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How can a law enforcement officer be taken seriously when he turns a blind eye to lawbreakers?

Police not following policy on migrants

Many avoid asking or reporting legal status

by Daniel González

The Arizona Republic

Phoenix police officers are largely failing to comply with a year-old policy that lets them question people about their immigration status, undercutting the effectiveness of a plan aimed at helping crack down on illegal immigration, an Arizona Republic investigation has found.

The tougher policy, adopted partly in response to criticism that the city provided sanctuary to undocumented immigrants by restricting police officers’ ability to ask about a person’s legal status, gives the officers more discretion to question people and to notify federal officials when they encounter a suspected illegal immigrant.

But a Republic review of internal documents and interviews with police officials found that officers frequently don’t ask people they arrest about their immigration status as required, and they rarely report suspected illegal immigrants to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Pro-ILLEGAL Phoenix Police Refuse to Question ILLEGALS

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey I asked this same question within 5 minutes it was removed but an appeal restored it and I did not receive any answers from this same question.I always thought the laws were put in place to be equal and apply to everyone regardless how of they came to America. This reminds me of these same policy of wink and nod laws- they are making us no better than Mexico. If you notice there is to much fraud,corruption and in this case the police are taking the laws into their own mindset. Why are not the police ignoring other laws saying like if we arrest anybody on drug charges, this will erode trust between the community and drug dealers.We could say it is discrimination to suggest not all laws are enforced equally.Being illegal should not be used as a get of jail card for free.Whenever I am stopped they ask a million questions.Something here is not right

    Edit : Dear GreasyTony They are taken seriously when we all see reports that crime in cities like Phoenix have dropped. I cannot see how this can be with all the kidnappings, human smuggling, drug cartel. The crime is not improving.When Sheriff Joe makes arrests of illegals to may who support illegals are always talking about Sheriff Joe and never about what he did ?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They can't! They are a joke with mayor phil gordon as the head jester!

    MR RESISTIBLE: because we know that he knows that immigrants pose less of a threat then child molester, rapist and murders.Who do you think commits all those crimes? More child molestations, rapes and murderers are committed by illegal aliens than people in Phoenix legally! AND there are a lot fewer illegal aliens than people who are here legally!

    Welcome to the city of drop houses where children get molested, women get raped, kidnapping is a way of life (we are the kidnapping capital of the US and #2 in the world [behind Mexico City]) don't pay and you family member ends up dead.

    FREEZER: Phoenix is ranked in the BOTTOM 25% of safe cities! This means that over 3/4 of US cities are safer! Just about anybody can beat out Phoenix! Phoenix was mentioned only because it had a drop in crime related to Arpaio's removal of illegal aliens! The math is simple! Less illegal alien criminals = less crime! It's so easy even a pro-criminal groupie can do it!

    GREASY:They are taken seriously when we all see reports that crime in cities like Phoenix have dropped. So this tells us that they are really focused on the real bad criminals that pose a threat to us, and not just the hard working people. Illegal aliens depart the country due to hard economic times. Crime goes down! Sheriff Joe Arpaio cracks down on illegal alien criminals and crime goes down! Crime is going down all over the US as illegal aliens leave! Don't you see the correlation?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    No one is compelled to take a lie detector, they are completely voluntary. Passing a law compelling a certain group to do so would be discrimination, and completely illegal. Polygraph results are not admissible in court, so the entire process would be of little value to the investigation. The final consideration in your "petition drive" is the very few people the law would actually effect. Other than Drew Peterson, how many officers are under investigation for murder at the present time?

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, if Phoenix is up there on the list of safest cities in American, then they are doing their job by going after the bad guys, and not the guys that do the jobs you wouldn't ever do.

    New York also tops the list of safest cities with more than a million residents, beating out Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Diego and San Jose. These cities all saw an impressive reduction in all three major categories of crime.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They should be fired then, this is their job to arrest criminals, no matter how small the charge may seem! these illegals, if working as a so-called bus boy or what ever are committing more crimes by working. Criminals are criminals no matter whether they are misdemeanors or felonies. Many illegals are these murderers, rapist and child molesters that they are allowing back on the streets because of not doing their job properly! I know plenty of American citizens who are jailed for misdemeanors, why should these illegals be different!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i say they don't need their job, give it to someone who will do it right. let a native american have the job. i bet he/she will clean house.

    isn't this the same state that joe lives in? maybe that is the reason the crime has fallen. he is getting rid of illegals that goes to his town.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are taken seriously when we all see reports that crime in cities like Phoenix have dropped. So this tells us that they are really focused on the real bad criminals that pose a threat to us, and not just the hard working people.

    Report: Phoenix crime drops amid struggling economy

    Every 19 seconds someone in America becomes the victim of a crime.

    But Phoenix police say the chance of you being the next victim is dropping in their city.

    The Phoenix Police Department reports that according to Uniform Crime Reporting, the rate of major crimes has significantly declined in the city from last year.

    "The crime rate is going down substantially in Phoenix and it's one of the few cities in the country where that is happening," said Phoenix Police Sgt. Andy Hill.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    law enforcement officers are a thing of the past. All we have now are cashiers with quotas.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Perhaps they are just doing their job and chasing crooks instead of harassing gardeners, cooks, roofers and crop gatherers who are harming no one and contribute to keep low the price of vegetables

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    probably because if they were to follow they would not have time to try to deal with murders and violent crime.

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