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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Time to shed some light here? what are your thoughts?

1)Pantheism is not Polytheism

2)Pantheism is the belief that God is synonymous to the physical world (Cosmos,Nature,Universe....)

3)Pantheism is religious naturalism

4)religious naturalism rejects the supernatural

5)hence,Pagan Pantheism is oxymoron(or Christian Pantheism or Muslim Pantheism etc...)

6)No rituals,altars,candles involved, just the deep appreciation of nature

7)Pantheism is sexed up atheism

8) Pantheism is not watered down Paganism


9)Atheists are not devil worshipers

10)Atheists are in R&S for teh chicks/boys and the drinks

11)atheists are in R&S for **insert personal reason here**

12)not all atheists are : *takes deep breath* Scientists,biologists,doctors,evolutionist biologist,teachers,philosophers,vets,psychologists,paranormal investigators,homosexuals,bisexuals,asexual,heterosexuals,transsexuals,etc...

****R&S QUESTIONS******

13)Pascal's wager is logical fallacy

14)Appeal to ignorance is logical fallacy (i.e.prove god doesn't exist)

15)Appeal to popularity is logical fallacy (i.e. 99% believe there is a god)

16)Appeal to Fear is a logical fallacy (i.e.believe or burn )

17)Appeal to Emotion is a logical fallacy (i.e.the world is so pretty believe in god )

18)Appeal to Tradition is logical fallacy (i.e. People always believed in god , how could they be wrong)

19)Burden of Proof lies to person making the claim of the existence of *something*

20)Personal Attacks are fallacious (i.e.they're atheists! report them ! )

21)Emotional Blackmail is a logical fallacy (i.e.God loves you! How could you not accept his love )

Let not man forget this.

also if I see even one unreasonable disagreement, I swear I will bring back the medieval torture devices.


Goddess: did you enjoy last night ;)

Update 2:

anklesoc...: die!die! die! *ahem*

Update 3:

neil : yes

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Excellent list! You've covered almost every logical fallacy people use to support God-belief and/or supernatural religion. Interestingly enough, many of these logical fallacies/tricks can be used by clever con-artists to dupe people into believing almost anything.

    The only thing I take issue with is this "pantheism" you seem to believe in. Why call the physical universe "God"? Isn't the physical universe good enough just being the physical universe without also being "God"? When you say "God", you mean something completely different from what most God-believers in the world mean when they refer to the "God" they believe in. This can cause a lot of confusion. To me it seems pantheism is almost always a clever attempt to avoid calling yourself an "atheist"("I'm not an atheist because I believe in "God" - The Universe!). I fully agree with the statement made by Dawkins that you quoted: pantheism is really just "sexed up atheism".

    I just don't like the way the word "God" is often used these days; it has become a wild-card that can mean almost anything, and in the process has become increasingly nebulous and meaningless. Or as some others have noted, belief in belief in God(any god) is probably even more pervasive than actual belief in God(according to Dennett). Let go of this very watered-down, non-supernatural, do-nothing "God" of yours, pantheists, and there will be a lot less confusion in religious, philosophical and scientific discussions.

    Although I am an "atheist", I usually hate to use the word to describe myself. Why define myself by what I don't believe in? Might as well call me an "afairiest" or "abigfootist". I certainly am those things, but it sounds ridiculous to use them to describe me.

    Anyhow, I respect your beliefs, and realize this is more of a semantic dispute than a debate over whether or not God(the supernatural one) exists.

  • neil s
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    14) Is actually shifting the burden of proof fallacy. What we actually see most is argument from incredulity (usually God of the Gaps), fallacy of composition (everything we see has a cause so the universe must), and just plain category mistakes (logical/mathematical arguments for or against empirical claims).

    Is that last line a promise?

    edit: Well then, I'll find something unreasonable to say. Um, the 'a" in "also" should be capital, and why do you single out men to not forget?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Science supports the Bible? Really? The Bible says God wont put upon those who love and serve him more than they can handle. Disorders like PTSD and DID happen *because* the person cant handle what they have been through. The Bible says homosexuality is a sin, and Christians are using the Bible to legislate legal discrimination towards a group of people that science says are normal and natural. Women were stoned to death if they werent a virgin before marriage. Just how do you think they verified virginity? How many women were stoned because of a broken hymen when that is in no way shape or form an accurate measure of virginity? And thats just a couple of examples out of hundreds.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lol, you have a lot to answer there, so I shall only concentrate on one aspect. The truth.

    Pascals wager is based on the impossibility of not being able to disprove the nonexistence of the nonexistent. = How much do we have to dumb ourselves down to pander to unsubstantiated drivel for the sake of their feelings. Especially in light of their atrocious track record of crimes against humanity.

    The burden of proof lies firmly at the claimants door. No proof or substantiation after 2000 years of desperate searching. = telling blatant lies.

    Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nice list!! wish I could bookmark it.

    I'm not going to disagree with anything you've said, although I don't agree with the bottom line of what you're driving at.

    I'm a Christian. I've had enough personal experience to know what I KNOW!

    I'm not, however, mentally deficient, or close-minded, although you couldn't change my stand on THIS issue. The fact that I can't prove to your satisfaction that God exists doesn't mean He doesn't. One day, we'll both know, I just won't be surprised(or dismayed).

  • I just read my magic 8 ball, and foretold the future from peaking into my magical bowl of Rice Crispies cereal. My bowl of rice crispies told me you are wrong. Then I heard a sound that echoed from the bowl, SNAP CRACKLE POP!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think "every dog has his day":

    All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean; and to the unclean; to him that sacrificeth, and to him that sacrificeth not; as is the good, so is the sinner, and he that sweareth, as he that feareth an oath.

    This is an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event unto all: yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

    Ecclesiastes, 9:2-3

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are a champion of logic, I see. I am sure that you would agree that not everything in this world, or any conceivable world, is logical. That idea might appeal to Vulcans, but it isn't realistic.

    Hope I didn't offend you- don't want anyone getting 'nocturnal' on my Christian @ss.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    **tempted by the thought of medieval torture devices**

    nah, very well put.

    perhaps there could be a "sticky post" on YA before one enters the R&S section like they have in some forums that states "MUST READ" and incorporates what you just said...

    but who follows directions anymore (well, besides the legions of mind-controlled fundies, i mean? and then only the directions from guys in robes and suits thumping bibles.).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    im not sure what you are talking about if you are an atheist or a believer in God....but you look pretty in your picture!

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