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why is everyone unsubscribing to fred?
ok so theres this chain on youtube saying to unsubscribe to fred. why what happened . i don't watch fred so idk whats going on.
6 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
im unsubbing but then resubbing the next day :)
just to see what would happen haha! idk im stupid like that
Source(s): me - Anonymous1 decade ago
I dont watch it either, aparently lots of people thought it would be interesting to see what happened if a lot of people mass-unsubscribed to fred. I also think it would be interesting, but i'm not subscribed anyway.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Some people just dont like fred
- Anonymous1 decade ago
well on april 1st 2009 i sent these spam messages to my friends as a joke, now EVERY one is doing it. I created it and personally do not think it'll ever work. ive checked like 100 people unsubscribed...... so hahaha my letter is famous.
Source(s): me - How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Nobody is unsubscribing to fred
Those people are just trolls
- 1 decade ago
meh its because fred is gay and alot of people want to kill him. i personnaly hate freds guts and if i ever saw him in public i would bitchslap him. But thats just me. xD
Source(s): Fred Hater 4 eva.