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Lv 7

A question about original sin?

Exactly what was the original sin?

Is this related to the concept of the fall of man?

Do you believe one, both, or neither happened?

Thanks for answering.

Can we all play nice, I would like to hear all understandings!

Many Blessings!


I don't give thumbs down!

Update 2:


25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    - Transgression -

    And there came a stillness.

    And within this stillness a resonance called out:

    Oh 'Adam....Oh 'Adam, why hast thou forgotten Thee?


    Source(s): a small brother....
  • 1 decade ago

    Sin: It has been part of your human spiritual condition. As you open this up, you will realize that there was never a reason to feel guilty, that there was no such thing as sin.

    There is ONLY experience.

    Original sin is said to result from the Fall of Man, when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit of a particular tree in the Garden of Eden. This first sin ("the original sin"), an action of the first human beings, is traditionally understood to be the cause of "original sin", the fallen state from which human beings can be saved only by God's grace.

    I guess you could call it Greed as that is the backbone to all sins if that's what you want to call it

    I have to laugh because it is a religious belief not to fall to sins, and if one of them is greed why does the Pope have so much Gold, Treasures, Jewels and so on, in the Vatican while people are starving and homeless that is GREED to me a bit of a contradiction don't you think ?

    The Pope is creating the biggest Sin of all LOL

    Love & Blessings


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would call it the day we learned to think for ourselves. As we all know though, everything is coded and why it seems so ridiculous. These ancient stories are steeped in symbolism that we are just beginning to understand once again. I don't believe in sin personally. It simply means one has made a mistake. People learn from making mistakes. I don't see why that should be punishable. The fall of man is another story all together. A fall in frequencies. Remember? :)

    Some really great answers here, sweetie! Wow!!! I would love to see this happen every time.

  • 1 decade ago

    I decided I will attempt to answer all of your questions. So please be patient since it might take some time to do so.

    I personally do not believe in the concept of original sin. Although I do believe that we will have some genetic signatures that will affect the way we will do things. I do not believe in sin as defined as a morally wrong action based on a specific religious teaching. Although I do believe in cause and effect. An original sin would imply we are born weak and evil before we get the chance to prove ourselves.

    Just my opinion. Thank you for your question.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The story of Adam and eve is a symbolic story to tell the fall of the man from innocence .The garden of eden is the paradise the man lived when he was in innocence in total bliss.The apple is the symbolic for the knowledge.God had forbidden to eat the fruit so that the bliss is not lost.But the temptation for knowledge is so much symbolized by the snake seduces Adam and eve to eat the apple.And he is thrown out of the paradise and is lost in the world and is searching his origin since then.He loses himself and forgets the God his original being.This is the first part .

    The second part is that you have to gain the innocence back and the arrival of Jesus who says only children can enter the kingdom of God .And shows the Adams reverse Journey back to innocence that is the meaning of Christ or the origin.

  • 1 decade ago

    Our original sin is in us believing that there was an 'original sin' and that thousands of generations of people would be punished for the actions of the so-called first male and female created in God's image.

    All babies are born without sin (free will and a clean slate). At an early age we have sin taught us or forced on us or we learn it on our own. As we grow up we supposedly learn the difference between moral rights and wrongs. And we chose, based on our environment and both external and internal influences, how we live our lives.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hello. I believe that original sin was when Eve disobeyed God by eating the Golden Apple. Also, unrelated topic, the very first answer seemed a bit harsh to me. It was supposed to be related to an eternal "sin" that mankind is guilty of. However, when Jesus sacrificed himself, that supposedly allowed us to be forgiven for our Original Sin. I am open to the possibility that one, the other, both, or neither occurred. I really don't know. Thank you and Good bye.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The story of Adam & Eve and The Fall of Man as authored by the Christian bible is so ambiguous in nature that there can be just about any interpretation of it. I’ve even heard it suggested that the snake character was the good guy in the whole fiasco. The thing is just poorly put together as far as I’m concerned and in need revision. I think we should get Terry Gilliam in here to make a movie out of it ala “the passion”

    When I was a kid my grandmother explained to me that we are all born with original sin and the only way to be saved from this sin, which carries mandatory hell time, is to be baptized. This was probably the only story she told me that I did not trust. For one thing she chose to skim over eve’s whole involvement in the whole thing (big women’s rights thing going on at the time) . This left me as a child growing up with an image of bearded Adam standing under a tree munching on an apple with an on looking python while Eve’s at home sweeping out the dirt floor of the dugout (guess what I was reading at about the same time?) Anyway, this was my first taste of pick and choosing Christian tendencies, while also I understood even as a kid that the church was telling us that the only way out of this sin was to be baptized and become a member of the church. Why?

    I think to get to the real meaning of the story you’ve got to go back to its origins in the Torah. I’d be interested in a Rabbi’s take on the thing.

    I think thousands of years ago in the dawn of thinking man under the stars a small tribe of Semitic people were sitting beside the fire getting bored when one of them finally thought to ask where things all got started. There are a lot of creation myths and this is one of them. However, the story endured over time for a reason. There had to have been a bigger lesson in there than just not to listen to talking snakes or something. I think that’s why the story was left so open to interpretation, so it would make people ask questions about it. Questions lead to the truth, but in its present Christian form questions are not allowed and if you try to do so people will damn you to hell with the caps left on. That’s one of the flaws of Christianity, or at least the flaw of its middle managers right now; no questions allowed, ‘this is the word of god, written by god, word for word!’ This defeats the purpose of the story, I think. If we could sit down and ask questions such as, “was the snake really the good guy trying to enlighten mankind?” we’d get closer to the truth of things and I think that’s really the whole damn point of the thing in the first place.

  • C Y
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    In case you think Eve ate apple or orange you are wrong. Genesis described the original sin in symbolic form.

    Adultary, fornication, promiscuity all relates to the original sin. After all these are what cause the family, relationship to break down and encourage jealousy, hatred to fluorish. This in turn leads to social breakdown. Look at the world around you, is full of it.

    Give me any example and I will show you it trace back to that original sin.

    The original sin is also what causes us to born sinful. David said in psalm, we were born in sin, shape in iniquity. Iniquity: you know you shouldn't but you do it. Just can't help it.

    If you really understand or know what I am saying, you will see many things why the world it is today, and why men and women behave the way it is; why God instituted marriage; why God's rules and regulation towards children of Israel is so strict; and why they fail to keep them; and why God Himself has to come in the form of man to save us.

  • 1 decade ago

    One belief is that all souls once were in the constant presence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Because a soul wanted to be "god" we were granted a life on earth and out purpose here on earth is to return to God and Home. So in that view "original sin" could be described os a souls desire to be God.

    However, the term "original sin" is not referred to except in christian befief systems and specifically the Catholic system. It is a great source of spiritual pain to many.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I may have a different take on this than others but here it is.

    Lucifer, the covering angel over God's throne committed the first sin .... pride. I will be like the Most High.

    12b “ You (Satan) were the seal (authority) of perfection,

    Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.

    13 You were in Eden, the garden of God;

    Every precious stone was your covering:

    The sardius, topaz, and diamond,

    Beryl, onyx, and jasper,

    Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold.

    The workmanship of your timbrels (settings) and pipes (mountains)

    Was prepared for you on the day you were created.

    14 “ You were the anointed (special position) cherub who covers;

    I established you;

    You were on the holy mountain of God;

    You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.

    15 You were perfect (integrity whole) in your ways from the day you were created,

    Till iniquity was found in you.

    16 “ By the abundance of your trading

    You became filled with violence within,

    And you sinned;

    Therefore I cast you as a profane thing

    Out of the mountain of God;

    And I destroyed you, O covering cherub,

    From the midst of the fiery stones.

    17 “ Your heart was lifted up (proud) because of your beauty;

    You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor;

    I cast you to the ground,

    I laid you before kings,

    That they might gaze at you.

    The first human sin was perpetrated by Adam and that was the sin of disobedience.

    Grace and peace. God bless.

    Source(s): The New Open Bible Study Edition, NKJV
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