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Did George W. Bush give away the republican's strategy for getting votes when he said?

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on."

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Every party depends on subterfuge and deception to get votes.

    Source(s): The Force!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That has been their strategy for a number of years now, lol. I am continually amazed at how gullible some people are...especially rednecks (prevalent in my midwestern environment). All you have to do is mention "guns" to rednecks and they'll follow you like a puppy dog, especially if you can convince them someone (i.e., Democrats or President Obama) will "come after" their guns. They don't even question the accuracy or think about the details---they just close ranks and say as one, "No one is gettin' mah guns", then hit the poptop on their collective beer cans and drink a toast to that sentiment. All other issues pale by comparison, or are nonexistent. I truly hope Americans have LONG memories about Republicans' control of Congress and the Senate---and how they spent like drunken sailors the surplus left to them by Bill Clinton, then kept on spending, removing all regulations from their political cronies (the bankers, Wall Street, corporate executive) until America was once again (under Republican policies) facing financial ruin---same as under Reagan/Bush and Bush/Quayle, with the failed savings and loans, lost manufacturing/industrial jobs base, and assault on our middle-class. Don't let the dumb ones or the rednecks decide our next election, people. Don't let lobbyist-driven propaganda block passage of the measures we need to rein in health care price-gouging or insurance fraud or pharmaceutical greed (pharmaceutical companies have 4.5 lobbyists in Washington for every 1 elected representative, according to Rossi). I sure hope the majority of us are NOT fooled by neocon elephant dung anymore.

    Source(s): "What Every American Should Know About Who's Really Running the World: The People, Corporations, and Organizations that Control Our Future" by Melissa Rossi. "Sex, Lies & Politics: The Naked Truth" by Larry Flynt. "The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy" by ex-conservative insider David Brock.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He gave away all the Republican votes because he was a very dumb person. Republicans, choose your leaders more wisely if you ever want to hold power again. George Bush was so stupid there was a mass exodus from the Republican party. I am one who left and voted Obama. It also didn't help that Cheney was a demented sadist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I voted for that idiot twice, first out of hope, second time out of fear. I was bamboozeled. What we have now is no better. When will we indicte and convict criminals who wish to destroy America?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. And they were fooled.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think he was watching this. Skip to 4min, to skip intro.

  • 1 decade ago

    FL CA VA PA you are good to go.

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