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boxmaker40 asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

am I having a mental break down? So many issues since I was a child, sexual abuse, and many other types for?

the past 43 years. I am seeing my doctor now, for depression, I beleive I have had a break down, doc says I have chronic depression.

I quit my job due to years of abuse there. I caught my managers son stealing years ago, and over the past 7 years I have been demoted, have not had a raise in 7 years, my supervisor told me last month that he was asked to keep me down and say no to anything I asked for at work. I would get chest pain each day before I got to work, and I had to take meds over the years due to the stress at work. I can't take the company to court cause my husband works for the same place.

I don't know what to do about that.

I cry all the time, or I feel just spaced out. I feel alone, and I can't see anything positive in my future. I feel like a burden to my husband.

I sleep alot but I'm up several times during the night. All I think about is dying. I feel like there is no point in anything cause all I've ever known is abuse in one manner or another. I've only been honest

all my life, cause I know how important it is to me.

My doc thinks that I have reached my limit and I've had a break down.

I've tried to many meds in the past such as zoloft and others and they don't help me at all. I'm wondering if it's because my whole life has been so full of abuse. I've heard of people having break downs, but until the past two weeks I didn't fully understand. I feel like my life has no purpose and I'm feeling so lost and out of control. I have no reason to get up, and all I do is think about my funeral. NO plans to do it, but that's all I think about. I'm going to see a phyciatrist cause

after 43 years of keeping this inside of me, I feel like I need some help, but I'm not sure what to expect. Can people be helped with such long term problems. Has all these years of abuse done something to my brain. Right now all I do is make myself do one thing per day. I walk my dogs. That is it. I feel like I can't physically do anything. I'm confused, my memory is bad, I have alot of cramping, and the crying is off and on. All I want to really do is stay in bed. I'm watching my husband fall apart over me, and that only hurts me more. I reached my breaking point, and now what do I do.

How my whole life seemed to take over my life in an instand is shocking to me, I've been under so much stress and I put this out there cause I hate how it's hurting my husband.

7 Answers

  • Summer
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh, Hon. I feel for you so much!!

    First, thank what ever deity you be believe in that you're out of that place! That kind of long term stress is not good for you! And you don't need to be some place where you are actively held down. There's too much negativity for that kind thing.

    Consider contacting a lawyer anyway. If you can prove your alligations, you deserve the money. And if the company retaliates, your husband has a separate suit. The problem will be proving they kept you down, but you have some of that with not getting a raise during the good years. A good lawyer will do the rest.

    If you can afford a therapist, go. You need to talk to someone about all of this. More than anyone can do online.

    Okay. Now this will sound silly, but it is very important. You need to laugh. Watch slapstick or comedy or whatever makes you laugh for a couple of hours a day. This is part of a holistic approach to keeping yourself healthy. "Laughter is the best medicine" afterall.

    You put so much of yourself into that crappy company and it drained you. It drained you so much you're on anti-depressants and have cramps. It will take time to recover - it took 7 years to wear you down so you won't recover overnight - but what do YOU want to do with your life? What was your favorite subject as a kid in school? Did you always want to make wedding cakes or make a living making jewelry? Once you're healed, what do you want to do? Try to figure that out. Going back to college for subjects that I wanted instead of a degree pulled me out of a mild depression. I know yours is worse, but you should look at the future. Whatever you figure out, pursue that. Don't wait to be over the depression.

    I want to encourage you to look at adaptogen herbs. Adaptogens help you deal with stress. Look at licorice, schizandra, eleuthro, and medicinal mushrooms for starters. Search the name and the words "materia medica" for better search results.

    Lastly, your hubby is only hurting because he can't fix this for you. As soon as you're through this, he'll be better.

    Keep your chin up, and good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Is there any way that you can take this company to court? Perhaps your husband could get a job somewhere else? Of course, that's your decision. It's just a shame when companies do things like that and get away with it because of fear of revenge.

    Can people be helped with long term problems? Of course, and you're no exception. You're understandably overwhelmed and need a break from all the stress you experienced. Let's not worry about the terminology and whether or not it's a "breakdown", let's just focus on how you feel. You feel like the only thing you're able to do right now is walk your dogs. That's fine, at least you're doing that and seeing a doctor.

    Your psychiatrist will help you better than anyone on this website can. Stop blaming yourself for things, and continue to do only as much as you feel you're able to. In the meantime, I'd make sure you focus on your diet - your husband can help you during this time. I'd also look into meditation and breathing exercises. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well as they say once you reach rock bottom you can only go up from there.. so take this as a sign and make plans and goals for the future, sometimes people need a little planning to see there purpose in life. You CAN better your life, it just takes motivation and drive.. something we all dont want to do but HAVE to do because what is life without a purpose?

    think about all the people who care about you NOW, you have a wonderful husband, family, kids.. i mean why do you want to loose all that? what do you think they will think when your gone? dont be selfish, you have other people who care about you and who depend on you.. you are a daughter, a wife, a mother, a friend, a co worker you are all of that and so much more, people care about you and you need to start caring for yourself.

    no one said life was easy, we have all had our full share of bumpy roads.. but there are always happy days as well, sometimes its so easy to forget the "good" times and all you remember is the bad times because you keep saying "what if" that didnt happen or how could i of done things differntly so it wouldnt of happend.. instead of blaming yourself try looking at things in a new perspective. You were not in the wrong and had no control over what happend, you may think you did but you didnt. You are the victim and no one else is to blame but the man or women who did this to you.

    Hold your head up high and dont let them have control over you, by letting yourself down is what they want to see, there will be MANY haters who only want to see you at your ultimate low, what you got to do is show them your very best and be at your very best. Once you go down low you can only go high so reach for the sky and make the best out of life, you are a precious gift from god and mean SOO much to everyone around you.. you are wonderful and be proud to be such a wonderful person <3

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You've had a big change with no longer working. I'm facing the same situation with work, I also feel depressed. At least we know that other humans are going through similar crisis, and feelings. I wish you the best of luck. Get some sleep, and try to get out of the house more. A new job might keep you busy, and prevent you from feeling so depressed. The same may be true for me.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi, you are not alone. Hang in there. Me too, I feel so depressed and constantly wonder as to why I have to suffer so much. Everyone in my family has a perfect life, a perfect family, perfect kids while my son is an addict, a liar, a big disappointment to me. My husband and I argue and yell at each other constantly because of this son. At least, you have a supportive husband. Try to think of the positive aspect of your life. I guess I need to do the same too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it sure sounds like you have problems. You have left out one important item that can and will help you. God. Jesus, the Son of God gave us eternal life through our faith and acceptance in Him as the forgiving sacrifice for our sins. But while here on earth He wants us to have a good life. I would ask you to meet God in prayer and just pour out your needs and hurts to Him. Ask God's forgivness for your sins and then ask Jesus to come into your heart and save you. God will meet you at the throne of prayer. God wants to heip you, but we first must become a child of God. Find a local Baptist Church and call them and ask to speak to the pastor. Having Christian friends to support you through all your lonliness and pain is comforting indeed.

  • 1 decade ago

    You should definitely go see a phyciatrist and try to help your self. :) good luck!!!

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