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Kins M
Lv 5
Kins M asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Was anyone stupid enough to vote for Animals Count?

I can't believe that anyone would be stupid enough to vote for this party. As the Euro results don't come out for a couple of days I was wondering if anyone voted for Animals Count. As far as I can see they had no policies that didn't directly relate to animals.

Is anyone really stupid enough to want to set up a free animal emergency care system on par with the NHS when there are other pressing needs this country has?

It made me laugh slightly more than the Christian party anyway.

Animals Count party policies


"HappyChicxx" sorry but where on earth did you get the idea that the Christian Party had some good ideas. Do you really believe that taking the backwards step of making abortion illegal will do any good? It will only cause deaths due to dodgy back street abortions and leave us with more unwanted, unloved children.

I believe most of the parties that ran for the euros are a joke. I find it so hard to believe that people are this stupid.

Update 2:

Interesting Crow, I was amused by a party that had NO policies covering humans! Isn't that a little odd? Funny that a BNP voter likes animals but doesn't extend those feelings toward their fellow man!

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've just read the Animals Count policies, apparently there is 'The need for a political party for the animals'. Whilst I believe in proper animal welfare I wouldn't vote for a party who a) have no human related policies, and b) believe that animals need/want a human voice to represent them - I mean, it's humans who cause their continued suffering, if they had a voice they'd tell us they wanted to represent themselves - very Animal Farm-esque!

    The fact is we have animal rights movements and organisations and I think perhaps these groups have animal welfare covered. I do agree that there needs to be more considered regulation in farming, a stopping to unnecessary (cosmetic) animal testing, and harsher punitive measures to discourage people from unnecessary animal abuse, but as the party states, humans are the most powerful species, and as such we will exploit everything in our path: the environment, natural resources, and unfortunately as usual the rich taking advantage of the poor - as a human I believe the latter to be far more important issue to solve in the current world.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    CROW: I totally agree with everything you have said regarding animals, but obviously not the BNP. If I could only have a vote for one of these two I would vote for the animals as they accept everyone without question of race, colour or creed. They are relatively easy to maintain and are loyal. MP's of whatever party are very high maintenance and only loyal to their own greed.

    To the questioner: These people knew fine well that they did not have a hope in hell of getting voted in, they are using the elections as a platform for their cause.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I hear Paddington bear and flipper both voted for Animals count. As for the Christian party you could argue that in a world where people sell their virginity over the internet and kids are abandoned by their parents that we need some morals. However, I voted labour because i don't really care about other people.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hope not, I'm 16 so I can't vote yet obviously, but even I can see that voting for Labour would be better. To be honest I think Labour are still the best out of a bad bunch. The Christian Party I think actually have some quite good ideas but its basically a wasted vote because they'll never get in. I tried to persuade my Dad to vote but he wouldn't, at least even if he'd voted for the Animals Count Party it wouldn't help the BNP but too late now anyway.


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I didn't. I voted British national party. But, i see nothing wrong with the concept of an animal NHS.....I would happily put a couple of quid a week into that, (and i don't even have an animal) ,,,What makes you say that its a daft idea?....Animals feel pain too y'know. Why shouldn't we care for our animals.....A pet puts so much happiness into peoples lives, young and old......And what makes you think that relieving human suffering is more important than relieving the suffering of an animal?

  • 1 decade ago

    Still better than Labour Im afraid

  • nlv
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well there must be a few who did as if people are stupid enough to vote Labour then there are some people stupid enough to vote for this lot.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    4 the lolz

  • 1 decade ago

    I think Clever Hans (the counting horse) would be about as good as any of the others!!

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