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  • hamster info????>>><<<>>><<<?

    I have a male hamster. He's a "panda bear" also have a female. She's new. a "teddy bear". He chewed at first when i got him. paper rolls mostly. But then just stopped. She chews up everything. I got a plastic water bottle, she has chewed on the metal. She tears cardboard up constantly. Boxs and toilet paper. I can't keep any toys. I'm afraid to give her anything plastic such as a wheel (she's in an aquarium right now and it's hard to fit in a wheel. Don't worry tomorrow she'll have an actual cage with tubes for sure).

    Also she is kind of smell and has urine on her coat. This is because she is a teddy. I don't want to give her a bath however i was wondering if i took a semi moist baby wipe, can i clean her with one? I will let it dry out some before rubbing it all over her. Just wondered?

    3 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • is there any remedy for?

    kill snails in your fish tank. like mystery snails. Nothing that will hurt the fish. I dained the entire tank buy they burried under the rocks to what little water they could. I filled with freezing water the next moreing and about 50+ can out of hiding and I have been catching them and throwing them outside but i still have atleast 5 in my tank and I don't want any more!!! What can I do?

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • my father in-law has a cat and now....?

    Well two nights ago my sister in-law left the garage door open. Well the garage door leads down into a basement and two black cats wondered in and made themselves at home. Me and my boyfriend noticed them first. The one is real mean. he attacked my dog, my boyfriend, and my sister in-laws boyfriend. We left the door hoping they'd go away but they don't. We came home from dinner the other ngiht and one was in the house (we have a kitty door for my dad's gray cat that leads to the garage/basement). If I call the humane society will they charge me to remove these cats? They're not mien and I don't want them, but I havent the money to care for them, nor do I want to be attacked. My dog went nuts when ti smacked him by his tail because he walked by the endtable it was under.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Dogs? Not sure how to take this...?

    My boyfriend and I have two boxers (male and female) that we rescued at different times. My father in-law has a german shepard mix which he rescued and she'd not old enough to be spayed yet. We have decided we want to buy a pitt puppy from a friend of our whose female got pregnant. We want a male however. The female shepard mix will be spayed when she is old enough, however who do i call about having four dogs during the period from 7 to 5? See, I go get my father i-laws dog at 8 or he bring her to me some days on his way to work if he needs to stop by and I watch her during the day. She loved to play with my boxers. The only problem is we are onyl allowed to have three dogs, and I don't want to be cited because technically there are four on my property. Do I call the humane society/animal control or do I call the government offices? I only watch her so I don't have to go to his house every two hours to let her out. She spend most of her begging in a cage outside so isn't too good at the holding it part of potty training yet.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can anyone give me some legal adive for dogs?

    So we bought a boxer i fought with the breeders for over a year now to get registration. they were suppose to be registered but they gave all the other puppies but mine away. i want to register my male, but his mother isn't registered bc they didnt have the 15 dollars at the time. AKC said call the attorney general and i did, however he doesn't return my calls, or emails and i'm sick of talkin to sec. My lawyer said we have enough to press charges in the case b/c he was malnurished and went to the pund before we picked him up. he didnt even have shots, food, we also had to take him to th vet. what can we do?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • African Cichlids? Need a little insight.?

    My parents took over my oscar tank, by buying other cichlids. All they know is they are african cichlids. Well I believe I has discovered the breeds, however the stress I am going to assume from these fish picking on my oscar killed it (i bought it from a bredder and it was just a baby, maybe the size of your ring finger). So, we have a yellow and brown striped cichlids, a bumblebee cichlid (Picture: or some type of cross breed that looks like this. The other is a blue and dark striped fish, I believe a Kenyi Cichlid (picture: If anyone could give me some insight on these two fish. The blue fish is a lot smaller than the yellow fish and for some reason one of them we aren't sure which keeps digging a hole in the rocks. They fill it with algae wafers that the pleco doesn' get to and that's where they disolve and we clean every 4 days. I would like to know any information anyone could give me. I would also like to know if there is any way to tell male from female and if there is any possible way these two fish could potentially breed (god, I'm hopng it's a no).


    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Boxer. 1 yr. Need help. Weight.?

