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Does anyone think this is mean or is it ok?

I'm thinking about getting my daughter's ears pierced. She is only 3 months old. Is this mean? I think it is cute when babies have pierced ears, but at the same time I can't help but wonder if it is mean since they are so little and it does hurt a little.

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It isnt mean to get her ears pierced. I think that it is perfectly normal to have a babies ears pierced because girls need to have pierced ears. It is easier to do when they are young and it looks so cute when you see a tiny baby with studs in her ears.

    She will probably cry for a few seconds when they are done but will soon get over it. My children (3 girls & 1 boy) all had their ears pierced as babies and were perfectly fine within a minute or so of being pierced.

    Good luck on your choice, but I hope you get them done.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've got three sides to this:

    1.) My mom pierced mine when I was 6 months old... I wish she hadn't, cause I've had nothing but trouble, since then. Lots of infections, and I don't even wear earrings, anymore, and I still get infections! I wish she'd let it be my choice.

    2.) I have three daughters, and I make them wait until they are at least 5 years old, before *they* decide if they want it done... I tell them it's not to be taken lightly, because, even though they look pretty, they *can* cause a lot of trouble, and there is upkeep... My oldest daughter got hers done when she was 6... Since then, she barely wears earrings. My other two daughters are 2 and 7 months, so they have a while, yet. :)

    3.) My sis-in-law had her daughter's done, and just recently, she (the young toddler) pulled really hard on it, and the earring came out, causing lots of pain, and stretching of the hole... Sis-in-law felt bad, took her to the doc, and has since said if she has another girl, she will not be getting it done, so young. Toddlers are notorious for messing with anything and everything; I personally wouldn't give them interesting 'toys' in their ears.

    Good luck with deciding.

    Source(s): Married, with 4 kids.
  • IDK
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This decision is totally up to you. Many people are going to have many different opinion's on this subject. People are going to say that it does not hurt but it does hurt. I had my ears pierce when I was about 3 months. All my family member get pierce ears at a young age. This question is like asking if you should circumcise your baby it is totally up to you. You are the mom you know what decision to make. To answer your question No I don't think it is mean.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't agree with inflicting unnecessary pain on my child when he/she's not asked for it. I've not had my son circumcised, and if I ever have a girl I'll wait til she asks for her ears to be pierced.

    It's just not worth the upset, pain and chance of infection. It's a choking hazard, and as your baby grows there's a chance the piercing will turn out uneven.

    I've had my ears pierced three times in each ear, all my own choice. The third set I've had nothing but trouble from, they're always getting inflamed, even when I don't wear jewellery in them. And as a 22 yo woman, I will say, it hurts when they're inflamed!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I got my oldest daughter's did while she was a baby. My second daughter I didn't, she wants hers done but wishes I had done it while she was a baby so she wouldn't have had to worry about it hurting. I don't think it's mean at all. She won't play with them and they will heal faster. Just make sure you use earrings that don't contain nickel, I heard that babies can develop a nickel allergy from having there ears pierced with earrings made of nickel.

  • *Tina*
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Personally for me and my baby I am going to wait and let her make that decision. I would at least wait until they are about 2, babies tend to pull at their ears a lot, especially when teething. And they are uncomfortable to lay on, I hate laying on my earrings. So yes, my opinion it is a little mean for a baby so young. I do think they look adorable, but we are going to wait for her to ask when she wants her ears pierced.

  • 1 decade ago

    It hurts, it hurts u and me so why wouldnt it hurt her?

    I wanted to pierce my daughters ears until my husband pointed out that its not nice to make decisions for someone elses body without their input. let her decide which holes she wants to put in her body when she is old enough to understand.

    why not? no one should have a baby to be their own personal toy.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do think it is mean, yes, and selfish on the parent's part. Why does a baby need earrings? My daughters are both beautiful & perfect, and I can't imagine them needing something to look 'cuter'. When they get old enough to want earrings, I will tell them what it feels like, how much care they require & they can make the decision on their own. Their body, their decision.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a personal choice kind of decision. I personally think it's more fun to wait until she's old enough to want them pierced, then it's a treat because she gets to decide herself and get permission from you.

    I feel too nervous that the baby will pull them or get them caught.

    As for the pain, it does hurt but they forget quickly afterwards. With babies you just have to make sure to check them and clean them so that they do not fall out or get pulled.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't really think you have the right to do it because they aren't your ears. If what you were wanting to do was a matter of life or death (or bad illness/disease) such as immunisations then I would say okay, that is acceptable but for something completely aesthetic and in no way beneficial to your daughter then no it is not okay, in my own personal opinion.

    *EDIT* would you pierce you baby's lip/eyebrow/nose/belly button? lots of people think that looks good, but would you do it to a baby? what would you think of someone who did do it to their baby?

    Source(s): UK Student Midwife! mummy of two!
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