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why did Jesus disappear for 30(ish) years?

according to the Bible Jesus was born then er! nothing is heard from him for about 30 years!!

why would someone who is claimed to be the son of God take so long to deliver his message?

"theoretically" how many people would have been "saved" in that 30 year period?

2000 years ago that was more than half the average lifetime!


If he was the son of God surely he would have all the knowledge from birth?

16 Answers

  • IVOR
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jesus disapeard for 30 years because it took that time to concoct the fairy tale. The number that would have been saved in that 30 years is none, the reason being Jesus has never saved anyone it is all in the mind of some people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Of the first years of Jesus’ life nothing is known except that “the young child continued growing and getting strong, being filled with wisdom, and God’s favor continued upon him.” (Lu 2:40) In course of time the family grew as four sons and some daughters were born to Joseph and Mary. (Mt 13:54-56) So, Mary’s “firstborn” son (Lu 2:7) did not grow up as an only child. This doubtless explains why his parents could begin a return journey from Jerusalem without realizing for a while that Jesus, their oldest child, was missing from the group. This occasion, with Jesus’ visit (as a 12-year-old) to the temple, where he engaged in a discussion with the Jewish teachers that left them amazed, is the only incident of his early life recounted in some detail. (PICTURE, Vol. 2, p. 538) Jesus’ reply to his worried parents when they located him there shows that Jesus knew the miraculous nature of his birth and realized his Messianic future. (Lu 2:41-52) Reasonably, his mother and his adoptive father had passed on to him the information obtained through the angelic visitations as well as through the prophecies of Simeon and Anna, spoken when the first trip was made to Jerusalem 40 days after Jesus’ birth.—Mt 1:20-25; 2:13, 14, 19-21; Lu 1:26-38; 2:8-38.

    There is nothing to indicate that Jesus had or exercised any miraculous powers during his childhood years, as the fanciful stories recorded in certain apocryphal works, such as the so-called Gospel of Thomas, pretend. The changing of water to wine at Cana, performed during his ministry, was “the beginning of his signs.” (Joh 2:1-11) Likewise, while among the family in Nazareth, Jesus evidently did not make a showy display of his wisdom and superiority as a perfect human, as is perhaps indicated by the fact that his half brothers did not exercise faith in him during his ministry as a human, as well as by the disbelief most of the population of Nazareth showed toward him.—Joh 7:1-5; Mr 6:1, 4-6.

    Yet Jesus was evidently well known by the people of Nazareth (Mt 13:54-56; Lu 4:22); his splendid qualities and personality must certainly have been noted, at least by those appreciative of righteousness and goodness. (Compare Mt 3:13, 14.) He regularly attended the synagogue services each Sabbath. He was educated, as is shown by his ability to find and read sections from the Sacred Writings, but he did not attend the rabbinic schools of “higher learning.”—Lu 4:16; Joh 7:14-16.

    The brevity of the record concerning these early years is because Jesus had not yet been anointed by Jehovah as “the Christ” (Mt 16:16) and had not commenced carrying out the divine assignment awaiting him. His childhood and the growing-up process, like his birth, were necessary, though incidental, means to an end. As Jesus later stated to Roman Governor Pilate: “For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.”—Joh 18:37.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you not know that when all his family all went up to Jerusalem at the age of twelve to the feast Jesus got left behind. Mary told him that she and Joseph had sought him sorrowing.. He said to her 'Don't you know that I must be about my father's business?' God's business, for he was found at the Temple asking questions and discussing with the teachers there and they were astonished at his understanding.

    Jesus would undoubtedly have worked to keep his family because we don't hear of Joseph after a while so presume that he might have died.

    But Jesus would have also been preparing himself for the ordeal ahead of him for he knew that he must die as he later told his disciples.

    He had an impressive knowledge of the Old Testament Scriptures and knew those that prophesied what would happen to him. He later was to tell his listeners that if they had believed Moses and the prophets they would have believed him.

  • 1 decade ago

    According to the evangelist John, these things "were written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ". Jesus' childhood and time until the start of his publicministry is not necessary for our salvation.

    His genealogy, circumcision, his presentation in the temple at age 40 days, his finding in the temple at age 12 are written to show that Jesus was raised just like any other Jewish male child...he was no different. No exceptions were made for him or his parents.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think many people would have taken a child seriously. The Bible does tell a story of Jesus when He was a child and taken into town by Mary and Jesus. Jesus went off on his own. When his mother found him preaching to some people she scolded Jesus, saying you have stayed and helped your father ( Joseph ) with his work. Jesus said " I was doing my Father's work."

  • Actually,technically and theologically speaking,no one was and could have been really saved anyway until the divine scheme was fully carried out,Jesus Christ crucified ,the arrival of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost and the resurrection of Jesus preached to the masses.

    But since you seem to be very keen on speculations,some scholars have speculated that during this time Jesus might have gone travelling.Some suggested that he could have spend some time in Asia,in India to be precise,before returning to his homeland...If it`s true ,it would explain quite a few things about the nature of his teachings...

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    God, contained in this variety of the Holy Spirit, lives in my heart - and the midsection of each and every believer on earth. The Holy Trinity is a puzzling doctrine to comprehend. there is largely one God, and there is none like Him. not something to evaluate Him to. however the respond on your question is not any. God did not abandon Heaven whilst Jesus grow to be on earth. yet another doctrine that's not hassle-free to attraction to close. God created time, he's not constrained by making use of it. which ability, whilst we could have counted out 33 years whilst He grow to be on earth, it could desire to not remember in a position the place there is not any time.

  • 1 decade ago

    The bible was not made until years later of his death too. like editors today they heard of a story that they had to take advantage of even tho they missed 18 plus years no one will notice cos they will dress it up so nicely to draw the suckers in?

    They missed a lot out, only putting in what they needed to. The powers of be needed a character to lead and control the people.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are gnostic books that contain stories about Jesus in those "lost" years. They weren't ultimately chosen for inclusion in the bible because either there wasn't room for them or the stories sent a message the church didn't agree with. Check out the Book of Thomas for example.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, because a mystic needs some kind of formation...

    You wouldn't expect a major religion founder to be as intellectually worthless as the average TV preacher, right?

    Plus, it appears he was in Egypt at that time. He could spend much of his time studying some cool stuff there, like magic tricks that appeared like miracles, or perhaps even greek-style rhetoric or even medicine.

    As far as I know, Jesus was a cultured man.

    Source(s): Non-christian interested in the life of jesus from a historical point of view.
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