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Britt asked in PetsFish · 1 decade ago

I need a neon tetra and a cichlid expert please?

I have three different tanks. A 55 gal with two calico fantail. A 55 gal. with various tropical live bearers, tetras, a peaceful shark, a gold algae eater and a pleco. Also I have a tank, 50 gal which i am getting a baby (2in.) oscar for my upcoming birthday (29th).

My question is for the 50 gal. tank, my parents have it right now i'm in the middle of moving. Well my dad was in such a hurry to fill it he bought 100 dollars in gravel, filters, heaters, thermo., decor and fish. He bought what i believe to be two african cichlids (on is blue with black stripes up and down the body going vertical, the other is yellow with brown stripes). My questions on this tank are is it true both are african cichlids (lady at store told them stripes=african cichlids)? And how do I tell if they are male or female? I don't know enough about them to have them breed?

Next in my tropical peaceful tank i have three neon tetras left ( i had a fungus which wiped out half of my tank), and the other day i came home to a cm long baby fish with red colored stripe along it's back. I then noticed 3 other small (smaller than a cm) clear color fish. They were hard to see. Did my neon tetras breed? I was under the impression they were the hardest thing to breed due to dark space and need bug larva to breed. However i'm afraid to clean the tank out i don't want to kill the fry or eggs. Could it even be these fish are an algae eater (i have a gold algae eater)? They clear babies stick to the front of the tank, as if they are sucking on it kind of.

And websites would be extremely helpful for both fish.



this is kinda what they look like. both have these stripes

Update 2:

I have a breed and show tank. three are in that, they swam there on their own free will. I don't feed them in it however, it's at the back of my tank. the filter pushes food into it though. they do stick to the glass. they are like little white/dark color things. hard as hell to see. I have a giant wall plant i think possibly they hide in it. and on the wall behind it

Update 3:

the babies are too small to be molly, swords, platy and guppies. I know what their babies look like mine ****** basically to come out plain. one of the babies looked exactly like a neon tetra. i can't get a picture of it my phone doesn't have good enough quality. i know a little about cichlids, but i idn't buy them. they are at my parents house in my tank.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The image you are showing is that of Metriclimea Lombardoi aka Kenyi's and those are Malawi Mbuna. The lady at the store, and I would not shop at this store for fish again, is very vaguely right and yet off at the same time. There are quite a number of South American types that have stripes and I would never again ask this lady advice on what a fish is because that was a piss poor answer she gave you. It also indicates to me that this place is not at all certain what they sell either so this is another reason not to shop there.

    I am not sure what to make of your second part. Without having images to look at what's going on in the tank, most answers in this area are going to be shots in the dark. As well, it would be mostly helpful to get images of the two suspect Africans. All I can say is the image you did post, that is a Malawi Mbuna yes.

    Exactly on the last answer I am sorry I did forget that part. Assuming these are Metriclimea Lombardoi, they are dimorphic which means each gender will have a different look and color. Male Kenyi are yellow, females stay blue. look under Malawi Mbuna Metriclimea Lombardoi

  • 5 years ago

    The big thing to remember when people bring up behavior of cichlids is that rams are south american not african and therefore a lot of the behavior issues do not apply to them. The beta and the rams will be fine as they will likely be at opposite ends of the tank. The rams will hang near the bottom and the bettas, being labryinth fish, will stay closer to the top. More importantly Rams are a very timid fish, which is why a tetra tank is ideal for them, they use the smaller fish as lookouts. The gouramis won't be much of an issue with the betta b/c they are dwarf gouramis, smaller and more timid. If you had larger gouramis they would give chase to the betta, but not neccesarily nip fins. If you want the rams to look their best you need to drop the pH which won't agree with your mollies very well. How big is your tank?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, they sound like African rift lake cichlids. Without knowing what kind, I couldn't really tell you how to sex them or anything. If they're male and female, and you keep them until maturity, they'll take care of all the breeding on their own.

    Couldn't tell you without a picture on the fry, though. I doubt it was the neons. In a community setting the eggs and fry would normally get eaten rather quickly. When they hatch out, they will usually attach to the side of the tank, and appear like TINY slivers of glass. And I mean TINY. Most other fish would find this snack irresistible.

  • 1 decade ago

    sounds like they are cichlids. but to be able to tell you what kind i would have to see them. the two will not inter breed with each other. cichlids are not a fish for people that do not know anything about them. in saying this i do not know how much you know about fish. they are very territorial fish. they can and will kill each other over space. that's just them. if they are old enough you can tell the sexes on them.

    it is kinda of hard to tell someone how to sex fish over net so work with me. if it is a male than the top dorsal fin will come to a point as well as the lower dorsal fin. the male will also have yellow egg spots on his tail fin. they are well defined. the females finns are rounded their egg spots are muted together.

    you can learn more about them in a fish magazine called tropical fish hobbits you will also like the other topics to.

    no your neon's did not have babies. they do not breed in the home aquarium. we can not match their natural habitat. how long has it been since you had the other fish in the tank before they died. it couldddddd be babies from either a molly, platy, ecttt.

    don't be afraid to clean the tank using your python the babies will move out of the way and just watch so you do not suck one of them up.

    sorry i do not know of any wed site to give you. i don't trust the net that much. i use books and magazines. hopethis helps.

    update: glad you found out what cichlids you have. like someone else said WE can't really help on the second part with out beging able to see them. did you have any danios in your tank? i get them to breed in my tank all the time. only thing i an recommen is to wait till they get a little bigger. good luck.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i'm not so sure on tetras but i can tell u that i am pretty sure that the yellow cichlid is a male ( as i have one of the same breed) & the blue one is a there you have it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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