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More bigotted anti-Catholic behavior from Yahoo?

Everytime I answer a question, I get this in my face:

Thanks for your answer. You've earned 2 points!

You're on a roll! Can you answer these questions?

Legal Disassociation from the Catholic Church.?

1 Stars In Religion & Spirituality - Asked by robert - 10 answers - 2 days ago

The blood-soaked history of the Roman Catholic Church?

0 Stars In Religion & Spirituality - Asked by greg_novella - 0 answers - 11 hours ago

Of course the questions have been deleted, but they remain there for days for all to see, as if repetition will give the question legitimacy. Geobbles thinks it will.


My point is that anti-Catholic bigotry is sanctioned by Yahoo, not the content of the questions that keep showing up on my screen. The reason they keep showing up on my screen is that Yahoo hates the Catholic Church. My question is who gains with so much anti-Catholicism flooding the world today? The lies and the myths abound, with none of them holding up to scrutiny.

14 Answers

  • Daver
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    <<More bigotted anti-Catholic behavior from Yahoo?>>

    This is the Internet. What did you expect, unfortunately?

    <<Everytime I answer a question, I get this in my face: Thanks for your answer. You've earned 2 points! You're on a roll! Can you answer these questions?>>

    Everyone does. So?

    <<Legal Disassociation from the Catholic Church.?

    1 Stars In Religion & Spirituality - Asked by robert - 10 answers - 2 days ago

    The blood-soaked history of the Roman Catholic Church?

    0 Stars In Religion & Spirituality - Asked by greg_novella - 0 answers - 11 hours ago

    Of course the questions have been deleted, but they remain there for days for all to see, as if repetition will give the question legitimacy. Geobbles thinks it will.>>

    Sounds more like a software bug to me.

    <<My point is that anti-Catholic bigotry is sanctioned by Yahoo, not the content of the questions that keep showing up on my screen.>>

    I see it too and I respond with asnswers as Dogmatically accurate as I can present them. I don't get flack from any YA for my answers, so I have a hard time believing YA is anti-Catholic.

    Also, if YA was anti-Catholic, how do you explain all the honest and/or respectfully posed questions regarding the Catholic Faith? They wouldn't be there, long, if YA was anti-Catholic.

    <<The reason they keep showing up on my screen is that Yahoo hates the Catholic Church.>>

    There is plenty of legitimate anti-Catholicism in the world. Don't go looking for it in places where it simply isn't. Yes, there is anti-Catholic content on YA, but that has nothing to do with any anti-Catholic sentiment harbored by YA specifically. It has everything to do with anti-Catholic sentiment harbored by anti-Catholic USERS of YA.

    <<My question is who gains with so much anti-Catholicism flooding the world today? The lies and the myths abound, with none of them holding up to scrutiny.>>

    That's because, too many Catholics are wasting their time whining about anti-Catholicism with posts like yours instead of answering the anti-Catholic posts with Dogmatically accurate answers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Moreover, anti-Catholic TRADITIONAL bigotry is sanctioned.

    This is crucial. Traditionalism is the Patristic Record on which the Catholic Church rests her oars. Nothing comes after it that can change the doctrine.

    Except Conciliarism. Traditional Catholics and Conciliar Catholics are at great odds over the Doctrinal oddities in Conciliarism. But the Catholic Patristic Record still stands. It is the record on which all Catholic Papal Encyclicals up to 1958 were based. To anyone who believes that this is the proof of the Indefectibility of Catholic Doctrine, this is important.

    Yahoo more than allows a favoritism to Conciliarists and those willing ninnies who operate in their advantage. The power of the Vatican'$ $upreme For$e is that to which the world looks today, whereas since when did the world give a ding about Catholics anywhere, except to excoriate them. That is the way it should remain. But today the world is involved with the Conciliari$ New Religion, not the doctrine of Traditional Catholicism.

    You will see few people on the R&S who even understand the above paragraph. If you are reading this and do understand, and deny it, reply in some fashion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hate those damn Anti-Catholic left wing fundamentalists.They persecute the first and original Church the Holy Roman Catholic Church.I can't ask one question about Catholicism without having at least one anti-Catholic answer.I usually have to defend Roman Catholic views.They use all sorts of arguments the most typical of them is the Pagan Mysticism argument which I absolutely hate.The Catholic Church doesn't have a trace of Paganism in it!.

    I am not a Catholic anymore but I still love the Church and I am willing to defend it always !.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    hi, enable them to be. The psychological gymnastics here on that project is is exciting. besides, as a Catholic you may no longer ignore the educational of those human beings and supply them your 10 denari relatively worth. I do despite if get relatively aggravated when I've taken the time to tear a strip out of the a ss of one of those human beings basically to work out that i won't be able to placed up in spite of everything that artwork. Cheers, Michael Kelly

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  • 1 decade ago

    Chris I will not call you a bigot. You are too ignorant to be called that.

    You are also very unaware of the true relationship between Hitler And Cardinal Pacelli. Later known as PIus XII. Prior to becoming Pope Cardinal Pacelli was Papal Nuncio to Germany. He delivered 44 sermons in German churches of which 40 of the sermons were attacks on nazism communism and racism.

    In 1937 He also helped draft One encyclical ( Mit Brennender Sorge) along with then Pope Pius XI. The document condemned the things mentioned above plus supporting man's right to own property.

    I would suggest you read more about him instead of embedding yourself in the fantasy world of such writers as Cornwell and Brown.

    Try reading stuff like the statement below instead of listening to the hate filled rhetoric spewed out by whoever is instructing you and filling your mind with poison

    No keener rebuke has come to Nazism than from Pope Pius XI and his successor, Pope Pius XII.

    ~ Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, chancellor, Jewish Theological Seminary of America

  • x2000
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's kind of funny how bringing up the history of the church always gets people bent out of shape. Obviously not believers in the don't kill the messenger rule.

  • 1 decade ago

    It totally depends which direction that you are looking in. I see a lot more anti-fundamentalist bigotry here than Catholic bashing.

    They have even given them an insulting label. They call them "fundies"!

  • 1 decade ago

    Calm the f**k down. Christianity is not the only consciousness in existence. Acknowledge the fact that non Christianity exists, and is against the corrupting nature of religion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Although I believe Catholics brought this upon themselves by not investigating in the subject and jailing the criminals, I still believe we shouldn't generalize and that Catholics follow a very pure form of Christianity.

  • 1 decade ago

    They aren't questions.. and they aren't respectful...and they aren't accepting of answers actually given.

    I would report you too. [ Plus you can't write for crap. ]

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