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How come every time I send a photo I get the dreaded red x?

Also I always get the dreaded x when receiving photos is there any way to make it so I can view photo?


1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Check to see if you have the following downloads..

    .Media player 11..

    .adobe reader 9

    adobe flash player 10


    microsoft power point viewer 2007

    You can check by clicking on START...CONTROL PANEL..then ADD/REMOVE...once that populates you will see what you have in your system.. If any of them are missing you can go to or and find them...You can also enter each name individually in your browser and add the word DOWNLOAD after each one and you will get a website that will provide the download. On PPS files...opened by Microsoft power point viewer 2007...When i download them they do not pop up for me...They go to my desktop where I have open up Microsoft power point viewer 2007 by clicking on START...ALL PROGRAMS...MICROSOFT POWER POINT VIEWER 2007. That usually brings up a box where you have to click on the down arrow located just to the right of the "look in" box and click on DESKTOP...once done your desktop icons will come up...Click on the one you want which will place it down below where you can click on OPEN....that should do it...

    Also, check this website for additional suggestions.

    In addition...when you have problems viewing photos/attachments in your email you can click on MY PHOTOS or MY ATTACHMENTS and they should be in there...I don't completely understand why you can view them in there when you can't when clicking on them in the email and end up getting those boxes with a Red X...etc...

    Hope this helps

    G O D bless the U S A

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