science laid down by men during Biblical times, we wouldn't know what we do today.

Update 14:

Perhaps it's better to admit, you have no answer, the wisest of us admits the limits of man's knowledge, they don't crow about the quantity of it.

Update 15:

Srsly: That's as deep as you can think isn't it? How sad.

Update 16:

Val: How about when you come up with evidence of how we are here? Primordial Soup? Really? Wow, talk about needing to have faith to believe in something.

Update 17:

Picalo Jack: Make a point or debate the one at hand. Otherwise you are just insignifigant and a bit obtuse.

Update 18:

Allen S. and yet I know the truth and you don't. How does that fall into your "logicfallacies" argument?

Update 19:

Gambit: When you create life (or anyone on Earth) out of nothing, I will admit failure. You and I both know that won't happen.

47 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It just doesn't speak to me personally. For me it has nothing to do with science and everything to do with what makes the most sense to me. To me science does not prove that god does not exist, I just can't see how all this is at the whim of some huge conscious force. I see religion as a social institution created by man for comfort and understanding and social norms. Every culture has it's own version, every culture believes it to be correct. Were the Greeks any less faithful to their religion way back in the day? To them they believed it as much as you do your religion, yet we can all dismiss it as mythology today. How can you say in a 1000 years we won't be saying the same thing about Christianity as new religions form and old ones die off? It's happened time and time again throughout human history.

    That is my opinion, you are free to believe what you will, but I also retain that same right.

  • 1 decade ago

    Love is a state in which a man sees things most decidedly as they are not. In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point. You can't prove there is a god and I can't prove that there isn't one. But I dont WANT to BELIEVE in something that can't be proven. Why would I do that when i never do that on any other freaking subject matter? And what's the point of your arguing or asking this question? Are you going to change anyone's mind this way? Or is your christian life really just this boring that you wanna start a lame debate?



  • 1 decade ago

    Logic is not "man made." Unless you think it had to be invented at some point... and how would an illogical being go about inventing logic?

    Even pets and wild animals show logic and reason.

    The God of the Gaps is a lame attempt at proving a god. Chemical evolution and the study of RNA and DNA synthesis is ongoing and making progress. Life can be seen, observed, measured, and tested. The gaps are getting smaller.

    God remains elusive and so there is no reason for me to have any beliefs about him/her/it. If evidence should be presented, I'll change my mind. That goes for the invisible pink unicorn as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I'm part of the "not all" category.

    I don't claim there are no gods, I just point out the lack of evidence puts them in the same category as unicorns, pixies and invisible flying penguins.

    Science has not yet adequately explained abiogenesis, very true! However, that does not mean life cannot exist.

    Knowledge gap =/= knowledge of something else.

    Methinks you need to find out how science actually works, as your perspective is pretty much diametrically opposite to the reality. Unless you're just being rhetorical for the sake of the small minority of gnostic atheists...

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Logic and reason are inherent (apparently not with you though), and not man made.

    2. Life HAS been proved as being totally self emergent. We have created living single cell organisms from nothing but primordial soup. Proved fact.

    When are you guys going to put your money where your mouths are and come up with some 'real' evidence, Instead of relying on the retarded notion of not being able to disprove the existence of the nonexistent. How dumb can you get.

    God is a blanket expression to label ignorance, and you are a prime example. :)

    Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, logic has been used to show how life came to be. The big band theory, the theory of evolution are the two most common examples. We know very little about the universe, but enough to know that it is not possible for their to be a magical man in the clouds. The bible was written when men knew very little about science or the origins of life, so they decided to write a book about their opinion of how it came to be. Now we have the technology and logic to figure out much more logical ideas of how the universe and life came to be. Logic is usually not used to prove religion, it works in the opposite way.

    Source(s): what basics of science laid out by men in religous days? A magical man in the clouds that makes all your hopes and dreams come true if you follow these rules is obviously not possible. Religion was invented to prevent a revolt, since the lower class in societies had horrible lives, and it was not going to get any better, so the higher class said "you will go to heaven if you do not kill and do all your work happily". religion is more complicated these days, but that was how it started.
  • 1 decade ago

    We claim that god(s) probably dosen't exist based on the lack of scientific and logical evidence. Just like all the other things which we can't prove, like pixies and elves.

    There is a growing body of evidence to support theories such as abiogenesis to explain the origins of life, but still no evidence of a god.

    Jack99skellington: Actually all that proves is that you don't understand the complexity of atheism, agnosticism refers to knowledge not belief. So it is possible to be an agnostic atheist.

    i.e. one who dosen't know but dosen't believe.

    Therefore, on balance of evidence it is logical to disbelieve until more evidence comes along.

  • Tjc
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    exactly - God is not found by scientific proof, God is bigger than that and most people say they're not going to believe in God until He proves Himself to them, unfortunately they will most likely go through life with nothing proven to them (because God does not work that way) and have risked their souls in the process and most likely lost it. I'm sorry but that's the sad truth, as long as we have life in our bodies, we can make the decision to seek God. God desires that we seek Him through Jesus and He will reveal Himself to us if we truly seek Him and don't give up. We can't find God if we don't search for Him. When people come to realize the importance of their soul, winning silly arguments on R&S don't matter....

  • 1 decade ago

    We have TONS of evidence THAT life exist; there's none at all that the imaginary Sky Bully does.

    We also know a LOT about how it came to be how it is.

    You want me to believe in an impossible being, and have no evidence it exists.

    I have evidence that the bush outside the window in front of me exists; I can see it; I've seen it before; I've touched it.

    No one ever claim life came from nothing. It came from physical substances and physical processes.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are many things science is perfectly fine admitting it doesn't have answers to YET(keyword). How does that give evidence for God, not just a god but the Christian God? Why not Vishnu? The god of the gaps is a non-answer.

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