    He has been to the vet, they told us to feed him cat food, but dogs ARE NOT suppose to eat cat food. They also told us to feed him more and he wont eat more than two bowls. He doesn't have worms either he has been checked.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Pet store/Pet business?

    So I am at the point where I have to have my career ready and put in plan. My dream would be to open a pet store, kind of.

    I was wondering if I could get some adivce/opinions from people all over who could possibly help me with my ideas.

    Well, as you just read I want to open a pet store. However, this pet store will not sell puppies or kittens from mills. The onyl way puppies and kittens will be sold is if I myself reserve the right to sell an animal of my own (I would let other people bring them in but, they have to provide health certificates and the people i got the animals from would have to pay if the health doesn't last and this is just risky) or I get aniamls from animal control, which a deal would be worked out with aniaml control. However other animals such as fish, and other animals can be sold and they will be distributed in the store. One thing I will not however accept is sick/dying animals. I don't car eif it's fish that are sick/dying and it can be cured by 1,2,3. The animals will not enter my doors.

    I have live bearing fish and etc. that I will grow and bring them into the store, I will put them in tanks in the back and check everyway possibly to make sure they are healthy.

    I will also do a refund.

    Animals I would like to sell:



    Mice (feeder/pets)



    Turtles (this is a maybe)

    Birds (possibly)

    Animals from Aniaml Control

    It's hard to find people where I would who will come in and care for animals that could be "potentially" Dangerous.

    Please give me your input.


    P.S. I will use this in a class of mine, but none of you will be directly quoted or anything.

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • boxer -- need help....?

    well my boyfriend bought me a boxer. yeah he's cute. well for a year now we have been struggling with the breeder who basically screwed us over. my question, is there anything we can do to get our boxer registered? we paid so much for him. we were told he had paper and they would be mailed to us because the people didn't have them at the time (this i understood b/c my mom had to do this when raising chi's). however we just now found out the father has papers and the mother does as well, however the breeder never sent the mothers paper work in. unfortunatly i know where the lady lives and i am good friends with her mother in law who knew nothing of the paper issue. i am extremely ****** because we were lied to an we have an amazingly beautiful dog that we were screwed out of our money for? does anyone know if there is anything we can do?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • hundo the oscar. i need a little help.?

    I have a baby oscar (i mean almost literally. he's about 2-3 n long and 1 in tall) that I can't seem to get weight on. He doesn't poop for sure unless frightened (it says they poop A LOT). My boyfriend bought him for my for my birthday. He's Albino. I feed him mini chichlid pellets however the closet store we have to feed him live food is walmart and i refuse to feed him walmart fish (i've seen the tanks). What can I feed him that could help fatten him up. I call a pet store in the next town and they said betta pellets could help because they are made with meat or something. Also to feed him two pellets 3 times a day. He's in a 55 gal with my tropical nonagressive fish b/c he's so small he can't harm them. However he will go in his own 50 gal tank when he can get in it and no be bullied by an aferican cichlid. I need to know exactly what I can feed him. I will try anything. My boyfrined wants to put him in a ten gal until he outgrows it, he thinks it'll give him the idea he can take the tank over and wont have to worry about a thing.

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • fish tank plant question?

    what live plants are best for fish tanks? they'd have to be like "start" plants.

    Tank consist of:








    gold al. eater

    2 baby guppy, 1 baby sword and one fry unidentifyable (in a breeding box)

    I tried to buy some cheap little ones at meijer b/c they have the bets quality n the lady wouldnt sell me any b/c she didnt wanna get them out of the tanks.

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • I need a neon tetra and a cichlid expert please?

    I have three different tanks. A 55 gal with two calico fantail. A 55 gal. with various tropical live bearers, tetras, a peaceful shark, a gold algae eater and a pleco. Also I have a tank, 50 gal which i am getting a baby (2in.) oscar for my upcoming birthday (29th).

    My question is for the 50 gal. tank, my parents have it right now i'm in the middle of moving. Well my dad was in such a hurry to fill it he bought 100 dollars in gravel, filters, heaters, thermo., decor and fish. He bought what i believe to be two african cichlids (on is blue with black stripes up and down the body going vertical, the other is yellow with brown stripes). My questions on this tank are is it true both are african cichlids (lady at store told them stripes=african cichlids)? And how do I tell if they are male or female? I don't know enough about them to have them breed?

