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How do I get my chain smoking mother to stop smoking, or at least not as much?

I'm 15 and I live just with my mother. She's 46 and has been a smoker since she was a teenager, and has smoked several packs a day as long as I can remember. My mom smokes inside our house and causes everything I own to smell absolutely disgusting, and turns every white surface yellow within months of repainting. She coughs loudly almost every time she speaks, and causes herself to throw up from coughing so often she keeps a waste bin by the couch she never seems to get up off of. I don't have asthma, but I cannot play sports or run due to shortness of breath. Anyone with breathing problems literally cannot enter my house without choking.

I've tried to make my mom realize that she's killing herself and me for years. She's told me she would "try" to "do better" for just as long and never made any effort to smoke less or at least smoke outside. I hate it so much, I cry, scream, beg, and just tonight she made me so angry that I shattered a glass against the kitchen sink just to get her attention. She gets angry at me for "nagging" her when I just want to be healthy, she acts like I don't have a right to complain. She knows she's sick but refuses to see a doctor because she's scared.

My mother grew up without grandparents, my last living grandparent died four years ago, and since my father died and my mom is going to smoke herself to death it, looks like my children won't have grandparents, either. The thought of losing my mother before I have a chance to grow up and start a family makes me cry every time it crosses my mind. I'm scared to leave my small town for college in 3 years because I'm worried that my mom's health with spiral farther.

A few years ago she left her boyfriend and stopped heavy drinking every night. I know she can overcome addictions, and I know mom's smoking is stress related. She's unemployed, we just lost our health insurance, and though my father died 15 years ago (before I was born), she still mourns his passing. She has a lot on her mind.

Am I too worried, or do I have valid reasons to always be this upset?

Is there anything I can do, or anyone I can talk to to help my mom?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    So you know her smoking is stress related but yet you continue to add stress by harassing her to quit? No wonder she's never able to quit.

    My grandparents are 88 and 83 and have been smoking for over 60 years, with no signs of quitting. They are healthier than most non smokers in their 50's.

    My kids did meet their grandparents and great grandparents.

    So lets drop the negative attitude, and think positive for once.

    Not everyone who smokes dies at an early age. My grandparents are living proof of that.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You can use all the air fresheners you want, but it will just cover up the smell of cigarettes. There are two things that will really help get rid of the smell: vinegar and baking soda. Put white vinegar in a spray bottle and lightly spray your carpet, bedding, clothes, etc. The smell of vinegar will be strong while its wet, but vinegar has no smell when its dry. If you can't even get the smell from your clean clothes use vinegar in the final rinse cycle of your laundry. Vinegar also softens the water and will make your fabric softener work better. Sprinkle baking soda on dry carpet and vacuum after 10-30 minutes. You can also put baking soda in some open container (such as paper baking cups) and that will absorb the smell from the air.

  • 1 decade ago

    i smoke hub is ex smoker,his bro also.i stopped smoking in house out of respect for them or anyone else who stopped smoking or just doesn't smoke at all.if u have deck or patio where it would be safe for her to be,ask her to smoke outside of house. i do it every time i smoke outside of house & don't mind a bit.would probably make her stop smoking too much also.LUCK TO U & MOM

    Source(s): experience
  • 1 decade ago

    You can also use WELLBUTRIN

    about it you can get information from here

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