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Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Keeping religion and the state separate is best for both religion and the state.

Please support your views logically.

Thanks in advance!

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Agreed, Those who disagree are uneducated.

    Church and State are seperated so we may have freedom of religion.

    IM pretty sure that everyone likes having the choice in which religion they believe. Last time i checked we live in The untied states the land of the free.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Neither the Founding Fathers or the US constitution claimed that America was founded as a theocracy. Christian Fundamentalists have taken to spreading lies about the history of the United States, and, quite frankly, that would make them unpatriotic or utterly ignorant of history. The separation of Church and State was placed in the constitution to prevent abuse of religion for political agendas, such as the Holocaust, which Hitler propagated with Biblical scriptures.

    When religion and government come together as a single entity, there is ALWAYS human suffering and vile oppression of human rights. It is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to have a democracy based on the Bible. The Bible professes Dictatorship by God, not rule by the people. Only someone who hasn't thought clearly would believe that a democracy could be founded as a Christian entity. It flies in the very face of Biblical doctrine.

    When one of the early apostles needed to be replaced in the New Testament Church, the remaining apostles gambled to see who would replace him, believing that God was making the decision. Nowhere in scripture will you find democracy.

    I do not, however, think that separation of Church and State is a plus for religion, specifically the one that wants to take over the government, Fundamentalist Christianity. They know this, and that is why the movement has gained such alarming momentum under the leadership of dishonest and delusional propagandists.

    Source(s): 21 years as a Born-Again Christian, 3.5 years as a pastor, 3 years as an Atheist
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Agree. The very best writing on this is Thomas Jefferson's Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom (which you can Google). It is one of three achievements Jefferson was so proud of that he wanted them mentioned on his gravestone, the other two being writing the Declaration of Independence and founding the University of Virginia (the US's first secular university. The only university, Jefferson said, that is centered around a library instead of a church).

    Jefferson explains that the purpose of separation of church and state is not to protect politics from being corrupted by the church, but vice versa. And today, as that wall of separation is crumbling, we see just that happening, spiritual leaders 'selling out' to secular power, conflating a political message with their spiritual one for their own self-aggrandizement. This is exactly what Jesus railed against in the Temple. The mixture of church and state leads to incredible hypocrisy, Jefferson warned.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    a million-. Kurt perspective is the acceptable wrestler right this moment. - Agree 2-. Ric flair grew to become into the acceptable of each and every of the situations. - Agree, Woooo 3-. Antonio Inoki grew to become into the acceptable jap wrestler ever. -Agree 4-. the large Owen Hart grew to become right into a sufferer of Monday night Wars. - Disagree 5-. Eric Bischoff grew to become into the acceptable regularly occurring supervisor in uncooked history. - Agree 6-. Chris Jericho deserve a larger opponent then Mickey Rourke. - Agree 7-. Hulk hogan defeating Iron Sheik grew to become into the demise of expert wrestling. - Agree 8-. Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 25 is incredibly no longer as charismatic as Hulk Hogan vs spectacular Warrior adventure at Wrestlemania 6? - Disagree BQ- Agree

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Agree. There are just too many religions and different forms of those religions. To include one religion you must give the others equal time. It is best that no religion is represented in the government.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's so stupid I have to answer.

    You can define anything as 'religion' that is the first point. Man-boy sex, drug indulgence, mail-order parsons, anything. And I'm sure you or somebody would just love to be in charge of that 'defining'.

    Secondly all partakers in religion and/or the state are people. You can't separate a person.

    But the argument that clinches it for me is right here on Y!A. Whenever anyone wants to justify perversity or meanness or discrimination or whatever they just label the opposing opinion as religion.

    But historically to take an example, homosexuality was opposed on philosophical, historical and personal reasons. People realized this and said 'let's make opposition to homosexuality a religious oppostion then we automatically win'.

    Use your mind. This is a foolish statement and impracticable as stated.

    PS Even that word 'best' for who or what ? If it isn't good for particular flesh-and-blood people it's bogus.

  • 1 decade ago


    The state is made up of people from many different religions and cultures. The only way to be fair and equal to all people is to keep religion out of government and create and maintain laws that are fair to ALL people - not just those of a certain belief system.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes. Agreed.

    Laws should be based off of a knowledge of what helps both the society and its people, that way the people and the group as a whole may live better lives.

    Religion should be a personal thing. Because it is based off of blindly following/believing in something (faith) it should NEVER be part of the state. This is to keep those in power from controlling wide masses of people. I'm sure you've heard of the holocaust.


    ║Those who regard a freedom from the false morals and obsolete

    ║practices regarding sex or religion as debauched are doing naught

    ║but corrupting their minds with foolishness.

    ║My morals come from compassion; my compassion from

    ║understanding. And I seek to know and understand... everything.


  • I've never understood that statement !

    if it means what I think it means, then it doesn't apply to me. My God is my God, no matter where I am or who I am talking to!

    Daniel, in the bible was thrown in the lions den for worshipping God after the king passed a law saying no man could worship any god but the king. But Daniel continued to serve the Lord ANYWAY and God delivered him from the lions den ! And He'll deliver me through all such trials as well !

    I had all the leaders of a so-called pentacostal church harrassing me to get a job. I told them, God has called me, and I'm doing what He is leading me to do.

    They continued to harrass me,they called me an infidel and a deadbeat and lazy etc. but they refused to agree that God had called me. I don't need a man's approval when I have God's approval !

    Now 4 years later, I have signs and wonders following me and they are still "playing church"!

    but I must tell you, so you don't jump to the wrong conclusion, God told me, when I asked Him, why is Your church hating me ?

    He said, "Son, that's not My church."

    There are, as the Bible said there would be, "those that have the form of godliness, but deny the power thereof, from such turn away! and there are so many it's a shame.They don't even know it, because they chose to believe a lie (false gospel) so, God sent them strong delusion that they "would" believe the lie ! and so they do, thinking they are pleasing God. In actuality, they are out of the way! We all know where they are. In their churches on sundays and wednesdays ! But go into their church being led by the Holy Spirit, to do the will of God, whether that is speaking a word or praising God or working a miracle by the Holy Spirit,

    and they will freak out on you! yes, they call themselves christians but they stand in the very way of God's will being done on earth as it is in Heaven!

    No wonder the Bible says "from such turn away !

    Don't be deceived ! these are not true believers in Jesus Christ, don't follow them !

    True believers have the Holy Spirit and are led by Him ! The Bible says,"those who are led by The Spirit of God, are the sons of God!

    God Bless YOU

    Have A Jesus Filled LIFE

    Receive The Holy Spirit

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree if state and religion get fused together the forced religion just enslaves the ppl of the state

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