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BulliesRock asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

What happened to the Jindo question?

I thought it was really sweet and this was my response:

Wow. What a lucky, lucky dog to have you.

It's only been a month, so he will warm up more with time. However, I had to laugh at the cat in a dog's body because our friends who own jindos describe them that way. They treat their jindos well, give them the choice to be inside or out with the doggie door and most of the time, they are outside. They tend to be independent. They have a male and a female, both rescues, both fixed. The male is actually more 'affectionate' than the female. He prefers to spend more time with them, lay at their feet in the room they are in, sleep in their room with them. I have only ever owned american pit bull terriers/mixes so I'm used to a dog that is gushing in human affection and can't stand to not be touching you when you are home. To me, their jindos don't seem affectionate. To them, they are. They love them.

Continue to treat him the way you are and he will slowly come around. He will sense that you love him. Right now he's got two years of past he is trying to overcome and adjust to great new home he now has.

1 Answer

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    I wondered that too!

    My answer:

    Just keep doing what your doing. There isn't a magical something you can do to get him to love you more and forget his last owners, just keep doing what your doing and with time he will improve.

    But I must add though, dogs do not dwell in the past. When he is doing that he just may want some down time. Maybe he just wants to rest and be left alone. Dogs do not think about the past or have "flash backs" like they show in moves.

    I have an abused Chihuahua. He was VERY abused! They would physically hurt him, not feed him etc etc. But you could not tell the difference now! iv had him for two years - at first he could not even be around men. It was that bad! Now he LOVES men. Everybody is his friend. He is so happy go lucky, he wants to befriend everyone he sees. He is well trained, loves kids, he just loves life in general.

    It takes time - your excepting to much from him. Just keep doing what your doing and just like me the time will come where you will look back and you'll think about how he was a completely different dog. And you will be proud to see how much he improved.

    You seem like a great first time furkid owner. Especially since your first dog being a rescue! Wow kudos to you! Thats a lot on a first time owner! Good luck with him!


    I guess she deleted it? or trolls got to her question. I have no clue. But I am glad you put up this question! so I could put my answer out :)

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