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LGBT: How do you put up with people like these answerers?;_ylt=AkjX6...

I'm straight, and it makes me want to scream! How do gay people put up with this sshit?!

Maybe I was asking for it with the question, but these homophobes just get me so frustrated! And they didn't even answer the question!


And I accidentally gave that first guy a thumbs up...woops.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I used to hang out in R&S before I got tired of all the trolls and wackos. (By the way, I'm a gay agnostic).

    I read the answers to your question there, and was surprised at how many GOOD answers you got. Far more than the usual question in that section.

    Josh hit the nail right on the head. He should have gotten the 10 points.

    St. Thomas did a pretty good job explaining the Euthyphro Dilemma. It's chicken-and-egg circular reasoning.

    Valerie did an excellent job of explaining the Teleological Argument, which Mr. Danger refuted.

    And MOJ clumsily touched upon the Deontic Argument.

    Of course, all of those arguments are logically flawed, but if you understand the reasoning behind them, then you will get a glimpse of how the mind of the religious homophobe works, and how to counter their arguments with sound logic.

    Again, I'm actually impressed by the quality of the answers you got there.

    If you're really interested in logical thought, a must read is this website:

    It explains all the logical fallacies, gives abundant examples so you can learn to recognize them, and instructs you how to refute them.

    Hope this helps.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't begin to tell you how angry I was getting as I was reading that.

    After reading all the hate and disrespect they were giving back, the one line that really set me off was...

    "I don't know why He (God) said homosexuality is wrong; I just choose to believe it."

    I just want to say I love God, I do. But I find the bible to be a bit off in the way that it's an interpretation of what God finds right. It's not a guarantee. I understand and respect why many follow the bible, but for those few things that make the readers disrespectful without any reason, kind of irritates me. I'm not irritated with the bible; I am irritated with the exact line

    I quoted above.

    I do believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I do not believe that everyone has a right to enforce it upon others.

    One is responsible for himself/herself only. Not for anyone else, unless that someone else wishes. We are all independent, and must be treated as so.

    I'M OUT!!! hope this helps. :)

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I am straight, but I believe every one should live their life to suit them. As long as something does not physically harm another, or a potential to, they should be able to live like they want. I believe that the bible, when read, can be interpreted many different ways. When one person can find something that is wrong with the way a person lives their life, another can find why it is right. I think everyone should live their life, and face their maker at the end knowing they lived their life in the fashion they believed was right. Everyone thinks their religion is right and others are wrong, I believe God goes by numerous name, and when I die, he will let me know If I deserve to go to heaven, not all these people down here who think I was wrong for what I believed. I personally don't think homosexuality is a sin. Everyone needs to be loved, and if two individuals can live a life, basically doing good,they can meet their maker with a clear conscience. That is my belief.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, it's pretty sad that we're in the year 2009 and people are still that ignorant.

    Did you notice that the ones who quoted scripture or wrote as if they were preaching had no grasp on the English language, grammar, or common sense?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It helps to know that there is always a rebuttal that can easily be made.

    Also, with all the trolls in the LGBT section and homophobes in real life, most of us are used to it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is where it gets technical. Those of us who are not homophobic want those who are to understand, but we too need to understand that their ignorance is born of fear, and so their fear dictates a mindset. We need tolerance and love all the way around or we never get equality.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That angered me so much.

    But thank you for being straight and seeing logic not just believing some brainwash. :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know, it is pathetic. I cannot imagine having my rights taken away from me like that. It's complete injustice.

  • 1 decade ago

    it's so sad..


    Source(s): but then i bash on people who are against LGBT... so it all becomes a circle of hate.. (i try to be peaceful... but i cant!)
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