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Are you against abortion 100%?

Scenario: A 14 year old girl is raped. She later finds out she's pregnant. She wants to get an abortion. Should she?

Scenario: A 16 year old girl gets pregnant. Her boyfriend breaks up with her and her parents threaten to kick her out. She wants to get an abortion. Should she?

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well, i think everyone has their own opinion. theres no wrong answers so i dont see why everyone has a thumb down. Anyways,(first scenario) If a girl is raped and doesnt want to keep the baby, its her choice.. she didnt choose to have the baby, it was by force & i couldnt image what it feels like to have a rapists baby inside of you, a part of him. but then again keeping it would have people judging the girl.. most deff something negative since they dont know the true story.

    second scenario- She agreed into having sex with her bf & it was both their wrong for not using a condom.. & an abortion is cruel in this situation since she should have thought about the consequences before she had a baby. but then again its still the girls choice.

    Im not 100% sure if im against abortion or not. Idk why but i would never want to kill a baby thats inside me, but i wouldnt wanna keep it either if i didnt want it at that time. so im sticking to no sex until marriage. :] less problems, less stress.

    hope i helped hun!


  • 1 decade ago

    The First one is hard to because of the rape my part My friend was rape at a young age she did get pregnant but she did get abortion she gave the child up for adoption. But what scare her to this is that the child will try to find her and she really doesn't want face the child ever. But today there are pills called after something for women who get raped so they can take them i feel that would be OK

    as for the second part no she made the mistake and she should have to live with and because she not 18 her parent's can't kick her out

    I'm against abortion I feel people and or kids should have to stand up an take responsibility for there mistakes

  • 1 decade ago

    im torn about abortion

    if you wanted to have sex and you end up pregnant thats your fault and you should suffer the consequences and have the baby

    but if you were raped or gang raped thats really wrong to make the girl have the baby

    yet i personally would never get an abortion

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, no matter the scenario, there is always someone that

    you know that would help you out, whether it be

    provide a home or what.

    Whenever there is a scenario that seems completely turned to the choice of abortion I just think of all the nice, genuine couples who can't have children, and here young girls are getting abortions left and right, whether it's rape or what.

    I'm fully Pro-Life :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Scenario 1 & 2: Yes she should, obviously. How would you like it if it was illegal, and the girls would go to jail for it, or ruin their lives being poor and on welfare trying to afford a kid on top of everything else. Bad life for a child to be raised in, bad life for a person to have to live in. Don't be pro-life, be pro-choice.

    Source(s): Pro-Choice.
  • 1 decade ago



    i'm not against abortion 100%; but i do think it should be done only within the first 3 weeks. after that, it's just too risky for both the baby and the mom.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    not sure

    abortion as everyday birth control is wrong

  • 1 decade ago

    A: No. Even if a woman is raped, it's not longer just about her. There's a baby inside of her. There are SO many clinics that help rape victims through this.

    B: No.

    In short, abortion is never right.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am not against abortion.

    In both scenarios the girl should get the Option to choice.

  • 1 decade ago

    I beileive in her right to choose an abortion, but personally i am against it

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