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Poll: Pregnancy tests in the next shopping cart...?

Choose one or more and expound on your answer all you like...

When you see a woman in the checkout with a pregnancy test, does your first assumption tend to be that she:

A. Is hoping for a 'pregnant'.

B. Is hoping for a 'not pregnant'.

C. *Should* be hoping for a 'not pregnant'

D. Other

Does your answer change if the woman is:

... a young woman alone?

... an older woman with a crowd of small children?

I always wonder what others think when I buy one... and today I bought one with my four kids in tow. Everytime I do I wonder if everyone is 'looking down on me' for having so many already or feeling sorry for me thinking I *certainly* can't want any more. <sigh> I guess I just wonder too much what others are thinging... even when I know it is *absolutely* none of their buisness. :)

(The kids by the way are 12 yrs, 5 yrs, nearly 4 yrs and 2yrs.)


Well... negative this time. We aren't really 'trying' or 'not trying' right now... just playing it by ear. I would have been happy either way. We do want at least one more... we just aren't set on him or her coming *now*.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    D. Really, I am hoping for a pregnancy for her!!! I never even considered what she was thinking!!

    I always wonder what others think when I buy one... and today I bought one with my four kids in tow. Every time I do I wonder if everyone is 'looking down on me' for having so many already or feeling sorry for me thinking I *certainly* can't want any more.

    - When I was pregnant with my third I felt the same way, like everyone was judging me for already having my necessary 2 and why would I need more! I look forward to toting 5 kids, having pregnancy test in hand and watching people's faces!

  • 1 decade ago

    Generally, I don't pass judgment on people. But it's hard not to think certain things.

    It all depends on the female. If it's a young female, I hope for a 'not pregnant' because I would want her to continue to enjoy her teenage/young adult years. If it's an older female with a boyfriend/husband, I hope for a 'pregnant'. If it's an older female by herself, I have no response because I can't predict her situation. If it's a female with multiple kids in tow, I honestly think "why does she want more kids", but I still wish her the best of luck.

    I think you might be thinking too much about what other people might say or think about you. If you know that you can handle the children and you're stable enough for it, whether or not you have help or not, then by all means go for it. Just please...I beg you...don't be like Octomom :-)

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I actually had a cashier ask me once if I was hoping for it or not. The answer at the time was not and thankfully I got my wish.

    I would say D, other. I don't know that I've ever seen someone buy a pregnancy test, I just don't pay that much attention to what someone else is buying. I have to say if I saw someone with 4 kids buying a test I would be thinking, better you than me!!

    Source(s): Mom to a 15 month old
  • 1 decade ago

    I always felt odd buying them. I've never, personally seen anyone with them in hand a tthe check out and when I do buy them, I try to be discreet. And honestly, I don't know why lol. I think it's because I wonder what everyone's thinking and knowing I'm going home to pee on a stick.

    If I did happen to see a women buying one, I would think A). that she'll get a pregnant if the time is right for her.

  • tbh - when i see a young woman buying one (around 20 ish) i think she is probably hoping for a not pregnant

    if i see a slightly older person i think she is hoping for a pregnant

    if its a girl thats younger than 20 - i put one through for a girl who was like 15 i guess once - i am kinda thinking she is hopefully wishing for a negative and should be wishing for a negative!

    my opinion wouldnt change if it was a woman with other kids or on her own.

  • 1 decade ago

    B, if young woman alone, D, if older woman with bunch of kids. My sister has seven, so I have no problem with big families - if the parents are responsible enough to take good care of them.

  • evian
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    My reason is that if she were happy about it she would be at the doctor and know it doesn't matter if she's alone or has other kids

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