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So who are the aggressors on this forum, the Christians or the Atheists?

I welcome debate, but when posts get ugly, who is responsible? Do more atheists or Christians tend to bring the debate down? I'm a Christian but know I've used sarcasm to make a point, so I'm not giving myself a pass. But, I assumed atheists would be more passive towards Christianity, even more apathetic. What I see on this forum however, is a desire to "teach us a lesson" about our beliefs. But, Christians tend to want to lecture instead of show the love we are supposed to, so who instigates the most?


Dana: I think you men way "too" sexy, and I'm pretty sexy, too. So I must disagree.

Update 2:

Solly: I've included myself and am sincerely asking. In fact I never feel like a "victim", so don't throw around words like that.

Update 3:

Steve G.: Why are you so defensive?, I've asked it as respectfully as possible, so why are you trying to "instigate"?

Update 4:

Bibigirl: I don't know if I agree completely. We as Christians lack many times, to demonstrate love, we are far too defensive. I mean, we are right in our belief, why do we need to "defend" it? It makes their point for them.

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We're all equally inflammatory and offensive.

    Source(s): Atheist.
  • 1 decade ago

    That's a good question and I don't think I could answer with any clear idea of which side is leading the way. But as we are human beings and under the same delusions and faults whether saved or indifferent, believers or disbelievers, I'd go with equals. Every state of emotion and awareness is expressed from both sides, both coming from what is believed as opposed to what is known. There is always harmony from both sides when both sides know even when their paths are different and always disharmony from any side that does not know often when they are walking the same path. The only people who will say, "Nobody knows" are those that do not know themselves.

    Will you find these reactions that we are seeing here on YA from Eckhart Tolle or from Paramahansa Yogananda or Padre Pio to name a few. The list of those who 'know' what they are talking about is in the tens of thousands. There is no need for them to speak of what they know because they know we aren't interested. It would be rare for them to engage in this sort of egotistical banter.

  • Robert P is so correct.

    Here is the link to a question of the aggressors ringleader.

    It's one of her milder ones.

    One of her "best" lines was when she put all her favourite words together to form this sentence...."hate filled, brainwashed, sexually repressed fundie bigot"

    I have tried to reason with her and unknown to her, continue to pray for her.

    Years on this Q&A and her foul mouth remains constant. I came across a 2 year old answer from her and it is the same as today's mocking tirade.

    How sad that she has given up years of her life to something she despises instead of going about the business of living the only life she has.

    She has never engaged in adult debate - never.

    Just desperate ranting, so in this case the vote goes to the Queen of professing deism.

    (Although I just now noted she has some serious competition from another deist).;_ylt=Ao...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just note please that all the other religions and atheists get along just fine!!

    Ask yourself why it is only Christians that get attacked and not the other religions?!!!!

    Do you not recognise that Christians are provoking retaliation and repudiation for their terrible attitudes?!!

    Perhaps if Christians stopped their intolerant, egotistical, hate filled and bigoted postings things might change!!

    Perhaps if Christians stopped eschewing education, science, evolution works of fiction and much, much more things might change!!

    Perhaps if Christians stopped being the only religion opposing human rights and persecuting gays, pro choice and so much more things might change!!

    Perhaps if Christians stopped demanding freedom of religion whilst they deny it to all non Christians and persecute them things might change!! !!!

    If Christians rediscovered the god of love and forgiveness and put aside all those terrible human emotions things would definitely change!!!!

    Why are Christians so afraid of people who simply do not believe in any god?!!!! Surely it can only be because they are so afraid that atheist are right and they are wrong or it would not bother them!!!!!!

    So please understand it is not about belief, God or Jesus but about the terribly BAD christian attitudes and conduct!!

    As soon as Christians rediscover the loving god and start acting like it the problem will cease!!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Huh, it's a religion and spirituality question forum. Seeing as how the atheists deny anything spiritual or supernatural and Earth forbid there is a higher power, it is very apparent who the aggressors are here. Satan always attacks Christians, we are his greatest threat,you know that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All I know is that God exists and that he helped me to navigate the various functionalities of this website, EVEN despite the fact that I asked many people to assist me on here. Only God decided to help me.

    You can review my questions to find definitive proof of this simple fact.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is not hate to stand up for righteousness. Jesus did when he took a whip to the money changers. What are Christians to do when attacked, say nothing? I don't believe in name calling but I will say what is truth when attacked.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hardly think these answers are passive to bible and prayer questions:






    Jesus was a hippie or an alien.

    sexual remarks about Jesus.

    mocking,calling names,& reporting prayer and bible questions.

    I haven't seen many christians use profanity,misquote scripture to "prove" a point.

  • Marc L
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes :0)

  • 1 decade ago

    About 50/50 in all respects if you ask me. Half of both sides are respectful , half are just goofy, half are angry, and half are infected with herpes. So then 200% of us are to blame here.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    depends on the post, but in general i'd say it's about equal. christians say some as*hole things, as do the atheists. but hey, it's r&s. it wouldn't be fun without the debate. :)

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