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Christians, what does the Bible say about Martin Luther's Reformation?

1. Where in the Bible did it say Luther could start his own church?

2. Where in the Bible did it say that Luther and the other "reformers" could defy the Church and start teaching new doctrines?

Note: I don't want verses about reformer doctrines like faith alone, etc. - I'm looking for verses that justify their DEFIANCE.

Thank you.


You are doing exactly what I asked you not to do.....I'm not asking about faith alone.... I'm saying Luther gave himself an authority NOT granted to him by the Bible.

Show me a verse that says any man can start his own denomination if he doesn't agree with what the Church is teaching.

Update 2:

Lovely Green Eyes - Are you actually saying Luther just "reformed' the Catholic Church? If that's so, then all Protestants are really Catholics! (But none of them want to admit it....)

Update 3:

Of course he started his own church. Are you all so ignorant that you've never heard of the Lutheran church??

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It also doesn't say in the Bible anything about the Bible. LOL

    I agree, Martin Luther didn't have to go and start his own schismatic church. In fact, many found it possible to reform the Church without splitting from it. Look at the examples of Frances de Sales, Ignatius of Loyola, Pius V, Charles Borromeo, Erasmus, etc. They were able to reform the Church and restore discipline without creating a heretical schism.

    I wouldn't worry so much about the Protestants though. Many of them are good people. Although I do believe they are in error, many truly strive to find Christ. We should love them as much as any other person.

    Source(s): Catholic
  • 1 decade ago

    Why don’t you question Luther? He was just a man and he is not all correct which one can see on his followers which left him and made their own churches. This is a good reason why one should question his authority on History and teachings about the bible and faith alone. The Catholic Church has the fullness of the True and she has the key to unbind what is on earth and in heaven. God all knowing and knows the hearts of man he build a church what that man would not get lost. So that man will know his complete love to the fullness and avoid getting lost by the devil deceptions by saying to use that we are all more knowing then God and we can lead our self’s to the right paths.

    The Book of Romans is what Luther wanted to keep in the bible misinterpret for his own benefit and ignoring the whole New testament in matter of faith. The Holy Catholic Church always believes that we are save by grace. Not by works, look at the “Fathers of the Desert” and “The Father of the Church” which will claim that we are save by grace which the church always professed.

  • Judith
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No it doesn't, first Islam is nothing like Christianity they are two paths with different direction they might meet but never lead you the same way. And no one have control over us we don't interrupt the Quran because that's how we show respect to God words, And of course we don't disagree withe are teachers cause everything they say is written clearly in the Quran if not we would tell them and ask them, cause asking is a way of learning. And the pages of Quran they don't teach us how to kill people but it teach us how to respect them and treat every person equally. but there are lots of extremest who distort are religion and made it look bloody and vicious for the public. And the imam only leads the prayer during Islamic gatherings, and you can go to the mosque if you want but if you don't no one is forcing you! Islam is so simple, it's not only a religion it's a way of living it's a culture! you have to learn it and live with it to understand it and love it <3

  • 1 decade ago

    A search of the Bible for these verses will be unsuccessful, as they do not exist. The Protestant Reformation did not occur for over 1500 years after the Bible was compiled and canonized (by the Catholic Church). Moreover, Christ tells us in the Gospels that His Church is the One True Church - the ONLY one that offers the fullness of God's grace. And historical recordkeeping shows us that the Church Christ spoke of and established Himself in 33A.D. is indeed that Catholic Church. All other denominations broke away from it by the leadership of a mere man, and can trace their lineage back to either the Great Schism or the Reformation. The Catholic Church is the ONLY one that can truthfully trace it's lineage directly back to Jesus.

    Source(s): Catholic Christian
  • I am pleased you recognize that Protestants are leaders in basing what they do on the Scriptures. If only Catholics had done that all along there would be no division.

    Martin Luther did not start a new church. When he became a true Christian by putting his faith in Christ alone for his salvation he became a part of the true existing church.

    False Christians in the false church were furious with him and tried to murder him before the message of the gospel spread. Fortunately they were unsuccessful and today we do not listen to false teachers but rather God's Word directly from the Bible.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hello, Veritas:

    The Jews said you must worship in Jerusalem and every other denomination has their "truths" but Jesus said in John 4:23

    [T]he hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

    If you read Faith of Our Fathers and the most informative works written by first and second century bishops of Rome, as well as other churches around the Mediterranean Sea, you will see that NONE MENTION THE PRIMACY OF ROME. That was proclaimed after Constantine the Great.

    As for Luther and the Reformation, the EXACT YEARS of The Dark Ages were predicted in the Bible, when millions were murdered in the name of God.

    We are in a respite now, but it will return again and the Bible code tells you who the Abomination of Desolation is who Jesus warned us of:

    Please Veritas, take time to read something other than what your priest tells you.

    Blessings, Ben Yeshua

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry to hear the same stupidities over and over

    remember that those that don't belong to the church will leave,

    that is written and has happened

    so let those true Catholic remain faithfull

    let those that find excuses, form other churches,

    let'em do their will (they don't want to do GOD'S)

    Jesus's Church was, is, and will always be, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH!

    and little by little all those bad weeds (nuns, priests, clergy members, whoever that does not belong) let them leave, don't hold them in the Catholic faith. those that despite the Virgin Mary mother of God, and despite the Saints, Servants of Jesus, those that say that they Love Jesus

    but despise their neighbor, let them leave the Catholic faith. they don't belong with us that keep the commandments of God, so remember,

    God will Take with Him those that did His will,

    LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. (definition of neighbor, look for it)

    is the mother of Jesus worth Loving? are the Saints also worth Loving?

    are we Loving each other? do we Love the Pope? our pastors, those that stay faithfull and those that we may consider our enemies?

    well think about it

    it's hard isn't it?

  • 1 decade ago

    1. I'll answer you're question with a question- Where does it say he couldn't start his own church?

    2. "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." I John 4:1-2

    "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." Matthew 7:24

    I don't think in Luther's eyes he was teaching new doctrines but rather undistorted versions of the churches doctrine based on the Bible. he saw that many were being deceived, as they could not read the Bible themselves and so sought to correct it.

  • 1 decade ago

    It says that Luther was a nutball. Luther called the Epistle of James a "book of straw" and cut out certain parts of it. No one messes with scripture like that. Luther did.

    Source(s): History of the bible.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The reason they will not nor can agree with you is they have the Spirit of protest in there very make up. They will lie to them selves and to others to protect their false beliefs. They perfectly match the description of those who will fight against Christ at his Visible return. Some will be saved by Christ that is those who honestly do not know better but the true liars and deliberate Haters will be cast into the lake of fire reserved for the Devil and his angels.

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