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Lv 6
Bunts asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

I am sick of hearing that Gordon Brown wasn't elected.?

No, he wasn't elected as Prime Minister. The majority party decide their own leader. Labour is the majority party. They decide.

Only if you voted for a Prime Minister - Blair, Thatcher, or anyone else, should you answer.

Result - no answers....because in the UK we have never voted for a PM. Brown is no different to Thatcher in that respect.


Val; Prescott was Deputy because he knew where the bodies were hidden. Why else?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The fact is Brown was never elected leader of the Labour Party itself, he just succeeded Blair like some hereditary unopposed feudal King.

    Perhaps if Labour had conducted a proper leadership contest on Blair's departure then the issue might not be as controversial, but they didn't.

    Furthermore many people would argue that the PM is at the political helm of the party steering the parties direction, so a Labour party under Brown could be very different to the party under Balir which people voted for.

    Consequently we also now have a Blairite and Brownite split within sections of the Labour Party.

    Finally in terms of the electorate it does matter what they think, and deny them a say or an election that they think is neccessary and you will be punished via the ballot box eventually.

  • Scouse
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I do not know how often we have to go over the ground that GB was not elected MT was ultimately in the way the people who think we elect a PM think. Like you I am fed up with the "we did not elect GB" crowd. We will not elect his successor either. The reason is that we do not directly elect a Prime Minister.After an election the Queen usually asks the leader of the largest group to form a government. The Prime Minister is technically her senior adviser

  • I agree with you, we elect a political party with their leader at the time with the understanding that we do not necessarily have to hold a general election if that leader has to stand down for any reason but we will trust the party we have elected to choose a new leader. If we had to have a general election whenever a leader stands down it would be far more damaging to British politics, elections cost money and if for instance a leader died after shortly taking office it would be unworkable. For the record I don't think by the way Gordon Brown is the 'worst PM of all time', and I think his integrity, intelligence and commitment will be quite valued in future histories after a possible two terms of the Tories.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    So you don't want to test you polarity at an election but dying to be a prime minister . Just wait until your party is elected then continually stab the sitting prime minister in the back and plot against him until he shifts then take his place . Not that i mind that they are useless bunch of backstabbing @rsoles in that respect ,but to pretend to be one when you patently have absolutely no talent or abilities whatsoever is criminal in the Extreme.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Very true, John Major wasn't elected either (as it happens), but at least he entered into a general election, won it fair and square (his own constituency Huntingdon) then went on 'elected' for another 4 years. Brown is holding on till the very last finger nail and has no intentions whatsoever in giving up his precious premiership. He is now damaging the country so much, he really does need to go now.

    ALSO, unelected meddling Mandelson and Mrs gormless Glynis unelected Kinnock need to go as well.

  • Val
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Then why didn't the Deputy Prime Minister take Bliars place?

    Was Prescott that bad, if so what was he doing in that position in the first place?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is what happens when you have a bunch of incompetent moronic 'deadbeats' who are down trodden and bullied into accepting a lack lustre political untalented mediocre 'has been' and to that matter 'never will be' foistered on to an innocent British population!

    Brown is just one of those out and out losers that political history throws up from time to time.

    I believe that those Labour Members of Parliament might think that Gordon Brown might fit into their questionable level of political intelligence!

    But will he be acceptable to the British electorate?

    Why don't those Labour Members of Parliament stick to what they do best?What is that?Fiddling the British taxpayer by way of manipulating expenses.

    Is it a big coincidence that all the Members of Parliament under police investigation happen to be Labour Members of Parliament!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, the system says we vote for the party (but most vote for the man they think will rule the country the best), but when an M.P is elected for the con/lab/lib, if that M.P changes parties he still keeps his seat.

    The whole system is just oxymoronic, and benefit the politicians not the voter.

  • 1 decade ago

    No we didn't vote for TB but he was the leader of the party we voted for. Many voters vote for the party who believe the leader will be best for the country.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have a point but I do dislike these coronations nevertheless. Though even had an election been called to sanction Brown's accession, he probably would have won it.

    Quite frankly, I despise each and every one of them at Westminster anyway and would rather microwave my testicles than ever vote again.

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