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Why do fat girls put down thin girls, and brunettes put down blonde girls?

It seems that a stereotype over the past few years has arisen - mainly in the media.

-Slim girls are better/more attractive than fat girls

-Blonde girls are better/more attractive than brunette girls.

It seems that, in defence, very recently there has been an increase on the number of fat girls putting down slim girls, and brunette girls putting down blonde girls.

I am a fat, blonde girl - so I see it from both sides. I see fellow overweight girls always putting down slim girls ('Stick figure! No boobs! Not feminine! Curvy is better!') and hear brunette girls putting down natural blonde girls like me ('Fake! Ditzy! Unintelligent! Brunette is better!').

Why do we women have to do this? Why do we, in defence, have to put down the one that threatens us? It's not their fault we feel threatened. Slim girls are beautiful, and are just as feminine as curvier girls - and just because someone is blonde doesn't mean they are any different to a brunette girl in intelligence.

Curvy overweight girls are beautiful and feminine too, and brunette girls are gorgeous. If you know this, why put down a slim or blonde girl?

It can be extremely hurtful. If you are hurt by the medias portrayal of what is attractive because you don't fit into it, why do you try to hurt those who do fit into that idea - if you know what it is like to be hurt by horrible comments on your appearence?

Does insulting someones appearence REALLY make you feel better about your own? Really, deep down? Shouldn't we be more united?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Narrow-minded people believe in stereotypes and think in stereotypes.A normal,intelligent person does not take stereotypes seriously and has a mind of their own.Yes,the media "dictates" what's hot and what's not.But you don't have to follow it.You can just say "Whatever" and decide to make your own rules and likes and dislikes.No one makes you follow the media's standards.

    Those fat chicks who do that,or brunettes are very much likely insecure women,that are taking a backlash at those who resemble the the media's standards because they feel inferior to them or threatened.Some women just take pure pleasure from criticizing.

    I never pick on overweight chicks,not even when with my thin girlfriends,we don't talk about the overweight ones or criticize,because I just think it's wrong.But then,if I'll ever have an overweight one approach me and throw any allusions at me(negative) regarding my weight,or something straight up obvious,I'll make them feel sorry for saying that.You point out my "lack of curves",I'll tell ya what to do with your rolls.It's fair game.I had a girl tell me once "Oh,you're so skinny.Eat.",and I said "Well,borrow me some of your fat,cuz you got plenty of it".lol I used to actually ignore the comments,but now,I'll get pretty responsive.And brunettes bragging about them being brunette and bashing on the blondes.Well,I call them "The REAL "blonde" brunettes".lol You(not -you- particularly) reeeally gotta lack intelligence and mind to even use such stereotypes against people.How stupid can one be to believe in a stereotype that focuses ONLY on hair color? LOL Those people are the idiots of the society.Do not ever make the mistake to take them

  • schmig
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Fat Blonde Girls

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    already been said before me: jealousy and insecurity. you are right, it is almost NEVER skinny girls insulting fat ones. EVER. Look how many pro fat, anti- thin pages there are, especially where they are pretending curvy means fat. if fat girls ever ARE nice about skinny girls, it's when they have big boobs and butt like Kim Kardashian or Marilyn Monroe, so the fat girls feel like they look like that, even though those 2 and several others are skinny!! and Kim is very toned, not fat at all except on the booty. They need to pretend to be curvy to feel they look good, and men are NO help at all. some men call them out for being like this but sadly not enough do. men are the same way if not worse, because they encourage women to be this way, and encourage women to fight and worry about size and shape. anyway, skinny is not "shoved down our throats". fat has been in since the dawn of time, if any of you morons knew a little basic history you would know that, because it was a sign that they were rich enough to afford to eat excessively. but I hate how they say fat women in old art means they were th ebeauty ideal at the time. NO, it means the painter liked fat women, not that it was beautiful! -_- and those idiots who say the Greeks had it right... yeeaaah the Greeks also slept with other men and did it with young boys. Skinny and healthy will always be the true ideal, no matter how hard insecure fat girls and their chubby chasing, whipped boyfriends say otherwise. Skinny girls rarely have anything mean to say about fat girls because they KNOW they'll be attacked for it anyway! plus, they dont need to tear about fat women out of jealous, because what is there to be jealous of? Most thin people are naturally thin. Most fat people are fat by choice. did you know the percentage for fat people being naturally so is .3%? yeah, keep telling me it's your "glands" and you're "big boned" and you "were born that way". guys who suck up to fat girls usually are just desperate and know that sadly, many overweight girls are desperate for a guy to feel attractive, so they think they have a better chance with them than a skinny girl.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are absolutely right about everything you have said, but you have answered your own question....

    The fact that this society lauds THIN, BLONDE females is the reason why some other females attack them.

    I always tell people that a woman cannot help if she is the STANDARD of beauty, any more than she cannot help if she is NOT.

    And YES, you are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT that it is mean and not helpful to be hurtful to a woman who is considered the standard of beauty.

    You do not address the fact that many such women can be themselves quite mean. I have met plenty of thin and/or blonde women who are insulting to other women too. Especially obese women.

    Anyway, this is all more "divide and conquer". The sooner women learn that we are sisters to one another and work together for lasting good and peace and stop fighting over men and clothes and all the other BS, the sooner we can overcome...But you and I both know that will never happen.

    Source(s): "Each beauty is its own type..." Proust
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  • 1 decade ago

    I think a lot of girls get the misinformed impression that all guys always seek out blondes, so they opt to feel resentful towards the blondes for stealing men's attention.

    As for the thing about fat girls, I'm guessing that has something to do with the media putting slimmer girls in leading roles. So, resentment would arises.

  • epona
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Anybody who puts down others is doing it from Jealousy. By putting down the other person, the person feels better about her/himself.

    Why feel threatened when there is no threat? I don't insult people period (well, not intentionally). I can't imagine it would make the person feel better for very long. It's a form of vengence.

  • Kat
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    We're crazy, we are. I can say that about women because I am one. Yes, we're united in a way men can never understand. The problem is that we (collectively speaking) don't understand either.

    For most, this gets easier with age.

    I have an ex-sister in law who has three sons - gave her daughter up for adoption. Didn't want the competition.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jealousy jealousy jealousy!

    Fat people only put down skinny people because they secretly want to be skinny. They might say "ew, they have no curves!", but inside they're probably thinking, "I wish my body was thin like that...". And same thing with blondes/brunettes. Jealousy is inevitable.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's a defense mechanism for those who feel inadequate.

    I'm fat and i don't put down skinny girls.

    When some one hurts you you try to hurt them back. I know how that is but it usually doesnt help.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because women can be insecure, and as a result, cruel. You're right, it IS a defense mechanism. It's awful, isn't it?

    Rise above it. We don't HAVE to do it. Nobody has to be insecure and nobody has to put others down.

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