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Claire P! Where are you?

sorry you deleted your question. I hope you weren't getting harassed but I guess you were. You don't allow emails so I'm posting this here and hope you see it.

contact Nar-Anon ( ) or Al-Anon ( )

both have chapters worldwide and can help you w/ your problem. If there aren't any chapters local to you then go to Alcoholics Anonymous. They won't turn you away because you're not the addict or because your spouse's drug of choice isn't alcohol.

I realize you don't want to burden your mother but you should also tell her what's going on. Just give her the facts so that she knows everything isn't all sweetness & light. Sharing your problems w/ those closest to you shows them respect & trust & love. Shutting them out & claiming it's to protect them often leaves them feeling hurt & betrayed.

Good Luck to you.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I just wanted to say that this is so nice of you to post this to Claire. I have no idea who she is but you are making the world a better place by showing compassion towards someone else. I hope Claire sees your post, and good for you!!!!

  • Bee
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I agree with Elwing; it's good to see someone going the extra mile to help someone.

    However, I advise you pick a best answer quickly, or this question might get removed.

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