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Dimo J
Lv 7
Dimo J asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Are all dogs sneaky little snots?

There is the spot on the sofa that is MY SPOT. So naturally every dog in the house wants to lay there. When Dog A is occupying the spot Dos B will go to the front door and bark as if someone is approaching. Dog A jumps up to join the fray and Dog B sneaks back to the sofa and grabs MY SPOT.

So I'm on the phone to my LAN Implementor, she has five dogs also. Ask if hers do the same fake out to grab the spot on the furniture and find out that they do.

Talk to one of my girlfriends in Engineering, she only has two dogs. The Lab pulls the same stunt on the Poodle, but does not fall for it when the Poodle tries.

So the question is...

For households with more than one dog

where the dogs are allowed on the furniture

and where the Master has a Favorite Seat

that is to be taken when the Master is not around....

Does anyone have such a situation where the dogs do NOT fake bark to pull another dog out of the Master Seat so that they may grab it?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ha! Mine do this too with our recliner, only they use a second chair instead of the door.

    If Dog A is on the recliner, Dog B will go up to this really uncomfortable blue butterfly chair and circle it and look like he's making it comfortable.

    Dog A will get jealous, jump off the recliner and into the blue chair (which he's much too big for) while Dog B takes the recliner.

    Quite funny really.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have two dogs and my favourite spot is on the left side of the couch. Both dogs are under 40 pounds and not very tall so they are allowed on the couch. My spot was always taken but I trained the dogs the word off and now when I just walk down there they get off my spot.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You could have them trained to not do such things =]

    But, honestly, I've never had that happen and we'd had about 4 dogs at a time haha.. I think that's kinda' funny, really.

    My current dog just takes any available seat and will jump back on there if you push him off, and our two cats do the same thing. They don't pull any pranks to get us out of a certain spot, but they take it the second we get up! =]

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No my dogs don't fake bark. They know we're the masters and we make them move out of the seat. My dogs also like to curly up and lay beside us so we can share seating.T hey also have many places to lay..their 2 little beds, sofa, chair, or their sofa.

    Yes, I have deligated a sofa to them. It is for company and extra seating but, when no one is over they use it and look out the window. My one dog seems to enjoy blankets more though so if we curled up a little blanket on the floor that would probably solve that problem.

    You will need to train your dog "off". This way he'll move and get "off" to get a treat. Then you get your seat. You can keep using this command to keep your dog off or you can use this command to get your dog out of your seat. One of my dogs can do this the other dog I have to pick up unless she realizes I need her to move. "off" is an extremly useful command.

    Add--If you realize it's a fake bark then try teaching "quiet" command so he'll stop barking. Also, you can give a clap or a quick "eh" so they stop barking then go back to whatever you were doing. Tell your friends to ring the bell maybe? "Quiet" is useful but, we haven't mastered that yet either.

    Good luck and I hope you get your seat back!!

    ps. You are the leader!! It'll work!

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  • 6 years ago

    I sleep in the dump ***** !

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