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Birth Control? anyone have any tips on a good pill or to take or not to take?

I have been curious now for a while if i should or not take the "pill". I always hear negative things about it. Does anyone take birth control and if so what pill do you take and what are some common side effects of taking the pill??

Im 19 and have never been to the gyno yet, honestly im kinda nervous to go and because im in college im still under my parents insurance and i dont want them to know im on the pill.

ive been with my boyfriend now for over 3 years we have unprotected sex and dont want to risk it, but using a condom isnt the greatest.

thanks for you input.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My girlfriend does Yaz, good pill.

    GOOD Things about the pill.

    -Period lasts only one day usually

    -Your less agitated and well not ****** (XD)

    -Your sex drive is increased a bit (I believe)

    -Reduces risk of contraception

    -Stabilizes your period if your always late or otherwise.

    BAD things.

    -Possible weight gain (10lb. Ish-Varies)

    -Must be taken everyday, at the same time, no questions asked.

    -The pill does NOT FULLY PROTECT YOU!! (The pill is still only 98%/99% affective, yes that's a high number but still means you CAN get pregnant.)

    The pill can be prescribed through your doctor descretely, however if they ask you just say you are because your time is outta whack (My girlfriend said that and her father believed her, even though me and her are sexually active. Her father is one of those 7ft tall, blad, body builder bikers and she is his little princess and would DRIVE MY *** THROUGH A WALL to hear that I did it with her. XD)

  • 1 decade ago

    Go to a gyno! Jesus, woman! You've waited this long!?

    I know its weird and embarrassing, especially the first time, but its totally worth it. Since you're over 18, everything you do is completely, totally private, even from your parents. They can't get ANY information from a doctor's office about you, no matter what. And also, it's REALLY, REALLY, REALLY important to go. There are a million things that can go wrong with our lady parts, and its so important to get them checked out. Not to mention, being on birth control will change your life. Seriously.

    It gives your total freedom in your sex life, peace of mind, and your parents will never need to know. Also, it makes periods easier to manage! I'm only 25, and I can't even tell you how wonderful birth control is. As far as the pill goes...

    I've been on a couple different ones. The best one I had was Yasmin, but they have "Yaz" now, too, which is a lower hormone dosage and has fewer side effects (probably.) Birth control affects everyone differently, so its hard to just ask people what their experiences were. You'll get some crazies being like "Don't TAKE so and so!! It made me gain 900 pounds! Or pharmacy executives being like "TAKE YASMIN - it's the greatest, check out our website, blah blah blah." But seriously? I'd definitely recommend Yasmin. But there are LOTS of other options around, besides the pill. I just started the NuvaRing, and I'm happy with it so far, (no nausea, easy to use...don't have to remember to take a pill every day,) but you can also look into Mirena (which is an implant (Intra-Uterine Device) that lasts 5 years,) and Depro shots, which you get once a month, and all sorts of things. One I DON'T recommend is Seasonique, which is a pill you take in three month sessions, where you only get your period once every four months or something. It made me sick, made me gain twenty pounds, and gave me my period for six weeks straight. It just seemed unnatural. But who knows. Some women probably swear by it. Most pills will give you slight nausea at first, and MAYBE a little weight gain, but nothing crazy. It makes your period more tolerable, so its totally worth it. And just work out a little more, or eat a little less for a week or two.

    Basically, call your insurance, find a doctor in your area (it does NOT have to be one your parents go to,) and freaking GO! Get a pap smear, an STD test and EVERYTHING. There is all sorts of stuff out there that can mess up our systems, and even make you infertile (something as little as an untreated yeast infection can damage your body,) so do yourself a favor and get to an ob/gyn. Good luck, and you'll be so happy and relieved once you go!

    Also, check out, where there are charts and graphs and everything, outlining all the different options. Good luck girl!

  • 1 decade ago

    Every one is different, and has different side effects, so the best advice is to go to your GP and talk to them about it- I know you are on your parent's insurance etc, but you are having sex now, that's not going to stop so you might aswell have sex and KNOW that you won't get pregnant- I'm sure your parents would agree with that thought.

    Besides, I don't know how the US public health system works, but here, even if you are on your parents insurance or medicare as we call it in Australia, it's confidential, your parents shouldn't know that you have been to the doctor, and if they find out, you don't have to tell them what exactly you went for do you??

    My experience with the pill has been good, I've been on it since I was 17 for the same reasons, and I have had no side effects, except for a bit of bloating. I've been on it for 7 years now and I keep pestering the doctors to make sure that I wont have any problems with getting pregnant when I go off the pill, but they all say that it's all just myths.

    There are different types of pills you can go on, I'm on Yasmine, which is more expensive but I found it is the best one.

    Good Luck

    If you are in a steady relationship and you trust this person you are seeing (in terms of their sexual health)

  • 1 decade ago

    ugh....i'd advise that you don't take the pill. Personally, I don't take it, but some of my friends do and they constantly get moody and bloated, and overall I just don't like the sound of it. There's been some really bad side-effects to some girls in news headlines too about getting blood clots and having only a 80% effectiveness from the pill as well. But, then again, it's your decision!

    There are some condoms out there that feel like nothing, you just have to look for the right brands! Stay safe!

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  • 1 decade ago

    every one is different.

    but i had a horrible experience on yaz. took it for 2 years...completely depleted my sex drive, made me super emotional. i never cried over anything before i started it, and the dumbest things would just make me bawl. it was retarded.

    i wouldn't take any bc pill. the hormones screw your body up.

  • Nana
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    ONLY your doctor can give you advice on the pill that is right for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    your ******

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