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What are some stereotypes about Christians (America)?

I'm an ESL teacher and one of my students wants to talk about Christianity in America. I'd be interested to hear in people's stereotypes about Christians (I'm most interested in stereotypes held by Americans).

I'd like to hear from Christians and non-Christians about their perceptions (and the perceptions of others that they know).

What are some stereotypes about Christians/Christianity in general?


Baptists? Evangelicals? Others?

I'm also interested in any stereotypes (real or perceived) that Christians might have about non-Christians.

Thanks very much! Please let me know whether you're Christian or something else in your answer.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The US is predominantly WASP (White AngloSaxon Protestant) so you have opposition to faiths such as Catholics and Mormon. (JFK had to deal with anti-Catholicism, and in the last election here, the Republicans threw their best candidate away because of opposition to his being a Mormon).

    There are large regional differences, and much more acceptance of other religions within major cities. There is no public effort to identify, let alone understand, other nonchristian faiths. Even in NY where I live, after 9-11 Sikhs were attacked on the streets because they had beards and wore turbans. Anyone with a beard or turban was a "terrorist."

    From what I have seen, Catholics are the best at promoting inter-faith initiatives.

  • Southern Baptist types scare me, literally. They want to take over the United States and establish a theocratic dictatorship based on the Bible. They believe that the US Constitution is un-Biblical, and they want the Bible to replace the Constitution. They even have this "Christian flag" planned out to *replace* the Stars and Stripes. This flag is white with a blue box inside of it.

    Also, once these Christians take over, they're going to ban dancing, alcohol, basically any kind of sex other than missionary position, and all movies that are rated above PG. They basically think that everything short of breathing is a "sin", and they want to force non-Christian children to say Christian prayers in public schools.

    Christians generally are so full of hypocrisy. They preach about "love" but hate gays, Muslims, atheists, unwed teenage mothers, and basically anyone who doesn't conform to their ideology. Also, they keep parroting this pro-life mantra, but they are fervent supporters of the death penalty and overseas military operations.

    Moreover, Christian arguments are annoying, and their attempts to denigrate those who don't agree with them. They call atheists "foolish" for not believing in their faith, but their beliefs gall us. How are we "foolish" if we don't believe that 1 god can be 3 at the same time?

    And even though they mostly don't believe in evolution (which has overwhelming scientific evidence), is the idea that some dude and his girlfriend eating an apple thanks to a talking snake REALLY a better alternative?

    Oh, and Evangelical Christians are SO pushy about their faith! Why don't they honestly understand that everyone in America knows who this Jesus guy is?! We are so SICK of hearing about him! But they go on and on and on, which annoys me to no end.

    Catholics are considerably nicer and aren't pushy about their faith. But sometimes their anti-abortion sentiment can get so extreme that it seems that they are turning into a Fetus Cult. Roman Catholicism is the last religion on earth that I'd consider joining since it's so artificial and man-made. I also don't like the idea of thinking another mortal human being is infallible.

    Source(s): 20 year old American atheist
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    in case you regular Yahoo! solutions lots then you definately see the sterotyping and judging each 2nd of primary. The puzzled posed in maximum circumstances at the instant are not there to enlighten yet to place down or demean Christians. regrettably human beings might pick to ridicule without expertise. regularly it truly is merely backlash as a results of a foul war of words with somebody claiming to be Christian, who wasn't appearing very Christian like. each and every time I see issues like that it makes me indignant yet greater unhappy. i think of that in case you tried to get to appreciate God or what Christianity is all approximately(no longer merely while television shows us) you will possibly actual prefer to be one. As a Christian I pray that your exeriences do no longer harden you against all people who might appear as if or share the ideals of those few that wronged you. God Bless. To the guy which could no longer see the relationship between racist persecution and religous persecution...p.c.. up a newspaper or watch the television religous persecution is all around and that i dare to declare greater prevelent and violent(in at present's society and throughout historic previous). you think of, muslims are concentrated on thier looks on my own? walk as much as somebody you do no longer understand and shake there hand, then tell them your muslim. Gaurentee you get a lots worse reaction out of them over your religous ideals then the colour of your pores and skin or ethnic historic past.

  • Rama
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    1- because they speak "English" they can bully others. after all no one else "Understands"! that goes with Britain and Australia as well.

    2- they fake religion even though they can not explain it. they all call it Christianity.

    3- they are kind hearted after all. fake but kind hearted.

    Source(s): i am not a Christian and don't follow any sectarian religion (Hindu, Muslim, Christian...). i try to follow Bakhti Yoga and i very much like Lord Jesus Christ as a devotee of God.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ned Flanders.

  • ICH8TE
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Most "Christians" that I've come across, think their religion is the best of them all. But that's not a myth or stereotype, that's a fact. Can't think of any stereotypes right now.

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    hypocrites, pick and choose what to believe in bible, hate gays, hell hated other races less then a decade ago "cause if we mix the races we take away from the sanctity of marriage, pro life, intolerant of other peoples religions, take advantage of people in moments of weakness *missionaries handing bibles to people in third world countries*, I got more, but these are the main ones.

  • 1 decade ago

    Christians -hipocrys ,idiots,homohpobes

    Catholicc-bunch of kid f.ckers, priests pedophiles

  • Tony
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    More and more I see fanatic arses who:

    aren't content with the Bible ruling their lives, but want it to rule mine, my family's, and everyone else's.

    do not know how to keep their beliefs to themselves.

    are willfully ignorant of basic scientific and logical principals.

    claim persecution while persecuting others.

    are horribly hypocritical...

    I could go on all day, but I think I'll stop here. Thanks for the chance to rant.

    Source(s): 20 year old gay agnostic
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