    Next in my tropical peaceful tank i have three neon tetras left ( i had a fungus which wiped out half of my tank), and the other day i came home to a cm long baby fish with red colored stripe along it's back. I then noticed 3 other small (smaller than a cm) clear color fish. They were hard to see. Did my neon tetras breed? I was under the impression they were the hardest thing to breed due to dark space and need bug larva to breed. However i'm afraid to clean the tank out i don't want to kill the fry or eggs. Could it even be these fish are an algae eater (i have a gold algae eater)? They clear babies stick to the front of the tank, as if they are sucking on it kind of.

    And websites would be extremely helpful for both fish.


    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Fish food? Just wondering...?

    I have many varieties of fish and many fish tanks. every few weeks i find myself buying fish food. I was wondering if it really mattered if i fed my goldfish tropical fish food. its easier 4 me to buy a large can of fish food so i was only going to buy one type. goldfish or tropical. should i do this or not? I know some people do but i want the facts about it before i do

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • so i'm really getting sick of this and i need to know?

    unfortunatly i caught my fish in the making of fry and yea it wasnt all too pretty. but i'm sure my fish is already pregnant because she's huge. huge is an understatment. so is she pregnant n they mate for the fact of mating or is she just fat. shes orange but u cansee her black gravid but not very well.

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • my male guppy is strange....?

    I came home today, I left friday at 5 to go to claire. Upon arriving back home today my guppy, which was multi color blues and yellow w/ spots (fancy guppy) has color loss. It's like his color has faded. He wasn't like this friday when I left. Any ideas on what could cause this? I am worried.

    Any information would be helpful.


    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Is my Platy Pregnant?

    Ok first let me say I have a picture if you'd like me to send you so you could tell better. I have an orange micky mouse platy who I thought was pregnant. I also have two all orange males. My female has been growing quite large but should have already have babies because I've tracked her time. I know there isnt any in the tank because I've checked everywhere and the platy is still big. even though she is orange I cannot see a gravid spot. She only has a big round belly. My swordtail (also pregnant) has the spot and when I had a female guppy she did as well. My molly is black and orange (golddust) so I couldn't see it. But could the platy be pregnant or an I jus crazy?

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Please, Does anyone know?

    If Flint Michigan, does anyone know where you can sell your fish to like a pet shop or something? My swordtail is about to give birth in the next week. I don;t have any room left in my tanks.

    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago
  • do goldfish mate at a certain time?

    I'm totally not trying to breed my goldfish ok because i only really care for the fantails but i took in two carp as well. My nieces won them at the carnival. Well I got the carp fish and it was all good until about 2-3 months later the tank was a foggy dirty color and so i changed the water again (I change half the water every week on all my fish tanks). Well my fish had the poor water disease because i hadn't got to change it before i left for the weekend about 2 weeks ago then i scrubbed down the tank after all my fish got better. Note only the carp has this red blood like appearance. i had gotten a fantail calico before i left. well 2 sundays ago i got another fantail calico (this one is mostly white n orange w. few spots my first one was covered in spots). well my tank is white again and i thought it was because of cleaning the water. I asked what was up with it before. but I cleaned the tank last wednesday and its almost been a full week and between saturday night and tonight its really foggy and smells bad. The tanks are in my room n that ain't good. any ideas?

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Fish... which ones in your opinion?

    I am looking to open a pet shop which fish would you suggest i sell (fish are not the only animals i will be selling)?

    9 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Whats up with my hamster?

    So it has a hiccup/sneeze/wheezing like thing going on. No one in my house has been sick. I recently got another hamster. A week and a day ago exactly. I have notices this sound since friday night but it wasn't frequent so i thought it was fine but today its sort of bad. I looked up that it could be illness such as a cold. I put the sick on in a warm towel and Ive also covered the cage up on all but the form opening side. I have my heat vent 1/2 open but with it completely open i cant Breathe in the room and the vent isn't near my hamster(s). Any suggestions because i love the ill one. My other one is a little ... lets call him bad. He hates me. Just me in general but likes everyone else and he isn't ill.

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago