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How to get through to hubby?

I miscarried a couple of days ago. It was our first pregnancy. My husband has been wanting children since we got married but, he doesn't seem too upset about the miscarriage. I wasn't too far along but, still! He doesn't seem to get that I'm in pain (physically and emotionally). I mean, I'm not devistated or crying all the time or anything. I'm just sad. He expects me to go to his cousin's house today and paint her house and has been annoyed that I haven't been cooking. I have hardly moved from the bed or couch in the last two days but, hey, I'm hurting. What should I do or say to get my hubby to understand? He's usually very sensitive and caring but, this just seems to be beyond him.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    His way of grieving is just different than yours. In his eyes, it's better to get out of bed and go on like everything is normal and hold his pain inside. Yours is to get it out. Seeing you like that is just reminding him of the loss you two share. He knows you're hurting, but he is too, even if he's not showing it.

  • 1 decade ago

    could be a couple of things. First, it may not have seemed real to him. It didn't for my husband, or brother who's wife is pregnant, until they could feel the baby kick and didn't REALLY hit home until they held the child in their arms. So maybe he really doesn't understand, and the pain is not something he can understand either.

    I would have him sit down next to me, tell him how uncomfortable and in pain you are and how...raw? are feeling emotionally and that you NEED a couple days of rest at home. Give him pizza money or order chinese or something so he doesn't starve (lol), or send him out for food and a movie and ask that you just sit at home and cuddle and watch a movie (not a chick flick, get an action or comedy).

    It may just be something that he doesn't understand, but definitely take the time you need to rest up. Don't let his attitude push you into doing stuff before you are ready.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh sweets, so sorry for your loss!

    What a jerk he is being!! Do NOT go to HIS cousin's house and help paint. Firstly you need to chill out for a while (I have had four pregnancy losses, I know how you feel right now), secondly, everyone else should be pampering YOU, NOT the other way around!! Tell him if he wants dinner that his wrists are not broken and since his heart isn't either he can fix his own dinner while you work on getting better!

    Don't try to get though to him, it won't work, but make sure you set your boundaries where you are comfortable right now!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    you got right into a "extensive combat" over this, he promised to alter, then you definately called him later? How can he call or text textile you in case you will no longer supply up calling & texting HIM? He could ok act like a extensive infant and turn each and every little thing around on you whilst he's interior the incorrect, in spite of the undeniable fact that it additionally seems such as you will no longer supply him a moments peace. attempt this-leave him on my own. permit him call or text textile YOU. in spite of if it takes some days, do no longer touch him in any way. And whilst he DOES touch you, face up to the urge to whinge approximately how long it took him to do it. maybe if the conversations are extra friendly, he would be much less probably to stay away from having them?

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  • 1 decade ago

    when we were pregnant, my husband didn't feel "anything" towards my pregnancy until he felt the little guy move, and when he started to notice me getting bigger.... of course i felt alot more then him because i had the baby growing inside me, and i could feel all the movements. it's hard for a man to relate to something when he doesn't feel the same as we do.... he is probabaly also upset about it as well, but doesnt want to admit it, that is why he's acting like nothing has happened.... things will get better. just tell him that you will be ready, when you will be ready..and to cut you a break, because a mother is always going to feel more then the father. tell him, "the baby wasn't in your belly".

    good luck hun.

  • 1 decade ago

    Going through a miscarriage is very hard. Its emotional and physicallfaciallyen dont understand. I had 2 miscarriage so I feel your pain and they happened over 5 years ago. I think talking to someone will help you through it. You should explain to him how you fell and to understand to woman its different than men. I would go see your doctor have him/her talk to your hubby about it. GOOD LUCK

    I hope someday you will have a healthy baby. BEST WISHES.

    If you need someone to talk to just email me.

    Thanks Ann

  • 1 decade ago

    He is hiding his pain obviously... you poor thing. I think he needs to talk to someone about his feelings before he explodes. Of course, it gives him no right to take it out on you for not feeling up to doing anything. I don't know what advice to give you, except maybe try to gently persuade him to talk to somebody before he goes crazy. Just don't try to push the issue too much, just a gentle nudge. If he doesn't want to talk, there is not much you can do, except try to be patient. You will be able to try again soon, and you will more than likely go on to have a wonderful, and healthy baby. I will have you in my prayers... try to stay strong.

  • 1 decade ago

    He will never understand. We, as women, get to feel our babies, we get to carry them and care for them. Our bond usually starts when we see the positive sign on the HPT. Men are different once they see their child something clicks off in their head. I went with this with my husband when I miscarried, just ask him to have patience with you. Tell him that you need time to yourself. I hope everything gets better for you!!!!

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