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Lv 6

If Christians actually followed their faith?

How many are turned off to religion by the hyprocrisy, of those who claim to be Christian? What would the world be like if Christians actually followed their faith and morals? I heard on Christian radio the other day, that 90% of abortions are performed on Christian girls?

How would our society be if Christians didn't have premarital sex, have foul language, watch pornography, be gay, etc... How many people would actually listen to religion, and give it credibility, if only for the bad examples of those who claim to be religious.


So Bummer, are you saying that only Mormons have high moral values?

Update 2:

I think Frankie hit the nail on the head, and I'm not judging anyone. I'm simply saying that the poor examples of those who claim to be Christian are doing a huge disservice to religion.

My main concern is how many would actually give credibility to religion if people would only follow their faith.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yusofa , thank you trying to make it better. All this wringing our hands and saying "the world is so evil, whatever shall we do..." gets us nowhere. True believers need to stand up, open our mouths, and be heard. Those who are in favor of evil will always have a louder mouth, they scream if we threaten their income. Porn in any form is a huge industry.

    I think you are confused, Doubting..., when Jesus came he told us that all the laws of Moses were no longer to be fulfilled. He taught love, sacrifice of ones time and service in place of firstlings of the flock. He won't be gouging out any eyes. I think you are confusing the Holy Wars in the Middle East with Christianity-Christ did not teach that.

    I agree that we will always have temptations and never be perfect. Thanks to repentance and mercy we can renew our beliefs.

    I think the hypocrisy is manifest by those who praise Him loudly to be seen of others and then turn around and cheat, lie, steal, commit adultery and say-"hey I confessed Christ, I'm good."

    That is not living the way you say you believe. That is using Christ and His teachings of forgiveness. It shows a lack of understanding and a lack of conversion. It is just lip service. If you are truly converted you want to live as He taught and feel badly when you mess up. We all mess up but those with integrity don't laugh, feel proud, or even profit from their sinful behavior. It goes beyond "ticking the box" of Christianity, it's the outright hypocrisy of words contradicted by behavior.

  • Frank
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The problem is that the majority of people (at least those in U.K. and U.S.) actually will say that they are Christians when asked. This happens in U.K. every 10 years when the census is taken. People just tick the 'Christian' box because they are not muslim, sikh, hindu etc. This happens when people have to go into hospital. Everyone is asked "What is your religion" and the majority say Christian, very few will say atheist even though they have no religion at all. When figures are published it always seems as if a lot of Christians are involved in 'this', 'that' and 'whatever' and a totally wrong impression is given.

    In addition, especially when you refer to your figure for abotions, a lot of these girls will be either the daughters of Christian parents but have no personal faith of their own or they will have 'just ticked the box' as I said before. A am 100% certain that the number of TRUE Christian girls are not having sex before marriage and are not having abortions. Those who have 'given in' and had sex and become pregnant will rarely have an obortion. They will see that as adding one sin to a previous one and will not wish to make matters worse and most will repent and then ask God to help them in bringing up this child in a Christian home and they will learn from their mistakes - as we all should.

    Christians DO fail God and we do not claim that this does not happen but it is not on the scale that some would have us believe. It is in the interest of some sections of society to make Christians look bad and hypocritical. The devil is at work trying to kill off Christianity and he will use anyone, and any organisation, ready to take up the challenge for him.

    Society generally is against God and will do anything to blacken the name of those who profess to love and serve Him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christians are imperfect people too. The only difference in a Christian and an atheist or any other unbeliever in Christ Jesus, is that we are born again spiritually speaking. Man is a spirit, we have a soul and we live in a body of flesh.

    When anyone accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior, confess that with their mouth and believe that within themselves, the spirit-man, (Romans 10: 9 - 10) they are Immediately baptized with fire by the Holy Spirit and become born again new creations, yes, new creatures in Christ Jesus. But we still have the same body and same mind and as with any newly born we must then begin the process of renewing our mind so as to train our body to walk (live) and talk as a child of God should ( Romans 12: 1 - 2).

    So we Christians are not perfect, its a life long fight to be so. But we must make it our goal to be perfect, because we Christians are the light of the world ( Matt. 5: 14 - 16) and we must repersent the Kingdom of God, that is our reasonable service, the least we can do...

    Source(s): Romans 10: 9 - 10 Romans 12: 1 - 2 Matt. 5: 14- 15- 16
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ask the pastors or your congressmen or senators. We tried to work with thousands of churches to address the laws, like making it illegal to sell booze in strip joints so the men had to go home sober at least. Nothing done. We have tried to have porno sites taxed heavily and had to charge fees with charge or debit cards that show pic and age, no luck. We tried to companies to sell more modest lines endorsed by religious groups, an the only ones that answered were: Muslims, Religious Jews, some Amish groups, Seven Day Adventists, a couple of Baptist groups, the RC Church told us to write the pope, the Greek church didn't reply, the Coptic church sided with the Sunni Muslims, we even asked for a couple of the old airways to be used to teach homebound people, cooking and canning classes, gardening, GED and junior college courses, appliance repair, easy DIY stuff, and even how to raise babies, and no one near the White House would listen.

    See what you can do. ZIt isn't only a Christian problem, but a greed one, LINK TV showed how a Muslim family were making S&M costumes for global market and didn't tell the women what they were making. I'm sorry, anyone that calls themselves righteous or religious wouldn't be in such a business that promotes immorality.

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  • 1 decade ago

    All Christians should belong to the Church established by Christ on the foundation of the Apostles possessing the fullness of the means of salvation which he has willed: Correct and complete confession of faith, full Sacramental life, and ordained ministry in Apostolic succession.

  • 1 decade ago

    I used to go to conservative churches that teach that abstinence crap, and I learned that the leaders of these churches actually crack jokes about 30 and 40 year-old virgins behind their backs. Now I just send my Christian friends to the site below which debunks the whole thing against premarital sex in the Bible. It covers same-sex lifestyles too. I hope it helps you.

  • Wisdom
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    "How would our society be if Christians didn't have premarital sex, have foul language, watch pornography, be gay, etc... "

    You really have a problem, don't you? You like to lump people together don't you?

    "Foul Language" is nothing more than OUR concoction. WE made it.

    Premarital Sex? Don't you realize that the vast majority of people in history have done that?

    Porn? PSH Like you haven't watched some?

    Gay people? What problem do you have with them? Just leave them alone and go about your business. They aren't hurting you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I live as close to the Bible as I can. But remember all that say they are Christians aren't. You can look at a person's life and tell if he's a Christian or not.

    I don't see Christian's taking babies lives. A baby is a gift from God.

  • 1 decade ago

    These ones you are speaking of only cover the first ten commandments. There are six hundred and thirteen commandments that Moses was given. Most are not even aware how many they are suppose to obey!

    I have only heard of one religion, Christian, that is obeying, or even aware of them all.

    Source(s): Bible
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If they REALLY followed their faith, they would be killing unbelievers, stoning rebellious kids, waging war with unbelievers, killing babies and women in wars, pray forGod to send bears to maul children, set te whole earth on fire like what Jesus intends to do, gouge out each others' eyes for lusting.

    I am glad they are NOT REALLY following their faith..

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