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Schoel asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Possible mistreatment of a dog?

Awhile ago, a pit bull came to my house and she looked really skinny, so I fed her.

I was going to take her in because I thought she was a stray, so I kept her here for a few days, and about a week ago, my neighbor approached me saying it was his dog

and that his kids really missed her.

I told him ok, that's fine, take her but she has worms that need to be treated and she's very malnourished.

His excuse for the malnourishment was that she's been missing for about three weeks.

Anyway, yesterday, she came back to my porch, albeit less skinny, but she still had worms and her face was very swollen.

Her fur is covered in some kind of substance that made it hard.

She looks very very sad now.

I don't know whether or not he beat her or she got in a fight with something.

I talked to him today about taking her to the vet as soon as posibble, and he said she'll be fine. She's gotten worms before and they just go away. As for her face being swollen, she got in a fight with a porcupine (supposedly).

He will not allow me to keep her (his kids will miss her too much) and absolutely will not allow ME to take her to the vet AND pay for it.

I don't know if these are enough grounds to call the Humane Society or not.

Should I call the Humane Society or just take her in against his will?

.... Or give her back?

Here is a picture of her, her name is apparently Oreo and she is very very sweet.

36 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It makes me sad and angry to hear should definitely call the Humane Society and tell them what you have witnessed. They will go to his house and decide whether or not the dog is being malnourished and mistreated. Don't hesitate to do so because you could be saving this poor animals life.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would either contact the Humane Society or an Animal Rescue. If she is brought into a rescue as a "stray" they will give her the medical treatment necessary and then the owner will only be able to get her back if he pays for the treatment. Which it does not sound like he will.

    Then the rescue will be able to find her a home. In a rescue she is much less likely to be put to sleep. It is not common for Pit/Bully breeds to make it out of a shelter.

    Some rescues may even take legal action against the owner, so you have the best of both worlds. She gets a home and he is taken care of as well.

    I know of Rescues in Michigan, Ohio and Virginia that would take in a Pit Bull/Pit bull Mix and they are very responsible. I would love to help you find her a home.

    Source(s): Board Member for Mid-Michigan Boxer Rescue.
  • 1 decade ago

    Makes me very sad to hear :( I'm only 16 but what I would do is contact the Humane Society because what if he really is harming her? And he must have done SOMETHING for not wanting to take Oreo to the vet. If he seems to not care for the dog then why should she be kept in a place that she seems unhappy to live in? Especially if she keeps coming back to you. Maybe wait a few weeks or so and see how she is doing. If matters stay the same or worsen I would call the H.S.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Call an animal rescue right away...the dog looks very skinny and you can see her ribs and for people who can't look hard enough she is obviously dirty and not well taken care of...this is no way for a dog to look..

    Call the police or animal authority's and file a complaint...tell them where the dogs owner lives the condition the dog is in skinny, dirty, has worms, etc all of these needs a vets care...and tell them that the man isn't giving to do any medical are veterinarian care...

    ****anytime you find a dog that is skinny, emaciated, and uncared for you call animal control and from the look her face she has battle scars...for all we know the man could have been fighting her.,,,*********

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  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, she's an adorable dog, and it pains me to hear of the way she's being treated. I would definitely call the humane society and explain the situation. Just her having worms and him refusing treatment for it is mistreatment itself. They do NOT go away and she could very well die from them. He is unfit to keep her, she needs a better home. If the humane society find what they need to take her away, if you wish to adopt her, I would speak with them about it. It sounds to me like you have enough grounds to contact them about it, but I wouldn't tell the owner beforehand as he may end up pretending to take care of her so she won't get taken away, then he may just revert back to the harsh treatment afterward. I hope the humane society end up finding enough grounds themselves to have her taken away.

    Good luck, and I hope this helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmm... this is a tough situation. If I were you I would wait a few more days to see if her face gets swollen again or if the worms come back. Keep your eye on her for a while to see what happens. Save calling the Humane Society as your last option. I hope this helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would call the Humane Society and ask them what should be done about this. The condition you described does not sound normal and she does not seem like she is taken care of properly. If you think she should be taken to the vet, and he doesn't, that is something to be worried about. Responsible dog owners will care enough to take their dog to be looked at any sign of problems. Even if he didn't actually abuse the dog, it's better to be on the safe side. Definitely seek professional advice before taking any action.

    Source(s): Dog owner for four years and knowing veterinarians and dog groomers for years.
  • 1 decade ago

    There is something going on there. He is clearly not treating her right. To be honest, I wouldn't wait to call the humane society. She may never show up on your door step again, because she may not make it that far. That man sounds like a bad dog owner. And I'm sorry, but there are medicines that PREVENT worms, and that dog owner should have given those to his pet. Call the humane society .. now and tell them you think there is something going on. And if you are wrong, oh well. Wouldn't you like to know that you were wrong rather than know that something was wrong and you didn't take any action. If it were me, I would probably spy on my neighbor (I know its horrid) but it may be the only option. Keep a watch out for this dog. You could save her life.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off, what a very cute dog. Very cute.

    I suggest calling the Humane society because just taking the dog against his will is stealing. Now, you can do that, or you can give the dog food whenever she wanders to you and go to the vet and conceal worm pills in the food you give her. That way she gets better and that asshole of a neighbor doesn't worry about anything.

    As for the bruises, wait a while and if they go away...Don't worry. If they stay and get worse, CALL HUMANE SOCIETY.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The dog doesn't look skinny at all. In fact it looks like its at a very healthy weight. Its face is a little dirty but thats about it. Your neighbor should definately take her to the doctor for the worms though. If he doesn't get her treatment then I would consider calling a local animal shelter like the Humane Society or a local vet for help.

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