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I have so many demons from my do I get threw that?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To dwell on things of the past is to embrace an empty future. Exorcise them from your mind and replace them with angels.

  • M
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    All of us face challenges at one time or another. Most times, we take a deep breath and somehow get through the difficult situation. The demons might be the sudden death of a close friend, problems with a difficult boss, financial or medical problems or even a friend who is no longer acting like a friend. When the demons still remain and interfere with your life and your spirit, consider seriously seeking help from a doctor. With individual or group talk therapy, light medications, you can get from under that black cloud and back out in the sunshine. Depression or anxiety should not be something to be ashamed of. It is just another medical condition that can be treated. You would not apologize for having to use crutches when you broke you ankle, would you? You would not apologize for having to seek medical treatment for a broken ankle. Look at depression-anxiety treatment in the same way. The talk therapy and temporary meds will help while your spirit heals. Take a step forward and get help. It has worked for so many people. It can work for you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You will have a hard time doing it on your own. Talking to someone else -- I would say a professional like a psychologist -- makes a lot more sense than continually running through the same movie scenes in your head and getting nowhere.

    A therapist can help you do the frightening thing, which is also the answer to your question: you need to confront your demons in order to be rid of them. You need to talk about them, think about them, cry about them, tell yourself ugly truths you've been hiding from, and you need help doing all this. In my experience friends and family cannot help you in the way that a counselor can.

    Good luck.

  • rae
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    i once found that the best way, for me, was to write down the demons on a piece of paper, put them in a box and burn the box and it and the demons go up in smoke. another way, if you are a religious person, is to again put them in a box and place them on an altar or at the feet of your God. this can be done in the imagination without actually writing on the paper however sometimes the physical doing is far more powerful. once this has been done you know they no longer exist and you can move on.

    remember there are always demons from our past but to dwell on them is unhealthy and inhibits your joy. mistakes are often made but they are all part of growth and learning and make us who we are now, the thing is to learn from them.

    good luck.

    Source(s): R
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  • 1 decade ago

    Well first you have to recognize your "demons" and what triggers your pain, then you will be able to work through them. Without me knowing EXACTLY what is bothering you, I can't fully assist you with your problems. I would recommend speaking to a psychologist... or someone that you know will keep your conversations confidential. I pray that you get over your past

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've had many too, just stay calm and relax and try not to think about it and whenever you feel ready with someone talk to them, now might not be the time but you will get threw them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your not supposed to get over demons, you live with them always and let them shape you into a stronger person. You can't go back so don't ask your self "what if". Just live. Not that day to day crap, I mean LIVE. Create and even stonger future, and never tell yourself you can't. Because your already stonger than you think.

    Source(s): my own pitiful wisdome :D
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow demons remember God forgives you, if truly understand that God forgives you than you will have true forgiveness for yourself.I Have hurt so many people in my past including myself, and I lived with quilt every minute of every day of my life until one day I realized that if God will truly forgive me, and I asked him for that forgiveness and I felt it in my hart that he did, I than forgive myself. That was about 3 years ago and I live a very good life today and I am completely honest with myself and I really try to watch out for other peoples feelings and my actions towards them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can't beat yourself up forever.

    What's done is done and you have to move on.

    The anguish you now feel is evidence that you've matured and know right from wrong.

    Perhaps you have some apologies to make-swallow your pride and get it done.

    Some things are never put right-that's life.

    Don't cloud your bright future with the shame of your past.

  • 1 decade ago

    you mean skeletons in the closet or real demons men you go tto be more expecific s we could contact the priest do

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