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Anonymous asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

What is the best way to get a nice toned stomach?

I'm getting a little belly and I want it gone. I don't want to have like 6 pack abs or anything, just a nice toned tummy before my trip to Florida next month!

12 Answers

  • ny
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    jogging is an excellent exercise because it let you lose weight

    evenly throughout your whole body. If you want to lose weight in

    specific areas, you should target them with exercises. If they are

    your problem areas, they will be very difficult to tone. You will have

    to work double on them. The best approach is this:

    1. Lower/control your daily calorie intake (control for normal

    weight, lower for overweight).

    2. Run/jog to lower your overall body fat percentage.

    3. Target your problem areas with exercises.

    an excellent exercise, you can do it in front of your TV: sit on a

    stool, and put your toes under something (piece of heavy furniture,

    for example). In your hands hold a little dumbbell. Please, make sure

    that it is not very heavy, start with one kilo, for example, or you

    will damage your back and spine! Slowly move the upper part of your

    body back, until it's parallel with the ground. Stop for a second and

    move it back to the sitting position. Repeat ten times. Every week add

    to the number of repetitions. You will see the results in a week,

    guaranteed! You will see or feel under the fat - if you have any - six

    pack and muscles. Dumbbells do wonders. Much better than these

    crunches - I came up to three hundreds and there was no results AT

    ALL. With the dumbbells you will see it in a week.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Reducing fat in just one part of the body is not possible, unless you are willing to spend your time and money on liposuction. Rapidly getting rid of belly fat is possible, but will take a lifestyle adjustment. Not only will you have to start exercising, you will also have to adopt proper eating habits. Reducing your belly fat is well worth it because excess belly fat increases your risks of diseases such as diabetes, certain cancers and stroke.

    * 1

    Choose healthy foods. Avoid simple "quick-digesting" carbohydrates such as cookies, white breads, and pastas; replace them with complex "slow-digesting" carbohydrates such as fiber-rich and whole-grain foods. Consume lean protein such as fish and turkey, and limit saturated "bad" fats.

    * 2

    Avoid alcohol to promote fat loss because it has no nutrients and many empty calories that result in fat in the stomach area. Drink just one glass of wine or one bottle of beer if you cannot resist temptation. Limit your alcohol intake. Don't drink every day.

    * 3

    Do 30 minutes of interval training three to five days per week to burn more calories than you would with long cardio sessions at the same intensity. Do a few minutes of cardiovascular exercise at a low to moderate pace before increasing to several minutes of high intensity. Switch intensities back and forth until you complete the desired amount of time.

    * 4

    Tone the belly by doing abdominal exercises so that once the belly fat has been reduced, toned and tight muscles will show. Do a variety of exercises to target different areas of the stomach. Do crunches to target the upper abdominals, reverse crunches to tone the lower abdominals, and side bends to tone the obliques.

    * 5

    Avoid becoming stressed, as this makes the body release the stress hormone cortisol, which, according to the Marilyn Glenville website, leads to fat gain around the middle. Stay relaxed by breathing deeply and practicing meditation.

    Replenish energy by getting at least eight hours of sleep per night. Sleep with the lights off. According to the Motley Health website, sleeping with even a dim nightlight can trigger an increase of appetite.

  • Kelly
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Probably the most important thing... at least as far as a guy's body is concerned. And I love a nice *toned* tummy, not with abs sticking out like crazy (good for you!) :D His face is still wayyy more important, and his personality even moreso.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the plank!!! i find more affective the doing crunches and sit - ups. ive been a dancer for 10 years and find it to make me more toned the sit ups / crunches.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i love toned tummies!

    i work my abs everynight - not too much because then you never feel like doing them again but basically i work all 3parts - upper middle & lower i always have a flat stomach no matter what i eat! and i barely get bloated when getting my period now! it's great really and you have a whole month. i usually do 30 per section - 30 with legs straight 30 with knees bent & 30 with legs in the air - as you said you don't want abs & this is a small workout that should be done every night to just get that flat stomach we all want!

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Cardio to burn off any fat that may be covering your abs...crunches and various other ab exercises (which you can look up online) to tone your tummy. You shouldn't expect much muscle change in a month or less. You should've begun your ab improvement regime around the first of the year.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dancing - very fun. Pilates/yoga - so easy. + calorie control.

    Pilates will get that off in a couple of weeks.

    Though... aren't women supposed to have a belly?

    So I rather recommend arabic dancing/belly dancing.

  • 1 decade ago

    jus dont eat junk food, soda etc.. and run.

    simple- but hard to follow

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a healthy diet and lots of sit ups

  • 1 decade ago

    Use the ab slider its good

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